File transfers between two tru64 machines (5.1A PK6, one has 100 mbit,
full-duplex, the other has 1000mbit full-duplex) are taking a veeeery,
veeeeeeery long time.
Result of netstat -is:
root_at_sif <mailto:root_at_sif> ==> netstat -is
tu0 Ethernet counters at Mon Apr 17 22:37:30 2006
4274016 seconds since last zeroed
748805622949 bytes received
12679262265242 bytes sent
4753136228 data blocks received
8654165302 data blocks sent
6576178548 multicast bytes received
67368050 multicast blocks received
71848585 multicast bytes sent
684164 multicast blocks sent
0 blocks sent, initially deferred
0 blocks sent, single collision
0 blocks sent, multiple collisions
4 send failures, reasons include:
4 user buffer unavailable
281 receive failures, reasons include:
The number of receive failures slowly climbs during large transfers but
unfortunately the output doesn't display anything past 'reasons
include'. Any idea on how to get more information about why the receive
failures is increasing?
Received on Tue Apr 18 2006 - 02:44:17 NZST