Thanks to Armin, Johan and Dr. Blinn
It is necessary to restart the cron daemon for it to take the new timezone
into account.
A reboot will do it or kill the cron daemon an restart it (usr/sbin/cron).
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Berger, Michel
Sent: mercredi, 20. juillet 2005 14:22
Subject: System date in GMT but crontab in CET ?
Hi managers,
I have recently changed the date of my TRU64 Unix Server (V5.1 A) from CET
to GMT.
Apparently, the jobs in crontab do not start at the (new) system time but
still at the old one.
Ex :
The date is now :
Tue Jul 19 15:00:00 GMT 2005
My crontab job is supposed to start at :
05 17 * * 0 /bin/ksh /ora1/oracle/bin/
but it will still start at 15:05 GMT.
Is it normal or do I have to change another parameter for the crontab ?
Best regards,
Michel Berger
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