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Digital AlphaStation 200 - SATURN - zxnet


DEC Systems

Alpha Systems
Digital Equipment Corporation logo

saturn - AlphaStation 200

System Information
Manufacturer: Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
Model: AlphaStation 200
Hostname: saturn Address:
CPU: DECchip 21064 (Alpha EV4) @ 166MHz RAM: 72MB
System Software: None yet
Software: None yet
Services: None yet

I purchased this machine from someone in Auckland along with another AlphaStation 200 (Jupiter) and an AlphaServer 800 (Mars). It has the following installed:

This machine arrived in good condition but was missing its key (the case was not locked). This is the less-configured of the two AlphaStation 200s (less RAM, smaller hard disk, slower CD-ROM drive). Unlike the other, its reset button is actually a reset button. Its speaker is connected to the soundcard which means external speakers are not required. There are no volume control buttons so this must be done from software.

For a time this machine was part of a two node OpenVMS cluster with the other AlphaStation 200 but as of 2023 it no longer powers on. If I can get its PSU going again, it will probably end up running an older version of Digital UNIX.

Below is the configuration of the machine as it currently is.

>>>show config

SRM Console:    V7.0-9
ARC Console:    4.58
PALcode:        VMS PALcode V5.56-2, OSF PALcode X1.46-2
Serial Rom:      1.3
Diag Rom:       V1.2

DECchip (tm) 21064-3    166Mhz 512KB Cache

     72 Meg of System Memory
     Bank 0 = 64 Mbytes(32 MB Per Simm) Starting at 0x0
     Bank 1 = 8 Mbytes(4 MB Per Simm) Starting at 0x4000000
     Bank 2 = No Memory Detected

     Bus 00  Slot 06: NCR     810 Scsi Controller
                                   pka0.          SCSI Bus ID 7
                                   dka0.           RZ28M
                                   dka400.         RRD43

     Bus 00  Slot 07: Intel SIO 82378

     Bus 00  Slot 11: DECchip 21040 Network Controller
                                   ewa0.         08-00-2B-E4-4E-20

     Bus 00  Slot 12: Digital ZLXp Graphics Controller

Slot    Device  Name            Type         Enabled  BaseAddr  IRQ     DMA
        0       MOUSE           Embedded        Yes     60      12
        1       KBD             Embedded        Yes     60      1
        2       COM1            Embedded        Yes     3f8     4
        3       COM2            Embedded        Yes     2f8     3
        4       LPT1            Embedded        Yes     3bc     7
        5       FLOPPY          Embedded        Yes     3f0     6       2


Plenty of poor quality images of this machine are available at its section of the image gallery:
[Saturn Gallery]