raid-system mount

From: T. Horsnell \(tsh\) <"T.>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:55:14 +0000 (GMT)

Hi all,
I have a SmartArray5300 raid system arranged as an advfs filesystem.
This filesystem fails to mount during the normal reboot process
but will mount satisfactorily when the reboot is complete.
(Other non-raid adfvs filesystems mount OK).

During reboot, the system complains:

exec: /sbin/mount_advfs -F 0x4000 raid0#raid0 /raid0
Error: /dev/disk/dsk127c is an invalid device or cannot be opened
(dsk127 is the raid system)

If I boot up to single-user and do a bcheckrc, the same message appears.

Its as if something happens during the transition to runlevel 3
which then allows the mount to subsequently work.

Here's my /sbin/rc2.d and rc3.d contents. Any ideas what it is that
is enabling the mount at runlevel 3? I really need this filesystem to
be mounted before NFS is turned on.


K00lpd K28.90netman K56netrain
K03lat K30sendmail K56niffd
K04dhcp K35nfs K57quota
K05inetd K36presto K60vfast
K08collect K40nfsmount K70sshd
K09snmpd K43nis Ka0lmbstuff
K10esm K45named S00savecore
K11ldapcd K47rwho S05paging
K12envmon K48route S06mfsmount
K12gshmmod K49gateway S10recpasswd
K12insightd K50syslog S12evm
K12snmpevmd K51uucp S13esm
K15xntpd K52write S15uucp
K16timed K53binlog S19security
K20cron K54.50ip6host S20sia
K28.05osi_applications K55.50random S25enlogin
K28.35mop K55inet S35streams
K28.70dli K55ipsec S45atm

S00.20random S20nfsmount S55inetd
S00.24cdsa S21audit S56dhcp
S00.25ipsec S22prpasswd S57cron
S00.50ip6host S25preserve S58lat
S00cniffd S28.10netman S59lsm
S00fnetrain S28.30dli S60motd
S00inet S28.65mop S63write
S01quota S28.95osi_applications S65lpd
S04uucp S30rmtmpfiles S75acct
S08startlmf S36presto S80crashdc
S09syslog S40sendmail S81ldapcd
S10binlog S45xntpd S90ws
S11route S46timed S94NSRstartstop
S12gateway S49snmpd S95xlogin
S13rwho S50collect S97evm
S14settime S50insightd S98smauth
S15named S50snmpevmd S99admincheck
S16esm S51envmon S99smsd
S18nis S51gshmmod Sa0lmbstuff
S19nfs S53advfsd no_S34sshd
Received on Wed Jan 26 2005 - 12:58:34 NZDT

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