SUMMARY: SekChek services

From: Maglinger, Paul <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 13:47:07 -0600

Thanks to Charles Ballowe for his reply on SekChek. Encouraged by his
comments, we went ahead and tested it on our development system and then
ran it on our production servers. It provided a lot of information
automatically that we didn't have to spend time generating our own
reports and printing out reams of paper. All in all it saved us time.


On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:28:40AM -0600, Maglinger, Paul wrote:
> We're performing an internal audit on security. Someone has suggested
> using the services of a company named SekChek ( ). I
> googled the company and came up with a lot of links to their site and
> an auditing firm named Deloitte, but I can't find much as far as
> opinions. I'd feel somewhat better about them if they weren't
> headquarted in South Africa. Comments anyone?
> Electricity is nothing but organized lightning.
> ________________________________
> Paul Maglinger, A+, CA, CCA, CET, MCSE
> Systems Administrator
> Shoe Carnival Inc.
> (812)867-4674
> ________________________________
Received on Mon Nov 14 2005 - 19:50:29 NZDT

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