Fortran90 Help

From: Padiyath Sreekumaran <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 15:37:59 +0200

   Iam using Fortran90 to compile a program which I have
   received. I get a lot of compilation errors when I compile
   with f90 -c prog.f90 the enclosed subroutine.
   Can any one help please?. Iam enclosing the subroutine.

   Thanks in advance,

Prog.f90 file contents:

MODULE daten

  USE types

  TYPE geometrietyp
     INTEGER :: zonenanzahl
     INTEGER :: XYZzonenanzahl(3)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Xzonengrenze(:)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Yzonengrenze(:)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Zzonengrenze(:)
     TYPE(zonentyp),POINTER :: Zone(:)
  END TYPE geometrietyp

  TYPE zonentyp
     INTEGER :: blockanzahl
     INTEGER :: XYZblockanzahl(3)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Xblockgrenze(:)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Yblockgrenze(:)
     REAL(dp) , ALLOCATABLE :: Zblockgrenze(:)
     TYPE(bloecketyp),POINTER :: BLOCK(:)
  END TYPE zonentyp

  TYPE bloecketyp
     INTEGER :: sektoranzahl
     INTEGER :: sektorflaechenanzahl
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Sektorflaechen(:)
     TYPE(sektorentyp),POINTER :: Sektor(:)
  END TYPE bloecketyp

  TYPE sektorentyp
     INTEGER :: mediennummer
     INTEGER :: grenzflaechenanzahl
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Grenzflaechen(:)
     INTEGER :: positive
     INTEGER :: negative
  END TYPE sektorentyp


  TYPE quadrat_oberflaechentyp
     REAL(dp) :: koeff(10)
  END TYPE quadrat_oberflaechentyp


  TYPE punkttyp
     INTEGER :: zonenanz
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Zonennummer(:)
     TYPE(punktzonentyp),POINTER :: Zn(:)
  END TYPE punkttyp

  TYPE punktzonentyp
     INTEGER :: blockanz
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Blocknummer(:)
     TYPE(punktblocktyp),POINTER :: Bl(:)
  END TYPE punktzonentyp

  TYPE punktblocktyp
     INTEGER :: sektoranz
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Sektornummer(:)
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Mednummer(:)
     INTEGER :: flaechanz_block
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Flaech_block(:)
     INTEGER :: flaechanz_sektor
     INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: Flaech_sektor(:)
  END TYPE punktblocktyp

  TYPE (geometrietyp) :: geom
  TYPE (quadrat_oberflaechentyp), ALLOCATABLE :: Flaechen(:)
  TYPE (punkttyp) :: punkt1
  TYPE (punkttyp) :: punkt2
  TYPE (punktblocktyp) :: punktb

  !REAL(dp),PARAMETER :: epsi_dp = 0.0000000001_dp
  REAL(dp),PARAMETER :: epsi = 0.00001_dp ! für Zeit t
  !REAL(dp),PARAMETER :: epsi_koeff = 0.05_dp ! für Fläche
  REAL(dp),PARAMETER :: epsi_koeff = 0.000001_dp ! für Fläche
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: intvoid1 = 6666
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: intvoid2 = 1000
  INTEGER,PARAMETER :: extvoid = 0

Padiyath Sreekumar | Tel: +41.56.310.3643
Paul Scherrer Institut | email:
AIT | Office: WHGA/U132
WHGA/U132 | Fax: +41.56.310.3649
CH-5232 Villigen PSI |
Switzerland |
Received on Tue Jun 28 2005 - 13:39:15 NZST

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