SUMMARY: Lpq command shows one entry, lpc status doesn't

From: Maglinger, Paul <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:33:21 -0600

Sorry for the late summary. Thanks to Mark Sornson for his insight to the
difference between lpc and lpq. It help us to determine the problem was
with an old NetQue print server. We have replaced it with a Lantronix LPS
and it solved our problems.

Maglinger, Paul wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
>>Running Tru64 5.1B PK3. We have one network printer that when I do an lpq
>>-P, it comes back and says that there is one entry but when I do an lpc
>>status it shows there are no entries. I have checked the printer spool
> and
>>it is empty. Does anyone have any ideas why it believes that this printer
>>has an entry waiting with lpq?
> Are you still having the problem?
> What's the /etc/printcap entry for this
> printer look like? Is it set up as remote
> (using rm and rp)? Lpq queries the remote
> host for what it thinks its queue status
> is. Lpc, on the other hand, only looks
> at the local queue. If it is a remote
> printer, perhaps there IS a job in the
> buffer at the printer, or else the printer
> is confused and needs to be reset.
> If it is set up as a local printer via
> tcp/ip, it's a bit more of a mystery.
> When you say you checked the printer
> spool, does that mean that you took
> a full listing of the contents of the
> spool directory for the printer?
> -mark.
Received on Sat Jan 29 2005 - 20:36:54 NZDT

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