Thanks to Ann, who has helped me before.
->----- Original Message -----
->From: "Bugs" <>
->To: "Tru64-UNIX-Managers" <>
->Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 3:01 PM
->Subject: Windows2000_SSO
->> Here are what the installation instructions are for
->> installing "windows single sign on for Tru64:
->> (
->> Enter the following command:
->> # setld -l /mnt/Windows2000_SSO/kit
->> The following information is displayed:
->> The subsets listed below are optional:
->> There may be more optional subsets than can be presented
->> on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose
->> subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen.
->> All of the choices you make will be collected for your
->> confirmation before any subsets are installed.
->> 1) Ref Pages: SSO
->> 2) Single Sign On for Windows 2000
->> Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.
->> Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:6.9 usr:3083.6
->> Enter 1-2 when prompted for a subset installation choice:
->> Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1-2
->> Or you may choose one of the following options:
->> 3) ALL of the above
->> 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
->> 5) EXIT without installing any subsets
->> .
->> .
->> .
->> =====================================================================
->> But here is what actually happends:
->> > mount -r /dev/disk/cdrom0c /cdrom/
->> > setld -l /cdrom/Windows2000_SSO/kit
->> setld: /cdrom/Windows2000_SSO/kit/instctrl: no such file or directory
->> setld: cannot load control information
->> (I have Tru64 5.1B PK3. This is a DS10)
->> (This the the Tru64 UNIX Associated Products Volume 2 CD-ROM.)
->> > ls /cdrom/
->> ARMTech_Active_Resource_Management/ Motif_2.1/
->> Advanced_Server/ NetWorker/
->> Collgui/ Porting_Assistant/
->> DEC_EVENT/ PowerStorm_300_and_350/
->> DOCS/ PowerStorm_4D51T/
->> DUCD/ Program_Analyzers/
->> Extended_System_V/ Secure_Web_Server/
->> GNUSRC/ Sysman_Software_Manager/
->> Does any know what the problem is?
->> Thanks
->> Bugs Brouillard Unix system administrator
->> Humboldt State Univ. Information Technology Services
->> Arcata, Calif.
->> email
And the answer is:
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Ann Majeske wrote:
->>From the V5.1B Security Administration manual:
->C.4.2 Installing and Configuring the SSO Software on the Tru64 UNIX
->The SSO software is an optional subset that is included with the base Tru64
->UNIX operating system software.
->The SSO subset is called OSFSSOW2Knnn, Single Sign On for Windows 2000
->(Network-Server/Communications). The nnn represents the Tru64 UNIX version
->number. See the Release Notes for the current version number.
->Looks like you don't need the kit.
I installed OSFSSOW2K540 earlier today, but I thought I was also suppose
to install Windows2000_SSO.
Thanks Ann.
Bugs Brouillard Unix system administrator
Humboldt State Univ. Information Technology Services
Arcata, Calif.
Received on Wed Mar 09 2005 - 20:37:34 NZDT