Further thanks to Orjan Petersson, Oisin McGuinness and Joe Fletcher.
/usr/var/spool/mqueue suddenly increasing in size could have
indicated a spam relay in action, but the mail log show the following
error repeatedly occurring:
Mar 6 11:50:00 yoda sendmail[11087]: k26Bo050000011087: from=root,
size=53, cla
ss=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<200603061150.k26Bo050000011087_at_yoda.vir.gla.ac.uk>, relay
Mar 6 11:50:00 yoda sendmail[2718]: k26Bo0R0000002718: SYSERR(root):
Cannot bin
d to map mail.aliases in domain mrc: no such map in server's domain:
No such fil
e or directory
which is caused by an error in the NIS config.
Thanks again for all replies.
Received on Tue Mar 07 2006 - 09:39:17 NZDT