HSG80 load balancing

From: Howard Arnold <arnoldh_at_celerent.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 16:18:53 -0500

I'm working on a 5.1b Trucluster that is running with HSG80's. I would like
to load balance across the hba's to the disks on it. I have seen a paper on
the manual steps that are required to do this, but I can't seem to find it
again. This would allow me to fail some of my paths around after a HSG80
controller failure causing all the disk to run on one HSG80.

Does anyone know how to do this or have a white paper on this?

Howard Arnold
Consultant Engineer
Email: arnoldh_at_celerent.com
Phone: (603)685-6060 ext. 206
Received on Tue Feb 08 2005 - 21:29:26 NZDT

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