Contents of docs/ssi/index.ssi

<title>Extended Server Side Include Demos</title>

<BODY background="/images/blue_pap.gif" text="#000000">
<h1>Extended Server Side Include (SSI) Demos</h1>

Extended SSI is a NetWare Web Server feature that enables the server to 
"process" HTML documents before sending them to the browser.  The SSI engine 
specially-formatted HTML comments to <b>dynamically</b> change the content of 
an HTML document.<p>

For example, you can


<li>Insert the <a href="date.ssi">current date</a> in a document
<li><a href="include.ssi">Include another file</a> in a document
<li>Include <a href="filestat.ssi">up-to-date file statistics</a> in a document
<li>Implement a <a href="counter.ssi">"page-hit" counter</a>
<li>Implement a <a href="form.ssi">registration form</a>
all by embedding SSI commands within your HTML documents, and without any 

<! Standard trailer.  Note use of Extended SSI variable substitution to 
insert document name in hyperlink below. >
<! Hyperlink points to a BASIC script that displays raw HTML rather than 
translated HTML. >
<a href="/scripts/convert.bas?docs<!--#echo var="DOCUMENT_URI"-->">
<it>See how this page is written.</it></a>
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