SUMMARY: Migrate single node cluster from EMA storage to EVA storage without OS reinstall

From: Garsha, Adam <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 09:02:39 -0500

Migrate OS disk for single node cluster from EMA to EVA storage, when
both storage arrays will be visible simultaneously.
0. Present necessary storage from EVA and adjust zones as appropriate
(so box can see EVA) and back everything up.

hwmgr -scan scsi
dsfmgr -v
# if output isn't good, then "dsfmgr -vVF" a couple times.
1. Use addvol/rmvol to update cluster_usr, cluster_var, cluster_root
domains with disk partitions from the EVA.
2. Delete, then Re-add quorum disk (where dskXX is an EVA based disk).
Currently, we have a single node and the
quorum disk isn't counting a vote, so we can do this with the system up
and online without any impact.
clu_quorum -f -d remove
clu_quorum -f -d add dskXX 0
3. Build copy of boot disk onto EVA disk
clu_bdmgr -c dskYY 2 # 2 is a non-existant cluster member
# Mount member2's root domain (now on dskYY) so you can edit member2's
/etc/sysconfigtab and restore the boot partitions:
mount root2_domain#root /mnt
# Restore the boot partition:
vdump -0 -f - /cluster/members/member1/boot_partition | (cd /mnt;
vrestore -x -f -)

# Adjust disk entries and swap disk entry in sysconfigtab

vi /mnt/etc/sysconfigtab # update sysconfigtab with information about
boot disk
        cluster_seqdisk_major=19 # Get correct number from file
        cluster_seqdisk_minor=175 # Get correct number from file

# Restore the h partition CNX information:
/usr/sbin/clu_bdmgr -h dskYY
The h partition information is copied from the cluster member where you
run the clu_bdmgr command to the h partition on dskYY.
# Unmount the new boot domain:
umount root2_domain#root /mnt
# Edit disklabel and change "label: clu_member2" to "label:
disklabel -r -e dskYY
# Adjust /etc/fdmns links:
cd /etc/fdmns
mv root1_domain root1_domain_original
mv root2_domain root1_domain
# Use the consvar -s bootdef_dev disk_name command on member1 to set the
bootdef_dev variable to the new disk.
consvar -s auto_action HALT
consvar -l
consvar -a
# Shutdown
shutdown -h now
4. Adjust SRM's view of the world.
wwidmgr -show wwid # note that the old boot disk OS_Identifier (UDID)
was 20.
wwidmgr -clear all
wwidmgr -quickset -udid YY_UNIQUE_ID
wwidmgr -show wwid
show device
set bootdef_dev dga20,dgb20 (or whatever)
5. Hold onto your hat
6. reset consvar auto_action
consvar -s auto_action BOOT
consvar -a
consvar -l
Received on Thu Jul 07 2005 - 14:07:35 NZST

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