5.1.b PK4 installation bug/question

From: Örjan Petersson <orjan.petersson_at_logcode.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 12:38:03 +0100

I have found a small bug in the /usr/sbin/dupatch delivered as part of 5.1.b PK4.
The version is
# _at_(#)$RCSfile: dupatch.sh,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 2004/06/07 14:40:21 $

and the problem is the following function:



        HOSTNAME=`/usr/sbin/rcmgr get HOSTNAME`
        [ "$HOSTNAME" ] &&
                HOSTNAME=`Parse . $HOSTNAME | awk '{print $1}'`
                HOSTNAME=`Ucase $HOSTNAME`
                [ -d /usr/sys/$HOSTNAME ] &&
                        cd /usr/sys/$HOSTNAME
                        DUK=`du -sk . | awk '{print $1}'`
        DUK=`expr $DUK \* 2`
        USRRSV=`FitsetReserve $DEF_USRRSV $DUK`

        [ -f /vmunix ] &&
                cd /
                DUK=`du -sk vmunix | awk '{print $1}'`
        ROOTRSV=`FitsetReserve $DEF_ROOTRSV $DUK`

        cd $PWD


Here DUK is first set to "" and it is only if /usr/sys/$HOSTNAME exists that it get
changed to something else. The hostname on the machine I am patching has been changed
and I do not have /usr/sys/$HOSTNAME, only /usr/sys/$THE_OLD_HOSTNAME, so the result
is that the statement
DUK=`expr $DUK \* 2`
fails with a syntax error.

I can fix this problem in various ways, e.g. rename /usr/sys/$THE_OLD_HOSTNAME to
/usr/sys/$HOSTNAME or simply set DUK to something sensible in the script, but I
would like to know if there is any "correct" way of doing this (or if there are
any gotchas).

Best regards, 
Örjan Petersson, Logcode SARL, currently with Ericsson Algeria 
24, rue de la Charličre, FR-42270 St-Priest-en-Jarez, France
Phone: +33-, Mobile: +33-
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Received on Sat Nov 19 2005 - 11:40:49 NZDT

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