Contents of scripts/date.bas

10 rem BASIC Script to print today's date.
15 rem Copyright (c) 1995 Novell, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
20 print "Content-type: text/html" : print
30 print "<HTML><head><title>BASIC Date Demo</title></head>"
40 print "<body>"
50 print "Today is "; date$; "."
100 rem Standard trailer.  Note variable used to insert script name in hyperlink below.
110 rem Hyperlink points to a BASIC script that displays raw HTML rather than translated HTML.
120 print "<hr>"
130 print "<a href="; chr$(34); "/scripts/convert.bas?"; mid$(script_name$,2); chr$(34);" ><it>";
140 print "See how this script is written.</it></a>"
150 print "<p>"
160 print "Copyright &#169; 1995 Novell, Inc.  All Rights Reserved."
170 print "</body></HTML>"
200 end