After a long time, here's the solution for that strange problem.
It turned out to be a bug introduced by patchkit 6 for 5.1A .
HP Services fixed that one (thanks to Eric Werme and colleagues)
as Customer specific patch OSFCSP520-1643-01 . That patch will
be in the next regular patchkit 5 for 5.1B and probably in a future
patchkit 7 for 5.1A.
Original Message:
Hello managers !
I just installed patchkit 6 for 5.1A on a test machine (luckily...)
and found out a really nasty problem:
A simple ls (regardless if /sbin/ls /bin/ls or gnu-ls)
shows fake entries on a virtual mount point of an autofs'd directory.
The number of those entries grow randomly with every ls. The fake
entries consist of names and options from the aliases of (t)csh, or and other system files:
ro dec1:/Import # /bin/ls
--color=tty Spec_A2 Work_1A Work_3 Work_5A Work_8 p
-F Spec_A3 Work_2 Work_3A Work_6 Work_8A ll u
-l Spec_C2 Work_21A Work_4 Work_6A e w
.cshrc Spectra Work_21B Work_4A Work_7 k m
Spec_A1 Work_1 Work_2A Work_5 Work_7A l
Only the Spec_* and Work_* are real, all other files don't exist
there (and cannot be opened => not found). This must be something
in Patchkit 6, since a PK5 installation does not show this weirdness.
It happens with source Sun and Dec mounted directories, the
auto.master entry is:
/Import /imksun/auto_Import -tcp,nosuid,intr,actimeo=1
Does somebody know which patch is responsible for that, and if there's
already a patch for that patch ?
Dr. Udo Grabowski email:
Institut f. Meteorologie und Klimaforschung ASF,Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany Tel: (+49) 7247 82-6026 Fax: " -7026
Received on Mon Feb 28 2005 - 12:58:34 NZDT