I know that this is not strictly a Tru64 operating system
question, but since almost everyone on this list are Tru64
experts, I thought I will try it here first before posting
it in any Perl newsgroup. I sincerely apologize if this is
not acceptable to the list members.
I have perl v5.8.0 and lynx v2.8.5 on a Tru64 5.1b-3 system.
In perl, I have this statement:
_at_Cmd = ($LYNX, "-cfg=$LYNX_CFG", "-dump ./$HTMLfile >| $TXTfile");
$Stat = system(_at_Cmd);
The $Stat returns a value of 0, but Lynx does not produce the
dump file! Entering this command interactively produces the text
file as desired.
What switches can I use to make Lynx honour the system() call?
Any help will be appreciated.
-- mahendra
A. Mahendra Rajah Email: Mahendra.Rajah_at_URegina.CA
Tru64 UNIX Systems Manager Phone: (306) 585-4496
Dept. of Computing Services FAX: (306) 337-2324
University of Regina,
Regina, Sask., S4S 0A2
Received on Wed Oct 05 2005 - 02:39:03 NZDT