
System Information

Manufacturer: Sun Microsystems
Model: Ultra 1 Creator (200E)
Hostname: ultra1c Address:
CPU: TI UltraSPARC I @ 200MHz RAM: 512MB
System Software: Sun Solaris 9
Software: Just a clean install of Solaris 9


ultra1c is, as its name may imply, a Creator Edition Sun Ultra 1. It is used as the Solaris 9 machine - it is setup with a type 5 keyboard & mouse as well as a 19" Sun CRT display that could do with some calibration (blue seems to be shifted a little to the left).

The machine came from auckland via trademe in April 2008 and has been setup ever since. Solaris 9 is a little slow on it and it doesn't have much in the way of softare on it so it doesn't tend to get alot of use.

At some point I installed a SunVideo controller in it but never got around to setting it up or trying it out. I seem to remember replacing its 2GB drive with something a little larger (4GB? 9GB?) because 2GB wasn't really enough for Solaris 9.

On the 29th of July 2011 the old Ultra 1 I got from the hospital donated its UPA graphics card as it wasn't really making any use of it and was a lower end machine (half the ram and a slower CPU).


Because it is pinned under a fairly heavy display there are no pictures of it yet. Next time I need to move it for what ever non-photographic reason I will take photos too. It looks mostly the same as the Plain Ultra 1 though. That machine has images.

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David Goodwin
Last Modified: 19:30:31 Saturday 30 July 2011
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