DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Digital UNIX[R] Operating System, Version 4.0A SPD 41.61.14 DESCRIPTION The Digital UNIX Operating System is a 64-bit advanced kernel archi- tecture based on Carnegie-Mellon University's Mach V2.5 kernel design with components from Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 4.3 and 4.4, UNIX[R] System V, and other sources. Digital UNIX is Digital Equip- ment Corporation's implementation of the Open Software Foundation[TM] (OSF[R]) OSF/1 R1.0, R1.1, and R1.2 technology, and the Motif[R] graph- ical user interface and programming environment. Under the X/Open UNIX branding program, Digital has received the UNIX 95 brand for the Digital UNIX operating system, and is licensed to use the UNIX trademark in conjunction with the Digital UNIX product. Digital UNIX provides symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), realtime sup- port, and numerous features to assist application programmers in de- veloping applications that use shared libraries, multithread support, and memory mapped files. The full features of the X Window System[TM], Version 11, Release 6 (X11R6) from the X Consortium Inc. are fully sup- ported. Selected features of Release 6.1 (X11R6.1) are also supported. Digital UNIX complies with numerous other standards and industry spec- ifications, including X/Open[TM]'s XPG4 and XTI, POSIX[R], FIPS, and System V Interface Definition (SVID). By providing support for the SVID, Digital UNIX supports System V applications. To ensure a high level of compatibility with Digital's ULTRIX Operating System, the Digital UNIX Operating System is compatible with Berkeley 4.3 and System V pro- gramming interfaces. Digital UNIX conforms with the OSF Application September 1996 Environment Specification (AES) that specifies an interface for de- veloping portable applications that will run on a variety of hardware platforms. STANDARDS XPG4 UNIX Digital UNIX conforms to XPG4 UNIX, also known as the Single UNIX Spec- ification, previously known as Spec1170. XPG4 UNIX covers the follow- ing specifications of the X/Open Common Application Environment (CAE): System Interface Definitions, Issue 4, Version 2; System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 4, Version 2; Commands and Utilities, Issue 4, Ver- sion 2; Networking Services, Issue 4; and X/Open Curses, Issue 4. Digital UNIX has been branded with the XPG4 UNIX Profile brand, also known as the UNIX 95 Brand. UNIX 95 includes the following component brands: XPG4 Internationalized System Calls and Libraries Extended, XPG4 Commands and Utilities V2, XPG4 C Language, XPG4 Sockets, XPG4 Transport Interfaces (XTI), and XPG4 Internationalized Terminal In- terfaces (XCurses). The UNIX 95 Conformance Statement Questionnaire for Digital UNIX is provided in Digital document order number AA-QAKPB- TE. XPG4 Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Digital UNIX conforms to the XPG4 Common Desktop Environment which cov- ers the following specifications of the X/Open CAE; Window Management (X11R5): Xlib - C Language Binding, Window Management (X11R5): X Toolkit Intrinsics, Window Management (X11R5): X Window System File Formats and Application Conventions, Interclient Communications Conventions Manual (ICCCM), and X Logical Font Description (XFLD), X/Open Motif Toolkit API, Calendaring and Scheduling API, X/Open Common Desktop En- vironment - Definitions and Infrastructure, and the X/Open Common Desk- top Environment - Services and Applications. Although the XPG4 Com- mon Desktop Environment specifies only X11R5 components, Digital UNIX has fully implemented X11R6, while maintaining compliance with the XPG4 CDE Standard. 2 Digital UNIX has been branded with the XPG4 CDE Profile which includes the following component brands: XPG4 X Window System Application In- terface V2, and XPG4 X Window System Display Component. The CDE Conformance Statement Questionnaire for Digital UNIX is pro- vided in Digital document order number AA-QAKPB-TE. Motif Digital UNIX provides the OSF/Motif Application Environment. This en- vironment is based on CDE 1.0 (OSF/Motif R1.2.5). This environment con- forms to the IEEE POSIX 1295. POSIX.1 and FIPS151-2 Digital UNIX conforms to the IEEE Std 1003.1- 1990, POSIX Part 1 - System Application Program Interface (API) [C Lan- guage], also referred internationally as ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990, and to the Federal Information Processing Standard, FIPS151-2. Digital UNIX has been certified with the National Institute of Standards and Tech- nology (NIST). A POSIX.1 conformance document is provided in Digital document order Number AA-PS35D-TE. IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 Digital UNIX conforms to the IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (formally known as IEEE P1003.4), Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) and Amendment 1: realtime Extension [C Language]. A POSIX.1b conformance document is provided in Digital document order Number AA-PS35D-TE. IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995 Digital UNIX conforms to the IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995, "IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API)-Amendment 2: Threads Extension [C Language]". A POSIX.1c conformance document is provided in Digital document order Number AA-QWY2A-TE. IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 3 Digital UNIX conforms to the IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 - Shell and Util- ities and providing the following Implementation options: [POSIX2_C_ BIND], [POSIX2_C_DEV], [POSIX2_CHAR_TERM], [POSIX2_LOCALEDEF], [POSIX2_ SW_DEV], and POSIX2_UPE]. A POSIX.2 conformance document is provided in Digital document order Number AA-QWQQA-TE. SVID Digital UNIX conforms to the base operating system Section of the Sys- tem V Interface Definition Issue 2 (SVID2), and to the base operat- ing system and kernel Extension Sections of the SVID Issue 3 (SVID3). It has been validated using the System V verification Suites version 3 (SVVS3) and version 4 (SVVS4) respectively. Digital UNIX provides more than 400 commands and interfaces that comply with SVID3/SVR4. System V Compatibility Digital UNIX enhances System V compatibility by means of a habitat mech- anism. In those few cases where a given command or interface may be- have differently under OSF/1, SVID 2, or SVID 3, the habitat mecha- nism permits the user to specify which behavior is preferred. System V Release 3.2 (SVR3) SVID, Issue 2: Digital UNIX has been tested using the System V Verification Suite 3 (SVVS3) and conforms to the Base System as specified in Issue 2. A license to use Digital UNIX binaries includes the right to use the included System V Release 3.2 derivatives. Additional commonly used SVID 2 base commands have been added by the SVID 2 habitat. System V Release 4.0 (SVR4) SVID, Issue 3: Digital UNIX has been tested using the System V Verification Suite 4 (SVVS4) and conforms to the Base System as specified in Issue 3. 4 A significant number of commands and interfaces compatible with SVID3 have been added to Digital UNIX. The Digital UNIX shared library scheme is patterned on and compati- ble with the SVR4 shared library scheme. The SVR4 /proc file system that provides the capability of accessing processes using file semantics is implemented in Digital UNIX. SVR4 style terminal devices are supported in Digital UNIX. This al- lows for increased number of terminal connections. Support for BSD tty name will be retired (removed from the Digital UNIX distribution) in a future release, no sooner than June, 1996. Digital UNIX includes STREAMS compatible with System V Release 4.0. Like sockets, STREAMS provides a framework for character I/O between user space and kernel networking protocols. Additional features defined as part of the SVID 3 standard are included in Digital UNIX, such as RPC (SVID 3) and sockets. Realtime Digital UNIX provides a realtime user and programming environment shipped as an optional realtime subset. The Digital UNIX realtime programming environment conforms to the POSIX 1003.1b-1993 standard for realtime which allows portable realtime applications to be developed and to run in a POSIX environment. In addition to providing a fully preemptive kernel (optionally enabled), the Digital UNIX realtime programming environment supports the fol- lowing POSIX 1003.1b features: o Realtime clocks and timers o Realtime queued signals o Fixed-priority scheduling policies o Realtime scheduler priorities o Counting semaphores 5 o Shared memory o Process memory locking o Asynchronous I/O o Synchronized I/O o Process communications facilities o Message passing interfaces o Thread safe implementation of realtime libraries Obsolete functionality from earlier drafts of the 1003.4 specifica- tion has been retired. The compile-time constant (POSIX_4D11) previ- ously provided to preserve compatibility with earlier drafts, has also been retired. Threads Digital UNIX provides software developers the ability to write mul- tithreaded programs using DECthreads. DECthreads provides a pthreads interface that complies with the POSIX 1003.1c semantics and DCE se- mantics. Shared Libraries Digital UNIX provides a full complement of dynamic shared libraries, based on System V semantics, which increase system performance, re- duce minimum hardware requirements, and ease system management. Dig- ital UNIX provides the following shared libraries: ___________________________________________________________________ Library_____Description____________________________________________ libDXm Digital Motif Extensions library libMrm Motif Resource Manager library libots Digital Compiled Code Support library libX11 Xlib library 6 ___________________________________________________________________ libXaw X Athena Widgets run-time library libXext X Client-side Extension library libXie X Imaging extension client side run-time library libXm Motif Widgets library libXmu X Miscellaneous utilities run-time library libXt X Intrinsics library libXTrap Client side run-time library for Xtrap libXv X Video extension client side run-time library libaud C2 security auditing library libbkr Motif help system library libc C library libc_r Threads version of libc libcdrom Rock Ridge extensions to CDFS library libcmalib DECthreads library - CMA interface libcurses Curses screen control library libdnet_ DECnet library stub libdps Adobe[R] Display PostScript[TM] client-side run-time libraries libdpstk Adobe Display PostScript toolkit libesnmp Extensible SNMP library libiconv Development environment routines libm Digital Portable Math library libmach Mach library libmxr Library used by mxr, the ULTRIX binary interpreter for OSF/1 libpsres Adobe Display PostScript resources utilities libpthreads DECthreads library POSIX 1003.1c threaded interface librt Realtime library (POSIX 1003.1b interface) 7 ___________________________________________________________________ libsecurity C2 security library libsys5 System V Compatibility library libdxterm DECterm widget library libtli TLI library libxti XTI library libICE Inter-Client Exchange protocol library libSM Session Management protocol library libUil Callable UIL compiler libXIE X Imaging extension V5 client side run-time library libXi X input extension libXtst_____X_test_extension_______________________________________ Digital UNIX also provides static versions of these libraries. INSTALLATION Systems with graphic adapters and a minimum of 32MB of memory are pre- sented a MOTIF compliant graphical interface for installation. Other system configurations are presented with a simple text based inter- face. Digital UNIX is customer installable. Installation Services are avail- able for those customers who would like an experienced Digital Soft- ware Specialist to install the software. Update Installation An update installation procedure will update the operating system from Digital UNIX Version 3.2G and V4.0 to Digital UNIX Version 4.0A. This procedure preserves appropriate system files and the existing user cus- tomized files. Full Installation 8 A full installation procedure will install Digital UNIX onto the sys- tem. Full installations may repartition the system drives removing all existing information. Two options are available with a full instal- lation: o The default installation process configures the disk with the de- fault UFS file system, and loads the mandatory Digital UNIX soft- ware subsets. o The custom installation provides the ability to customize file sys- tem layout and select optional software for installation. Manda- tory and dependent subsets are automatically loaded. License Management Facility (LMF) Digital's License Management Facility (LMF) provides on-line check- ing of software licenses and enables easier software management. LMF incorporates support for two types of licenses, availability and ac- tivity. LMF is limited to single node capability. USER INTERFACES Internet Interface Digital UNIX includes the Netscape Navigator[R] Internet Client World- Wide-Web browser. The software license for this bundled version of the Netscape Navigator Internet client is included with the Digital UNIX base license. Users of earlier versions of Digital UNIX are licensed to use the Netscape Navigator Internet client when they update to V4.0 or V4.0A with an update license or with update services. The Netscape Navigator Internet client includes support for Latin and Japanese fonts. User Environment The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is the default user interface for Digital UNIX. CDE 1.0 includes Motif and is dependent on the under- lying X Consortium X Window System, Version 11, Release 6 (X11R6) as described in this document. 9 The Common Desktop Environment functionality replaces the DECWindows Motif Environment as the default user interface. The DECWindows Mo- tif environment, as described in this document, is available as an op- tional interface accessible through the CDE login manager. The DECwin- dows Motif applications also continue to be available. The Digital UNIX user interface environment consists of the follow- ing: o CDE V1.0 o Motif programming libraries and headers o X11R6 application programming libraries and headers o Base set of workstation fonts o X Server Common Desktop Environment The Common Desktop Environment (CDE 1.0), jointly developed by the CDE 1.0 developers, provides a common user interface that is now avail- able across multiple vendor platforms. CDE includes a range of inte- grated desktop services including the following: o The front panel, for controlling access to work spaces, applica- tions, devices, and frequently used objects, tools and functions. o Session managment (including Login Manager, Session Manager, and security features such as session start-up, login password, & screen lock and screen savers) o Window management via the Window Manager and Workspace Manager o File Manager for managing objects, files and directories o Procedural and object-oriented application integration (including drag-and-drop and data interchange capabilitites) o On-line information which includes context-sensitive application help with hyperlink and hypergraphics with access to man pages 10 o Productivity and collaborative tools including a text editor, icon editor, multimedia-enabled mailer, group calendar, application builder, and terminal emulator o Data interchange support for multiple formats (including compound formats) o Environment customization with the style manager and tools to in- tegrate applications into the desktop. o Visuals (such as icons, color palettes, and backdrops) o Network services which includes message server and policy and ex- ecution and management. CDE 1.0 contains the following components and libraries: o Components: dtsession and dtscreeen, dtlogin, dtfile, dticon, dt- printinfo, dtstyle, dtappintegrate, dtcreate, dtwm, dthelpgen/view /print, Dtksh, dtpad, dtaction/dtexec/dtspcd, dtappgather/dtsearchpath, dttypes/actions & filetypes, dtcalc, dtlp, dtcm + utilities, dt- mail/dtmime, dtterm o Development Environment: dtappbuilder o Libraries: libtt o Utilities: libXm, libDtHelp, libDtWidget, libDtSvc CDE is supported on a minimum configuration of 32MB of memory. CDE, as described above, is comprised of the March 14, 1995 CDE 1.0 Sample Implementation. Digital UNIX provide enhancements to CDE which include support for the ImageViewer, and Multimedia Services. Mail User Agents The graphical mail user agent supplied with the Common Desktop Envi- ronment, dtmail, provides Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). 11 Digital UNIX also supplies mail and mailx for character cell systems. The mailx/Mail system is compatible with SVID 2, XPG4, and the Berke- ley Enhanced mailer (/usr/bin/ucbmail). For compatibility with previous Digital UNIX releases, the MH 6.7.1 user agent and the dxmail graphical user agent to MH are provided. The MH mail agent was developed by the RAND Corporation, as an interface to the mail system. Motif Digital UNIX includes the CDE/Motif V1.0 graphical user interface as previously described. The Motif programming environment provides an extensive set of Win- dow System libraries and tools for use by developers of new applica- tions. Provided in both shareable and static versions, these libraries include: o Motif Toolkit (Xm) o Motif Resource Manager (Mrm) o Digital extensions to the OSF/Motif Toolkit (DXm) o User Interface Language (UIL) o User Interface Language Compiler (UIL) o Widget Meta-Language Compiler (wml) and description files o X Toolkit Intrinsics Library (Xt) o X Library (Xlib) In addition, Digital UNIX provides the OSF/Motif and X11 programming examples, which are intended as illustrations of various Motif and X11 programming techniques. Note that many of the examples are not fully implemented by the Open Software Foundation but do provide valuable programming information. A README file is included with each example and outlines the features and limitations of the particular applica- tion. 12 X Window System X11R6 The X Window System, Version 11, Release 6 (X11R6) is fully supported in Digital UNIX. The following are new X Consortium standards in Release 6. Digital UNIX provides support for all of these: o X Image Extensions (V5) - This is a complete implementation of full XIE 5.0 protocol, except for the following techniques that are ex- cluded from the SI: ColorAlloc: Match, Requantize Convolve: Repli- cate Decode: JPEG lossless Encode: JPEG lossless Geometry:AntialiasByArea, AntialiasByLowpass. o Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual Update: - Digital UNIX supports version 2.0 of the ICCCM. o Inter-Client Exchange Protocol and Library o X Session Management Protocol and Library o Input Method Protocol o X Logical Font Descriptions (update) o SYNC extension o XTEST extension o BIG-REQUESTS extension o XC-MISC extension X11R6.1 In addition, Digital UNIX supports selected Release 6.1 (X11R6.1) fea- tures, including the X Keyboard extension (XKB) (version 0.65) and the double buffering extension (DBE). Adobe Display Postscript System In addition, Digital UNIX supports the Adobe Display PostScript Sys- tem X server extension and client library. 13 o Display PostScript X server extension o Display PostScript client library The license to use the Adobe Display PostScript X server extension and client library is included with Digital UNIX. The Licensee agrees to only execute Display PostScript on those Dig- ital computer systems listed in Tables 1 and 2 in this Software Prod- uct Description (SPD), and that in any event licensee agrees not to make use of the Display PostScript software, directly or indirectly, to print bitmap images with print resolutions greater than 150 dots /per/inch (DPI), or to generate fonts or typefaces for use other than with the Digital computer systems identified in this SPD. However, the foregoing limitation shall not be deemed to prohibit the printing of images of greater than 150 DPI resolution when such images are used solely for incidental or illustrative purposes. DECwindows Motif user environment The DECwindows Motif user environment is optionally available. This environment was the default Motif based environment in previous Dig- ital UNIX releases. This environment can be accessed though the CDE login manager or can be configured to be the default environment. This environment consists of: Login manager: The XDM login manager can optionally be config- ured to manage logins on the X server. Session man- The session manager provides for application ager: launching and customization of the X session. Terminal emula- XTerm and DXTerm provide users with traditional tion: character cell interfaces. Additional Calculator, Calendar, Cardfiler, Clock, Mail. applications: 14 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT System Management (SysMan) consists of a suite of graphical config- uration and administrative applications for managing Digital UNIX sys- tems. SysMan applications are launchable from the Application Manager icon on the CDE front panel, or may be executed from a command line interface. SysMan is organized into the following components: Config- uration, Daily Administrative, Monitoring and Tuning, Storage Manage- ment, and Tools. Configuration BIND Configuration - An application to configure the system as a BIND client or BIND server. BIND configuration is used to initialize and maintain the BIND data files on the master nameservers, the BIND boot files, and the BIND resolver configuration files. Disk Configuration - An application to display the disks attached to the system, display disk attributes including the partition informa- tion, repartition the disk, and define a disk alias. Latsetup - An application to administer Local Area Transport (LAT). Mail Configuration - An application to set up the routing and deliv- ery of mail for the system. It configures Sendmail, and simplifies the configuration of the system as a Mail client or Mail server. Network Configuration - An application to configure network interfaces, routed or gated routing daemons, configure the system as an IP router, configure rwhod, and configure static routing. NFS Configuration - An application to configure the system as an NFS client and/or an NFS server, start and stop the NFS daemons, config- ure automounter, mount and unmount, and export NFS file systems. NIS Configuration - An application to configure and execute Network Information Service on the system. Printer Configuration - An application to define and modify printer configurations for local and remote printers that are accessible to the system. 15 Daily Administration Account Manager - An application to manage user and group accounts. The account manager will operate under either base or enhanced secu- rity. This application is used to create and modify user accounts, cre- ate and modify group accounts, lock and unlock accounts, and change passwords for users. It manages both local and NIS accounts. Archiver - An application to manage archiving on the system. Support- ing tar, cpio and pax format, this application stores and retrieves selected files from/to a locally attached output device including a tape drive or floppy disk drive. Audit Manager - An application to set up the audit environment on the system. DHCP server configuration - An application to configure and monitor the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol on servers and clients. Display Window - A generic application that provides an interface for executing and displaying the output of any UNIX command at user de- fined intervals. File Sharing - An application to mount filesystems accessible via NFS, and exports local files systems. Host Manager - An application to display and manage user specified re- mote hosts. License Manager - An application to manage software product licenses. Software Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) can be listed, added and deleted with this application. Power Manager - An application to manage the power reduction features of a system monitor, disks and CPU. This application is only avail- able to Energy Star systems. Shutdown - An application to facilitate the shutdown process of a sys- tem. This application provides an interface to determine the amount of time prior to system shutdown, the display of messages, and the ex- ecution of user shutdown scripts. 16 System Information - An application to display and monitor informa- tion about the system, including the operating system and version, the amount of RAM on the system, the number of CPUs, CPU activity, avail- able free memory, available swap space, file system utilization and locally attached disk and tape drive device names. Monitoring and Tuning Kernel Tuner - An application to display and change parameters of the kernel subsystem. Process Tuner - An application to display, monitor and manage the pro- cesses on the system. A number of sort and filter options are provided to manage the process information displayed. Performance Manager - A real-time performance manager that provides tools for detection and correction of performance problems. A Graph- ical User Interface running locally can display data from every node in the Digital UNIX network that runs the Performance Manager daemon, SNMP daemon, or cluster daemon. Storage Management Bootable Tape - An application to create and recover a disk image from a system. Supported processor platforms are: - DEC 3000-300, 300X, 400, 500, 600, and 900 - AlphaServer 2100 4/275 - AlphaStation 600 5/266 - AlphaStation 200 4/100, 4/166 Supported tape devices are: - TZK11, QIC tape, 2.0GB - TZK10, QIC tape, 320-525MB - TLZ07, 4mm, 4-8GB - TLZ06, 4mm, 2.0GB/4.0GB 17 - TZ86, 5-1/4-inch cartridge Networker - An application that provides automated backup and recov- ery of files on a single local system to a local tape or loader. A sub- set of the optional POLYCENTER NetWorker Save and Restore (NSR) lay- ered product, the SingleServer is licensed free of charge with the Dig- ital UNIX Operating System, and provides functionality similar to NSR, except that SingleServer supports only a single, local client. Features of the SingleServer include: o Support for unattended backups o Easy to use preconfigured settings o Five preconfigured policies for managing backups o Five preconfigured backup schedules o Label templates for electronically labeling tapes o Easy file recovery Tools A graphical presentation of the iostat (I/O statistics), netstat (net- work statistics), systemmessages (system messages), vmstat (virtual memory statistics) and the who command are provided. Digital UNIX includes DECevent that provides error reporting and binary- to-text translation capabilitites. This tool ships as part of the As- sociated Products CD-ROM. Digital UNIX also provides a Verifier and Exerciser Tool (VET) that contains a set of system exercisers and an online diagnostic monitor. This tool ships as part of the firmware CD-ROM. 18 FILE SYSTEMS The Digital UNIX file system architecture is based on OSF/1 Virtual File System (VFS) which is based on the Berkeley 4.3 Reno Virtual File System. VFS provides an abstract layer interface into files regard- less of the file systems in which the file resides. Digital UNIX supports the following file system types: o POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) o UNIX File System (UFS) - based on the Berkeley Fast File system o Network File System (NFS) o Memory File System (MFS) o ISO 9660 Compact Disk File System (CDFS) o File-on-File Mounting File System (FFM) o /proc File System File system limits are documented in the Digital UNIX Release Notes. POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) The POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) is a journaled, local file system that provides higher availability and greater flexibility than traditional UNIX file systems. Using transaction journaling, AdvFS re- covers file domains in seconds rather than hours after an unexpected restart such as a power failure. AdvFS journaling also provides in- creased file system integrity. AdvFS provides greater flexibility by allowing filesets (file systems) to share a single storage pool, and enabling hard and soft fileset quotas in addition to user and group quotas. The root/boot device can be optionally configured to use Ad- vFS during installation. The right to use the POLYCENTER Advanced File System is granted by the Digital UNIX Operating System license. In addition, a separately li- censed, optional layered product, the POLYCENTER Advanced File Sys- tem Utilities, can be ordered. Refer to the OPTIONAL SOFTWARE section of this SPD for more information. 19 UNIX File System (UFS) UFS is compatible with the Berkeley 4.3 Tahoe release. Network File System (NFS) Digital UNIX NFS V2 allows transparent file access over TCP/IP net- works. In addition, the Network Information System (NIS), formerly Yel- low Pages (YP), is provided for centralized system management of files. The automounter service automatically mounts and unmounts NFS file sys- tems. The NFS locking service allows advisory and record locks to be used with remotely mounted files. An NFS V3 server and client protocol implementation is provided in ad- dition to V2. NFS V3 includes 64-bit support for file access, exclu- sive create semantics, negotiable transfer sizes, safe asynchronous writes, added support for access checking and other changes designed to increase efficiency and performance. NFS file systems can use ei- ther the UDP or TCP transport protocols. Network Lock Manager (NLM) V4 includes support for files larger than 2 GB. Support for additional over-the-wire error code is also provided. NLM V3 is supported for NFS V2 compatibility. V2 PC-NFS server support is provided, enabling connectivity from PC- NFS V5.1a, 5.1, 4.0 and 3.5 clients. Memory File System (MFS) The Digital UNIX MFS is a memory-based UFS. The MFS has the same file system structure characteristics as the UFS, but resides in virtual memory. No permanent file structures or data are written to disk, so the contents of an MFS file system are lost on reboot, unmount, or power failure. An MFS is useful for temporary files or for read-only files that are loaded into it after it is created. ISO 9660 Compact Disk File System (CDFS) 20 The Digital UNIX implementation of CDFS is based on ISO 9660, a stan- dard for a volume and file structure for the interchange of informa- tion using CD-ROM. Digital UNIX CDFS is based on the following lev- els of ISO 9660: o Level 2 of Interchange o Level 1 of Implementation, which enables the user to do the fol- lowing: - Mount single volume CD-ROMs which are formatted in compliance with ISO 9660, as a local file system - List and examine files using standard UNIX utilities and pro- grams - Read files and directories using the standard POSIX system in- terface - NFS export mounted ISO 9660 file systems - Support the High Sierra Group extensions which provide compat- ibility with older format CD-ROMs CDFS also supports CD-ROMs recorded using the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol, Revision 1.09, August 1991. Rock Ridge specifies the use of the extension fields that are defined by ISO 9660:1988, and it uses those extensions to provide the following information: o File owner, file group, file permissions o Additional file types (symbolic links, device special files, named pipes) o setuid, setgid, and sticky bits o Hard link counts o POSIX file names (mixed case names, unstructured names, and longer names than ISO-9660:1988 allows) o Deep directory hierarchies (greater than 8 levels) o File time stamps 21 XCDR extensions - X/OPEN Preliminary Specification (1991) CD-ROM Sup- port Component (XCDR). XCDR extensions allow the user to examine se- lected ISO 9660 attributes through defined utilities and shared li- braries. In addition, functionality is provided to allow a system ad- ministrator to substitute different file protections, owners, and file names for CD-ROM files. File-on-File Mounting File System (FFM) The File-on-File Mounting File System (FFM) allows regular, charac- ter, or block-special files to be mounted over regular files, and is primarily used by the SVR4-compatible system calls 'fattach' and 'fde- tach' of a STREAMS-based pipe (or FIFO). File-Based Pipes A file-based pipe implementation replaces the socket-based pipes im- plementation for improved performance. /proc File System The SVR4-compatible /proc file system for Digital UNIX allows running processes to be accessed and manipulated as files by ordinary system calls, open, close, read, write, seek and ioctl. Logical Storage Man- ager (LSM) Digital UNIX Logical Storage Manager (LSM) is an integrated host-based solution to data storage management. Basic LSM functionality, includ- ing disk spanning and concatenation, is provided with the base oper- ating system. Additional features, including disk striping, mirror- ing, and a graphical user interface, are available with a separate li- cense. LSM is RAID Advisory Board (RAB) certified for RAID Levels 0 and 1. Refer to the OPTIONAL SOFTWARE section of this SPD and the LSM SPD for more information. A migration utility is provided to allow LVM users to migrate their LVM volumes to LSM. This utility will be retired in a future release of the operating system, no sooner than June, 1996. 22 NETWORKING TCP/IP Digital UNIX allows for TCP/IP network communications over supported network devices. The TCP/IP protocol suite is implemented in the socket framework. Sockets Digital UNIX provides sockets that are based on the Berkeley UNIX Op- erating System structure, which provides a framework for I/O over a network. STREAMS Digital UNIX provides SVR4-compatible STREAMS. Like sockets, STREAMS provides a framework for character I/O to and from user space to ker- nel networking protocols. X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) is an extension to the System V STREAMS user space interface called Transport Level Interface (TLI). This in- terface is thread-safe. Data Link Bridge (DLB) Digital UNIX provides an DLPI-compatible interface into the non-STREAMS (BSD) driver environment. This interface does not support complete DLPI semantics. The DLB interface is the preferred interface for STREAMS modules to access the BSD-based datalink services. Screend When the system is operating as an IP router, screend provides flex- ible per-packet access controls for forwarded packets. This can be used as one part of a comprehensive network security plan. Digital UNIX also provides an interface access filtering to reinforce the system secu- rity against IP spoofing attacks. Packetfilter 23 The Packetfilter is a software interface that allows an application to send and receive packets directly to or from a LAN (Ethernet or FDDI). The Packetfilter provides flexible demultiplexing (filtering) of in- coming packets, so that many such applications can run simultaneously. The Digital UNIX Packetfilter supports two filtering models: the orig- inal CMU/Stanford model, as supported in ULTRIX, and the BSD Packet Filter (BPF), which provides more flexible and efficient filtering. (BPF was developed by the University of California, Lawrence Berke- ley Laboratory.) Several public domain applications that use the Packetfilter are in- tegrated in Digital UNIX including rarpd, tcpdump, tcpslice, nfswatch, and nfslogsum. Data Link Interface (DLI) Digital UNIX provides a Data Link Interface to allow applications to directly use the data link layer services in order to interact directly with the network device drivers. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) The SNMP Agent allows management of the Internet, FDDI, system resources, and network resources using the SNMP. The agent is also extensible, allowing software developers to add MIBs to the agent, and partici- pate in the SNMP. The SNMP agent contains the following base system functionality: o Full SNMP V1.0 agent capabilities o MIB implementations for managing Internet MIB-2 objects, FDDI ob- jects, and Token Ring objects Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Digital UNIX includes a complete DHCP server/client solution for cen- tralizing and automating IP address administration. A graphical in- terface enables server system managers to easily configure IP config- urations with various DHCP clients. 24 Point to Point Connections The Digital UNIX system supports point-to-point connections using SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) and PPP (Point to Point Protocol). The PPP subsystem is asynchronous and supports only IP. It provides au- thentification with PAP (Password Authentification Protocol) and CHAP (Cryptographic Authentification Protocol). Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Digital UNIX provides the framework to support the Distributed Com- puting Environment (DCE). DCE is a separate layered product but the run-time service license is bundled with the operating system. DCE pro- vides users with access to resources, regardless of their location on the network. It extends system level services to allow applications to interoperate with one another, port to other platforms, and be dis- tributed over the network. Open Network Computing (ONC) Digital UNIX supports Open Network Computing (ONC) V4.2 including: Net- work File System V2 and V3, PCNFSd, Lock Manager, Status Monitor, NF- Sportmon, Network Information Service (NIS), automount, and user level RPC. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) The Digital UNIX Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) subsystem supports the ATM Forum's User-Network Interface (UNI) V3.0 and V3.1 specifi- cations, including the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) pro- tocol for reg- istration of up to 32 addresses per interface, UNI sig- nalling for point- to-point connections, and best effort and CBR VCs for AAL5 PDUs. Also, per- VC cell pacing (to limit the rate at which an end-system transmits) is supported. In addition, Digital UNIX sup- ports Multiple IP subnets, per-VC MTU negotiation, and packetfilter access (for filtering incom- ing packets only) for Classical IP (RFC 1577). Lastly Digital UNIX supports the ATM Forum's LAN Emulation spec- ification (for IP unicast/ broadcast packets only). Digital UNIX does not support the UNI V3.0 and V3.1 specifications for full ATM Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Bases (MIBs), 25 point-to-multipoint connections, Operations and Maintenance (OAM) flows, VBR VCs, AAL1, AAL3/4, or "raw" AAL. Fast Ethernet Digital UNIX supports Fast Ethernet (IEEE 802.3 100Base-TX). Refer to the OPTIONAL HARDWARE section for specific hardware supported. FDDI Digital UNIX provides FDDI fiber optic support. Refer to the OPTIONAL HARDWARE section for specific hardware supported. Token Ring Digital UNIX supports Token Ring with source routing support for multi- ring networks. Refer to the OPTIONAL HARDWARE section for specific hard- ware supported. IP Multicast Digital UNIX supports the Level 2 end-system IP Multicast function- ality, specified in RFC 1112, on Ethernet and FDDI. The implementa- tion provides integrated multicast address management for multipro- tocol environments. The Digital UNIX implementation also provides kernel routines for en- capsulating IP tunnels to enable wide area IP Multicast routing. These routines include kernel code from public domain Multicast sup- port version 3.5 and mrouted (version 3 Copyright 1989 by the Board of Trustees of Leland Standford University) which provides the Dis- tance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP). Name Services Digital UNIX supports the Domain Name System as described in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035, providing a host name and address lookup service for the Internet network. The Digital UNIX implementation of the Domain Name System is based on BIND version 4.9.3. The user can use BIND to re- place or supplement the host's database. Digital UNIX also supports Sun's Network Information Service (NIS), formerly known as Yellow Pages 26 (YP). NIS can be used to replace or supplement hosts, aliases, group, networks, password, protocols, rpc, and services databases. Network Time Protocol (NTP) Digital UNIX provides the Network Time Protocol (NTP) V3 to synchro- nize and distribute the time for all machines in a network environ- ment. The time synchronization daemon, xntpd, is used to distribute time to all machines in a network. Time Synchronization Protocol (TSP) Digital UNIX provides Berkeley's Time Synchronization Protocol (TSP). TSP synchronizes the time of all machines in a network without ensur- ing the accuracy of the time that is provided. Local Area Transport (LAT) Digital UNIX provides a STREAMS-based implementation of the Local Area Transport (LAT) that serves terminals to one or more service nodes on a local area network (LAN). LAT allows a host to function as both a service node and a server node. It also enables host applications to initiate connections to server ports (designated as application ports) to access remote devices such as printers. LAT/Telnet Gateway The LAT/Telnet gateway service supported in Digital UNIX provides a gateway from a LAT terminal server to allow connections to TCP/IP nodes using intermediate LAT hosts. Number of Logins The following maximum number of logins are supported: RLOGIN: 2,048* Telnet: 2,048* LAT: 4,000* Note: *These numbers can vary depending on hardware configurations and user workloads. 27 Internet The Digital UNIX Operating System implements the following Internet RFC (Request for Comment) and Non-RFC standards: ___________________________________________________________________ RFC_____Protocol_Name______________________________________________ 678 -- Standard File Formats 768 UDP User Datagram Protocol 791 IP Internet Protocol as amended by RFC's 922 and 950 792 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 793 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 821 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 822 MAIL Format of Electronic Mail Messages 826 ARP Address Resolution Protocol 854 TELNET Telnet Protocol 855 -- Telnet option specifications 856 -- Telnet binary transmission 857 -- Telnet echo option 858 -- Telnet Suppress Go Ahead option 859 -- Telnet status option 868 TIME Time Protocol 893 -- Trailer Encapsulations 894 IP-E Internet Protocol on Ethernet Networks 903 RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol 904 EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol 919 -- Broadcast Datagram over IP 922 -- IP Broadcast Datagrams with Subnets 950 -- IP Subnet Extension 951 BOOTP The Bootstrap Protocol 954 RPC NICNAME/WHOIS (Obsoletes RFC 812) 959 FTP File Transfer Protocol 28 ___________________________________________________________________ 1014 XDR External Data Representation 1034, DOMAIN Domain Name System 1035 1042 IP- Internet Protocol on IEEE 802 IEEE 1049 -- Content-Type Field for Internet Messages 1050 RPC Sun[R] Remote Procedure Calls 1055 SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol 1057 -- Portmapper 1058 RIP Routing Information Protocol 1094 NFS Network File System Protocol 1112 -- Host Extensions for IP Multicast 1116 -- Telnet Line Mode Option 1119 NTP Network Time Protocol minus authentication 1122 -- Requirements for Internet Hosts Communication Layers (Must Level) 1123 -- Requirements for Internet Hosts Applications and Support (Must Level) 1144 CSLIP Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links 1155 SMI Structure of Management Information 1156 MIB Management Information Base 1157 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 1188 IP- Transmision of IP over FDDI (Obsoletes RFC 1103) FDDI 1191 - Path MTU Discovery (router specification, host specification (TCP only)) 1212 - Concise MIB definitions 1213 MIB-II Management Information Base II (supercedes RFC 1158 and 1156) 29 ___________________________________________________________________ 1225 POP3 Post Office Protocol, Rev. 3 1231 -- IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB (Set operations are not supported) 1253 -- OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base 1282 -- BSD rlogin 1285 -- FDDI Management Information Base (Set operations are not supported) 1288 FINGER Finger Protocol (Obsoletes RFC 1196) 1305 NTP Network Time Protocol V3.0 1321 MD5 The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm 1323 TCP- TCP Extensions for High Performance (Window Scale HIPER option only) 1332 IPCP The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (Obso- letes RFC 1172) 1334 PAP PPP Authentication Protocols /CHAP 1350 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Obsoletes RFC 783) 1483 -- Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM AAL5 (routed protocol encapsulation only) 1497 BOOTP BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions (obsoletes RFC1048, 1084, 1395); Updates RFC 951 1514 - Host Resources MIB (Set operations are not sup- ported) 1521 - MIME support as stated in Appendix A of this RFC 1533 DHCP DHCP options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions 1534 - Interoperation between DHCP and BOOTP 1541 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 1542 - Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol (Obsoletes RFC 1532), Updates RFC 951 30 ___________________________________________________________________ 1547 IS-PPP Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to- Point Protocol 1571 Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues 1572 Telnet Environment Option 1577 -- Classical IP over ATM 1583 OSPF OSPF V2 (obsoletes RFC 1247) 1589 - A Kernel Model for Precision Timekeeping (the support to discipline the system clock to an ex- ternal precision timing source is not supported) 1626 - Default MTU for IP over ATM 1661 PPP The Point-to-Point Protocol PPP (obsoletes RFCs 1548, 1331, and 1171) (asynchronous IP only) 1700 - Assigned Numbers (Obsoletes RFC 1340, etc) 1755 - Signalling for IP over ATM 1813____NFS______Network_File_System_Version_3_Protocol____________ Non-RFC Standards o 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD Socket Interface o 4.3BSD inetd o 4.3BSD lpd o 4.3BSD netstat o 4.3BSD ping o 4.3BSD rcp o 4.3BSD rexecd o 4.3BSD rlogin o 4.3BSD rmt o 4.3BSD rsh 31 o 4.3BSD sendmail V5.65 with IDA enhancements o 4.3BSD syslog o uucp Basic Networking Utilities (HoneyDanBer) o X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) o Sun Open Network Computing (ONC) 4.2 o New rdist command packaged as optional nrdisk o BSD Packet Data Compression (for PPP) SECURITY The Digital UNIX Operating System, running Enhanced Security, is de- signed to exceed the requirements of the C2 evaluation class of DoD 5200.28-STD "Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria", also known as the Orange Book. Digital UNIX supports various configurations and setup scripts which allow selection of desired Enhanced Security features such as extended passwords, audit and Access Control Lists (ACLs). System Administrators have a choice of command line interfaces or GUIs. The GUI tools improve the ease of use of administering the system's Enhanced Security. Network Information Service (NIS) Compatibility Support is provided for accessing NIS distributed databases while run- ning Enhanced Security. NIS can also be used to distribute the Enhanced Security protected password database. When using NIS, no more than 4000 user accounts are supported by the Enhanced Security subset. The num- ber of simultaneous logins allowed is dependent on the configuration. Security Integration Architecture 32 All security mechanisms on Digital UNIX are part of the Security In- tegration Architecture (SIA). The SIA isolates the security-sensitive commands from the specific security mechanisms, thus eliminating the need to modify the security-sensitive commands for each new security mechanism. The following C2 security functionality is included in Digital UNIX: Discretionary Access Controls Provides the capability for users to define how the resources they cre- ate can be shared. Optional access control lists (ACLs) provide greater granularity of file system object protection at the individual user level than the default DAC protection. The ACL mechanism is designed to POSIX draft 13, with some draft 15 enhancements. Auditing A tool is provided to monitor normal, as well as unauthorized usage of a system with a choice of a GUI or command line interface. Identification and Authentication - Password length and lifetime are based on the Department of Defense Password Management Guideline (Green Book). - Extensive login controls, such as automatic account lockout, ac- count vacationing, per terminal settings for delays and maximum con- secutive failed logins, password usage history and system gener- ated password. Object Reuse This ensures that the physical storage assigned to shared objects or physical storage that is released prior to reassignment to another user, does not contain data from previous users. Integrity Provides the capability to validate the correct operation of hardware, firmware, and software components of the Trusted Computing Base (TCB). 33 System Architecture A separate execution domain is maintained for the Trusted Computing Base (TCB) components using hardware memory management to protect the TCB while it is executing. Note: Digital UNIX, with Enhanced Security, provides tools and mech- anisms that help the system maintain the level of trust for which the system was designed. No system can provide complete security and Dig- ital cannot guarantee system security. However, Digital continually strives to enhance the security capabilities of its products. Customers are strongly advised to follow industry recognized security practices. DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT DEC Fortran Run-time Libraries The DEC Fortran run-time support libraries (libfor, libfutil, libU- for) are provided to enable users to run previously compiled programs that require the Digital Fortran libraries at run-time. These libraries support FORTRAN program functions in the areas of input and output, intrinsic functions, data formatting, data conversion, miscellaneous math functions, FORTRAN bindings to common operating system services, and more. DEC C++ Run-time Libraries The DEC C++ run-time support libraries (libcxx, libcomplex, libtask) are provided to enable users to run previously compiled applications containing DEC C++ code, without requiring that DEC C++ be installed on the target system. These libraries support DEC C++ program func- tions in the areas of input and output, complex arithmetic, multitask- ing, and more. DEC COBOL Run-time Libraries 34 The DEC COBOL run-time support libraries (libcob, libots2, libisam- stub) are provided to enable users to run previously compiled programs that require the Digital DEC COBOL libraries at run-time. These li- braries support COBOL program functions in the areas of file input and output, decimal arithmetic, COBOL ACCEPT/DISPLAY statements, STRING /UNSTRING operations, CALL and CANCEL, and more. DEC Pascal Run-time Libraries The DEC Pascal run-time support libraries (libpas.a,, and are provided to enable users to run previously com- piled programs which require the DEC Pascal libraries at run-time. These libraries support DEC Pascal program functions in the areas includ- ing input and output, miscellaneous math functions, time and date ser- vices, and miscellaneous file services, and more. Digital Portable Math Library The Digital Portable Math Library (DPML) is a common math library for FORTRAN, C, and Pascal. It provides IEEE single and double floating point support. ATOM ATOM enables software developers to build customized analysis tools. It uses the target application program, an instrumentation file, and an analysis file to create a new executable file that, when executed, collects analysis data for a wide variety of purposes. ATOM includes all of the runtime libraries necessary for executing ATOM based anal- ysis utilities and tools. ATOM is licensed with Digital UNIX. In ad- dition to ATOM, several useful Digital-developed ATOM based analysis tools that facilitate program development are licensed with the Dig- ital UNIX Developers' Toolkit. (SPD 44.36.12) Memory Mapped File Support Digital UNIX supports the Berkeley mmap function and, therefore, al- lows an application to access data files with memory operations rather than file input and output operations. Shells 35 Digital UNIX provides the following shells: o POSIX Shell o C Shell o Bourne Shell from System V o Korn Shell All shells are programmable and allow for a tailorable user environ- ment. Dynamic Loader Digital UNIX uses a SVR4 compatible loader to load shared libraries dynamically. This loader provides the following enhanced features: o SVR4 symbol resolution semantics, including symbol preemption The COFF object file format is supported for all forms of object files. Loadable Subsystems Framework Digital UNIX includes configuration manager framework which allows dy- namic loading (and configuring) of kernel subsystems. The framework is composed of a configuration manager daemon (cfgmgr), a kernel loader daemon (kloadsrv), a system configuration database (sysconfigtab) and its management utility (sysconfigdb). This framework allows kernel mod- ules (such as device drivers) to be loaded after the system is booted. Foreign Device Boot Support Digital UNIX provides the ability for device driver developers to build and deliver single binary drivers that work at installation time. This allows the device to be used during the installation process. This abil- ity is supported for graphics device drivers. Loadable Drivers Framework 36 Device driver suppliers may now dynamically load their drivers into the kernel using the configuration manager framework. Functions pro- vided to facilitate integration of third party device support include: o Autoconfiguration support o Interrupt registration support o Installation support o Loadable driver support for the following busses: - TURBOchannel - EISA - ISA - PCI - SCSI peripheral devices Common Access Method (CAM) Common Access Method (CAM) is an ANSI standard for the software drivers that provide the interface between an operating system and a SCSI de- vice. The Digital UNIX CAM implementation is highly compatible with ANSI X3.131-1986, Level 2 and supports SCSI-2 based CAM. HARDWARE Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) enables systems containing two or more processors to execute the same copy of the operating system, access common memory, and execute instructions simultaneously. The SMP func- tionality fully exploits the additional compute capabilities of mul- tiple processors. Capabilities include: o Multiple threads from the same or different tasks can run concur- rently on different processors. o Process Affinity - Allows binding a process to a specific proces- sor. 37 o Unattended Reboot - On a hard failure of a nonboot processor, the operating system will tag the failing CPU and automatically reboot the system, without enabling the defective CPU. o Stop/Start CPU - Ability to stop/start a specified nonboot proces- sor. o Processor Sets - Ability to dedicate a process, or set of processes, to a specific processor or set of processors. Can also be used to partition the available processors among a set of users. PCMCIA (PC Card) Support Digital UNIX provides PCMCIA (PC Card) support. The support is limited to the following capabilities: o Support of a selected ISA to PCMCIA adapter o The selected ISA to PCMCIA adapter is from the SCM Microsystems: o SWAPBOX CLASSIC X2 ... Model MMCD-D2 - 3.5" Front Access - 2 slots (type II + type III) PC Card socket. - Standard PC-AT 16-bit ISA bus interface - PCMCIA Revision 2.X and ExCA compliant o SWAPBOX PREMIUM COMBO ... Model MMCD-FC2 - 3.5" 1.44 Mbyte Floppy Drive Support. - One Type I, II or III front-access PC Card socket. - One Type I, II or III rear-access PC Card socket. - Standard PC-AT 16-bit ISA bus interface - PCMCIA Revision 2.X and ExCA compliant o Support on the following platforms: - AlphaStation 200, 255, 400, 600 38 - AlphaServer 1000 o Support of fax/modem PC Cards - The Megahertz XJ2288 is the only modem card fully qualified on Digital UNIX. Other modem cards of similar type may work. The following is the list of modem cards that are known to work: o card manufacturer: MEGAHERTZ o product name: XJ2288 o card manufacturer: MEGAHERTZ o product name: XJ1144 o card manufacturer: AT&T Paradyne o product name: KeepInTouch Card o card manufacutrer: Digital o product name: PCMCIA V.32bis 14,400 Fax o hot swap capability of PC Cards INTERNATIONALIZATION Digital UNIX provides an internationalization environment and tools as well as the localization features to enable the development and ex- ecution of internationalized software, without the need to re-engineer the user application. The following single byte and multibyte character sets are supported: Single Byte Character Sets - Languages (Locales): Catalan (1) Czech (1) Danish (1) Dutch (2) English (3) Finnish (1) French (4) German (2) Greek (1) Hebrew (1) 39 Hungarian Icelandic Italian (1) (1) (1) Catalan (1) Lithuanian(1) Slovene (1) Norwegian Polish (1) Portuguese (1) (1) Russian (1) Slovak (1) Spanish (1) Swedish (1) Thai (1) Turkish (1) Multibyte Character Sets - Languages (Locales): Chinese Chinese Japanese (4) /Simplified /Traditional (4) (12) Hong Kong Korean (2) (4) Digital UNIX base operating system functionality includes: o 32-bit wide character support o XPG4 Worldwide Portability Interfaces (WPI) o Internationalized commands o Internationalized Curses library (libcurses) o iconv library (libiconv, an International Codeset Conversion Li- brary) o Locale utilities o Date and time formats in the native languages o Local currency symbols o Local numeric formatting o Character Classification - isupper, islower, iscntrl, is * func- tions o Collation - Character sort order of the codeset o Yes and No response in the native language 40 o Fonts for supported character sets o TTY Drivers - Support for various input functionalities for the na- tive languages o Translated CDE User Interface o Keymaps for local keyboards o Translated Motif User Interface o Support for all Language Variants using the North American keyboard o Input method support for Hebrew and Asian Languages o 8-bit mail support when one or more of the language variants is in- stalled o Printing in the native languages Memory Requirements Applications running under a single Asian language variant can oper- ate within the memory requirements of the base operating system. Run- ning multiple Asian language variants in a single session will require additional memory for satisfactory performance. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The Digital UNIX Operating System can execute on valid Digital Alpha systems and must include the minimum system configuration as described in the SUPPORTED HARDWARE section of this SPD. The actual amount of work supported at one time, with good performance, depends on the types of processing performed as well as on the physical memory and secondary storage available. o Digital UNIX requires the minimum component of main memory to be 24 MB. o Based on testing, system configurations are limited to 256 phys- ical volumes (disks). The maximum logical volume size supported is 512 GB. 41 o Digital UNIX requires a system disk capable of holding the supported software subsets. For a Default Installation (mandatory subsets only), a minimum of 425 MB disk (such as RZ25) is required. For a Custom Installation selecting all BASE software subsets, a 680 MB disk (such as RZ56) is required. Note: Due to additional functionality being planned, a future func- tional release (no sooner than March, 1997), will require a larger disk space capacity for the custom type of installation with all base sub- sets. o The following numbers have been compiled from typical update in- stallations from V3.2G or V4.0 to V4.0A. The Additional Space Needed values represent the typical amount of space needed per file sys- tem by the update installation procedure during the course of an update. These values take into account the additional processing space for temporary files that the update installation requires and will vary depending on your specific hardware configuration and file system type. These values have been determined before the use of the Update Administration Utility. File File V3.2G V4.0A Additional Space System System Mandatory Mandatory Needed Type Subsets Subsets ONLY ONLY / ufs 31MB 42MB 13MB /usr ufs 128MB 201MB 75MB / AdvFs 35MB 46MB 17MB /usr AdvFs 136MB 209MB 92MB File File V3.2G V4.0A Additional Space System System All All Needed Type Subsets Subsets / ufs 44MB 52MB 19MB /usr ufs 277MB 318MB 42MB /var ufs 6MB 7MB 1MB 42 / AdvFs 35MB 45MB 22MB /usr AdvFs 277MB 318MB 59MB /var AdvFs 7MB 8MB 1MB File File V4.0 V4.0A Additional Space System System Mandatory Mandatory Needed Type Subsets Subsets ONLY ONLY / ufs 40MB 41MB 4MB /usr ufs 165MB 165MB 3MB / AdvFs 45MB 45MB 5MB /usr AdvFs 167MB 168MB 17MB File File V4.0 V4.0A Additional Space System System All All Needed Type Subsets Subsets / ufs 53MB 50MB 8MB /usr ufs 327MB 326MB 3MB /var ufs 6MB 6MB 1MB / AdvFs 50MB 51MB 9MB /usr AdvFs 327MB 326MB 17MB /var AdvFs 7MB 7MB 1MB o Systems which have more subsets installed than the Default Instal- lation, but fewer subsets than the Custom Installation selecting all BASE software subsets will require varying minimum disk space for an update installation. Refer to the Installation Guide for a list of subset sizes to help determine the disk space requirements for an update installation on such systems. o Digital UNIX supports the backup devices listed in the OPTIONAL HARD- WARE section of this SPD. o The supported load devices include CD-ROM readers (such as RRD44) or a variety of network interfaces. 43 o Digital UNIX requires one console terminal with ASCII capability or one Digital graphics display console for Alpha systems. Disk Space Requirements In addition to base Digital UNIX disk space requirements, the follow- ing amount of disk space is required for language variants. The language variant components are structured in such a way that there is a common part as well as individual part for each language vari- ant. The common part is a prerequisite for any individual language com- ponent listed below. Common Part: Mandatory for base O/S 0.58MB Optional for base O/S 2.76MB Mandatory for worksta- 2.46MB tions* Optional for worksta- 80.86MB tions * Mandatory for Workstations is required for enabling the worksta- tion/windowing functionality. 44 Individual Part: ___________________________________________________________________ Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Base Sub- Base Sub- Wrkstn. Wrkstn. Language____sets___________sets___________Subsets_______Subsets____ Total Catalan 0.77MB 0.00MB 4.02MB 12.83MB 17.63MB Chinese 1.43MB 18.19MB 7.37MB 26.18MB 53.17MB /PRC Czech 0.00 2.51 4.48 5.83 12.81 Danish 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Dutch 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Finnish 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 German 0.77 0.00 4.01 11.11 15.89 Spain 0.77 0.00 4.02 12.83 17.63 French 0.77 0.00 4.00 11.27 16.04 Greek 0.77 1.39 0.98 1.12 4.26 Hong Kong 3.00 31.35 17.83 48.06 100.24 Hungarian 0.00 2.50 4.40 5.83 12.74 Icelandic 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Hebrew 0.05 1.35 1.26 1.94 4.61 Italian 0.77 0.00 4.5 9.12 13.94 Japanese 6.68 42.59 22.87 26.57 98.72 Korean 1.53 6.25 5.53 8.94 22.24 Lithuania 0.00 0.00 0.91 3.43 4.34 Norwegian 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Polish 0.00 2.51 4.52 5.83 12.87 Portugese 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77 Russian 0.00 1.67 4.45 4.36 10.48 Slovene 0.00 2.46 0.92 3.40 6.78 Slovak 0.00 2.51 4.74 5.92 13.17 45 ____________Mandatory______Optional_______Mandatory_____Optional___ Base Sub- Base Sub- Wrkstn. Wrkstn. Language____sets___________sets___________Subsets_______Subsets____ Total Swedish 0.77 0.00 3.77 2.44 6.98 Taiwan 2.13 29.96 14.02 24.65 70.76 Thai 0.58 3.40 2.53 1.21 7.72 Turkish_____0.77___________2.45___________1.01__________3.27_______ 7.49 OPTIONAL HARDWARE Additional memory and/or secondary storage may be required depending upon the usage of the Digital UNIX Operating System software and/or optional software products. Combinations of hardware options are subject to limitations such as bandwidth, physical configuration restraints, thermal dissipation, elec- trical loads and power supply. System configuration details are described in the Digital Systems and Options Catalog. Hardware options supported by Digital UNIX are listed in tables in the SUPPORTED HARDWARE section of this SPD. All device drivers contained in Digital UNIX for these hardware units are warranted by Digital. Digital UNIX supports the following third party printers on platforms that have parallel ports: o Epson FX-80 and FX-1050 o HP[R] LaserJet[R] (Models IIP, IIIP, IIID, 4) o IBM[R] Proprinter[R] o NEC SilentWriter[R] Model 290 46 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Digital UNIX Developers' Toolkit provides application programmers with the software tools for general programming, including source code con- trol tools, kit generation, programming development and debugging util- ities, and graphical application development tools. (SPD 44.36.xx) Digital UNIX C Developers' Extensions provides application program- mers with the Digital UNIX C compiler in addition to the development tools found in the Digital UNIX Developers' Toolkit. (SPD 44.36.xx) The Digital UNIX Server Extensions provides system managers with the ability to set up and perform network installations using Digital's Remote Installation Service (RIS), and includes support for dataless configurations. (SPD 44.35.xx) The Digital UNIX Logical Storage Manager is an integrated, host-based solution to data storage management, providing concatenation, strip- ing, mirroring, and a graphical user interface that allows data stor- age management functions to be performed online, without disrupting users or applications. (SPD 51.24.xx) DECsafe Available Server significantly reduces downtime due to sys- tem hardware or software failures. It provides multihost access to SCSI disks and a generic failover mechanism for network-based services and applications. (SPD 44.17.xx) The POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities extend the high avail- ability and flexibility of AdvFS. The AdvFS Utilities provide a Graph- ical User Interface (GUI) to ease management tasks, and online util- ities to dynamically resize file systems, defragment files, balance percentage of space used on volumes, undelete files using trashcans, stripe files, and clone files for hot backup. (SPD 44.52.xx) NetWorker Client Support provides the ability to save and restore file systems. NetWorker is a separately licensed software product for Dig- ital UNIX. (SPD 50.98.xx) 47 The System V Environment for Digital UNIX provides System V Release 4 (SVR4) system administration utilities, developer tools, and gen- eral user commands that extend the SVR4 functionality inherent in the Digital UNIX operating system. The System V Environment for Digital UNIX is compliant with the System V Interface Definition, Issue 3 (SVID3) Volumes 1-3. (SPD 46.16.xx) Digital Open3D for Digital UNIX provides support for the following graph- ics accelerators on Alpha workstations running the Digital UNIX op- erating system: o ZLX-E family: ZLX-E1, ZLX-E2, ZLX-E3 o ZLX-M family: ZLX-M1 and ZLX-M2 o ZLX-L family: ZLX-L1 and ZLX-L2 o ZLXp-E family: ZLXp-E1, ZLXp-E2, ZLXp-E3 o ZLXp-L family: ZLXp-L1 and ZLXp-L2 o PowerStorm family: PowerStorm 3D10, PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 o Freedom Series family: Freedom Series 3150, Freedom Series 3250, Freedom Series 3400. In addition, Digital Open3D provides a complete development and run- time environment for 2D and 3D applications. (SPD 45.07.xx) Prestoserve for Digital UNIX is a disk write accelerator for disk block device write operations. This product is available on most Alpha sys- tems. (SPD 35.11.xx) Multimedia Services for Digital UNIX brings audio and video capabil- ities to Digital's workstations, and provides a full programming li- brary for use by developers of new applications. (SPD 48.92) DECtalk Software for Digital UNIX is an application and application programming interface based on Digital Equipment Corporation's industry- leading text-to-speech synthesis technology. This version of DECtalk has been enhanced to work under the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) for UNIX. (SPD 48.98.01) 48 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM ORDERING INFORMATION The Digital UNIX Operating System license provides a licensed user the right to use the software as described within this Software Product Description. Separate licenses are available for the right to use de- velopment tools and the C compiler, and separate licenses are avail- able for the right to use the Remote Installation Service. Refer to the SPD's for the Digital UNIX Developers' Extensions (SPD 44.36.xx) and the Digital UNIX Server Extensions (SPD 44.35.xx) for details. The Software Media kit includes CD-ROMs containing the operating sys- tem binaries and complete Digital UNIX online documentation. Hardcopy start-up documentation is also included in the Media kit, including the Installation Guide, Release Notes and Technical Overview. The Software Documentation Kit is a complete hardcopy documentation set for Digital UNIX, excluding the reference pages. The hardcopy ref- erence pages can be ordered separately. The Software Documentation Kit contains versions of the documentation found online via the CD-ROM, as well as additional documentation published by companies other than Digital. Most documentation provided with Digital UNIX that is pub- lished by companies other than Digital is available in hardcopy only. The Digital UNIX Technical Overview provides a detailed description of the Digital UNIX Operating System, and is available both online and in hardcopy with the End User Documentation. Digital UNIX Operating System 49 Software 2-User Base Licenses: QL-MT4A*-** Software Interactive User Licenses: QL-MT7A*-** Software Product Services: QT-MT4A*-**/ QT-MT7A*-** Software Media Kit: Digital UNIX Versions 3.2x and V4.0: QA-MT4AA-H8 Digital UNIX Version 4.0 only: QA-MT4AP-H8 Software Documentation: Full Documentation Kit (excluding Reference Pages): QA-MT4AP-GZ Reference Pages Documentation Kit: QA-MT4AG-GZ The full documentation kit contains the following: End User Documentation: QA-MT4AR-GZ Documentation for Digital UNIX Developer's Toolkit and Digital UNIX C Developers' Extensions: QA-MT5AE-GZ Documentation for Digital UNIX Server Extensions: QA-MT4AU-GZ Language variant documentation in English (AA-Q4F9B-TE) includes the DECwindows/Hebrew Motif Programmer's Supplementary Guide, as well as Supplemental guides for Japanese, Korean, Thai, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese support. Source Distribution: Source License/Distribution: QB-MT4AA-E8 Update Source License/Distribution: QB-MT4AE-E8 Education Source License/Distribution: QB-MT4BA-E8 Education Update Source License/Distribution: QB-MT4BE-E8 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 50 SOFTWARE LICENSING The Digital UNIX Operating System software is furnished under the li- censing of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Condi- tions. There are four types of Digital UNIX Operating System licenses avail- able on Alpha processors: Operating System Base License (QL-MT4A*-6*) LMF Product Name: OSF-BASE This license grants the right to noninteractive use of the file, ap- plication, batch, print, and compute services of the Digital UNIX Op- erating System on a single processor. This license also authorizes up to two concurrent interactive users of the system (see Interactive User below). The two interactive users authorized as part of the Operating System Base License are additive with Interactive User License quantities, but may not be separated from the Operating System Base License. In addition to the two interactive users, login as root is also au- thorized for system management purposes only. If a Digital UNIX Base License is not registered and activated using the LMF, then login by root only is permitted for system management purposes. The Operating System Base License is a prerequisite for Interactive User Licenses, Unlimited Interactive User Licenses, and SMP Extensions to Base Licenses. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Extension to Base License (QL-MT4A9-6*) LMF Product Name: OSF-BASE 51 SMP Extensions extend the Operating System Base License to enable sym- metric multiprocessing (SMP) capability on those Digital UNIX systems supporting SMP. SMP Extensions to Base are permanently tied to the Op- erating System Base License and may not be separated from the Oper- ating System Base License if an SMP board is removed from the system. One SMP Extension License is needed for each active processor in the SMP system that is additional to the initial processor authorized by the Operating System Base License. SMP Extensions grant the right to use the same version of the Oper- ating System software as permitted by the corresponding Operating Sys- tem Base License at the time when the SMP Extension is installed. Interactive User License (QL-MT7A*-B*) or Concurrent Use Licenses (QL-MT7AM-3*) LMF Product Name: OSF-USR An Operating System Base License is a prerequisite for Interactive User and/or Concurrent Use Licenses on the same system. These licenses grant the right to interactive use of the Digital UNIX Operating System. The Interactive User and Concurrent Use Licenses are are available in various quantities which can be combined to match any total desired. Multiple user licenses of the same or different quantities may be in- stalled and used together on a given system to authorize system use by the sum of their quantities. These user licenses authorize users in addition to the two users authorized as part of the Operating Sys- tem Base License. Interactive User and Concurrent Use Licenses are redesignatable and can be installed and used only on a single Digital UNIX system at a time. An interactive user, either a person or device, is one that is logged in to a Digital UNIX processor or is interactively using the operat- ing system software by means other than a login. 52 Unlimited Interactive User Licenses (QL-MT7A*-AA) LMF Product Name: OSF-USR An Operating System Base License is a prerequisite for an Unlimited License for interactive users on the same system. This license grants the right to use of the Digital UNIX Operating Sys- tem by an unlimited number of interactive users on a system. An Unlimited License for interactive users grants the right to use Soft- ware versions authorized under the Operating System Base License in effect at the time of the grant of the Unlimited Interactive User Li- cense. SOURCE MATERIALS OPTIONS Source Code Distribution A source kit is available for users who need to retrieve and modify selected source modules. Although every attempt is made to include ac- curate source modules, Digital does not warrant the ability to build a binary kit. Limited supporting documentation is also provided. Dig- ital does not warrant the results of using the source kit to change selected portions of the system. Customers who are appropriately licensed by the Open Software Foun- dation (OSF) and by Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) may obtain optional source material for this software product. Most users do not require source materials. Sources are used primar- ily by those with an in-depth knowledge of operating system internals to make highly specialized modifications to the software product. The following minimum conditions must be satisfied prior to each and every distribution (initial distribution or revision) of source ma- terials: o Customers must be currently licensed by the Open Software Founda- tion (OSF) to use OSF/1 R1.2 source code on a designated CPU for 53 which source materials are to be ordered. OSF must verify to Dig- ital that the customer's OSF/1 source license is valid. o Customers must be currently licensed by the Open Software Founda- tion (OSF) to use Motif R1.2.3 source code on a designated CPU for which source materials are to be ordered. OSF must verify to Digital that the customer's Motif source license is valid. o Customers must be currently licensed by UNIX System Laboratories (SCO) for the 3B2 implementation of UNIX System V Release 3.2 (or later) source code on a designated CPU for which source materials are to be ordered. SCO must verify to Digital that the customer's UNIX source license is valid. o Customers must have signed Digital's Software Program Sources Li- cense Agreement for the facility or site where the CPU is located. Source kits provided by Digital do not necessarily contain all source files used by Digital to build object code kits. Digital provides these source kits on a reference-only basis. Digital does not provide sup- port for source code as part of the standard SPS offerings. These sources are distributed on an "AS IS" basis. The source code distribution provides users with a source license and the machine-readable source code for this software product. Subject to the terms and conditions of the OSF/1 source license from the OSF and the UNIX source license from SCO, this option gives customers the right to use this source code on any CPU at the facility/location (as specified in the above mentioned agreements with Digital) which has a Single-Use License for the object code. The source code distribution option provides users with the machine- readable source code for a revised version of this software product. Subject to the terms and conditions of the OSF/1 source license from the OSF and the UNIX source license from SCO, this option gives users the right to use this revised source code on any CPU at the facility /location (as specified in the above mentioned agreements with Dig- ital) which has a Single-Use License for the object code and is also listed on the Source License for this product. 54 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the applicable Dig- ital Standard Terms and Conditions. SUPPORTED HARDWARE The following tables list supported hardware for Digital UNIX. Com- binations of hardware options are subject to limitations such as band- width, physical configuration constraints, and electrical load and power supply. The content of this hardware configuration section is intended to spec- ify the device limitations and provide a general guide. It does not describe all possible hardware configurations or circumstances. Any particular configuration should be discussed with Digital. Contact Dig- ital for the most up-to-date information on possible hardware config- urations. Digital reserves the right to change the number and type of devices supported by Digital UNIX. The minimum hardware requirements for fu- ture versions and updates of Digital UNIX may be different from cur- rent hardware requirements. For configuration details about Alpha sys- tems, refer to the Digital Systems and Options Catalog and the Net- works and Communications Buyer's Guide. Embedded and Realtime Boards An Embedded and Realtime OEM is a hard goods/capital equipment man- ufacturer that utilizes Digital's products embedded in the OEM's own products. The Digital products act as a specialized controller of spe- cific functions in the OEM's product, not as a general purpose com- puter. 55 Digital products may be physically embedded within the OEM's product (e.g. a CPU board and software inside a Telephone Switch) or may be functionally integrated into the solution (e.g. a system box and soft- ware controlling a flight simulator). The Digital product is perceived by the end customer to be an integral and dedicated component of the Embedded and Realtime OEM's product, NOT a general purpose computer. 56 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_DEC_2000_Model_300[1]_and_Model_500_______________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD43 RRD44 Disks: RZ24L[1] RZ28 RZ25 RZ28B RZ25L RZ55[2] RZ26 RZ56 RZ26L RZ58 Diskettes: RX26 Tapes: TLZ06 TKZ08 TLZ07 TKZ09 TSZ07 TZK10 TKZ60 TZK11 SCSI Adapters: PB2HA-SA[3] Network DW300 (EISA Token DE422 (EISA Lance Eth- Adapters: Ring) ernet) DEFEA (EISA FDDI) DE425 (EISA Tulip Eth- ernet) Communications: PC4XD-AA (Par/Ser)[4] PC4XD-AB (Dual/Ser) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK471, 411 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]The DEC 2000 300 is not supported in a dataless environment and is not installable via RIS. [2]Data device only. [3]G2 minimum firmware requirement. [4]Only the serial port is supported. 57 ___________________________________________________________________ Graphics Subsys- PB2GA-AA PBXWT-A (CALCOMP DB tems: III) Mouse: PCXAS-AA Serial Printers: LA36 LG02 LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[5] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[5] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[5] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[5] DEClaser 5100[5] Monitors: VRC16-HA PC7XV-DE VRC16-H4 PC7XV-DG Modems: PCXBF-AA (2400 PCXDF-AA (14400 /9600)[6] /9600)[6] PCXCF-AA (9600 /9600)[6] ___________________________________________________________________ [5]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [6]Modem support only - no FAX available. ___________________________________________________________________ 58 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2: DEC 3000 Models 300, 300L, 300X, 300LX, 400, 400S, 500, _________500S,_500X,_600,_600S,_700,_800,_800S,_900________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD45 RRD43 Disks: RZ24L[1] RZ26N RZ55[1] RZ25 RZ28 RZ56 RZ25L RZ28B RZ58 RZ25M RZ28D RZ73 RZ26 RZ28M RZ74 RZ26L RZ29B Diskettes: RX23 RX26 Tapes: TLZ04 TKZ60 TZ86 TLZ06 TSZ07 TZ87 TLZ07 TZ30 TZ88 TKZ08 TZ85 TZK10 TKZ09 TZK11 TURBOchannel DEFTA (FDDI) PMAD (Thickwire Eth- Adapters:[2] DEFZA (FDDI) ernet) DETRA (Token Ring) PMAZB (Dual Slow DGLTA (ATM) SCSI) PMAZC (Dual Fast SCSI) KZTSA (FWD SCSI) ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Data device only. [2]The DEC 3000 Models 300L and 300LX have no available TURBOchan- nel slots. Each supports the same options as the DEC 3000 Model 300 except those requiring a TURBOchannel to be configured. 59 Table_2_(Cont.):_DEC_3000_Models_300,_300L,_300X,_300LX,_400,______ 400S, 500, 500S, 500X, 600, 600S, 700, 800, 800S, _________________900_______________________________________________ RAID Con- HSZ10[3] HSZ40[4] troller: Keyboards: LK401 LK421 LK443 LK444 Graphics Sub- ZLX-M -L PMAGB(HX, TX) PMAGB-JA systems: ZLX-E1/8-plane PMAG-BA PMAGD Tablet/Mouse: VSXXX-AA VSXXX-FA VSXXX-GA VSXXX-AB Asynchronous VT100 VT240 VT340 Terminals: VT102 VT300 VT420 VT200 VT320 VT510 VT220 Serial Print- LA36 LA324 LN03 ers: LA50 LCG01 LN03R LA70 LF01R DEClaser 1100/1500[5] LA75 LG02 DEClaser 2100/2150[5] LA75 TURBO LG06 DEClaser 2200/2250[5] LA100 LG12 DEClaser 3200/3250[5] LA120 LJ250 DEClaser 5100[5] LA210 LJ252 Monitors: VRM17 VR320 VRC16 VRM20 VRT16 VRC19 VR319 VRT17 VRC21 ___________________________________________________________________ [3]HSZ10 is supported on DEC 3000 systems running PMAZC or KZTSA. HSZ10 support requires the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 utility for Digital UNIX. [4]HSZ40 supported on DEC 3000 (except for Models 300X and 300LX) systems running PMAZC or KZTSA. [5]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. 60 Table_2_(Cont.):_DEC_3000_Models_300,_300L,_300X,_300LX,_400,______ 400S, 500, 500S, 500X, 600, 600S, 700, 800, 800S, _________________900_______________________________________________ Modems[6]:________DF02___________________DF03_____________________DF296 [6]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 61 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3:_DEC_4000_Models_6xx_and_7xx_______________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD43 Disks: RZ25 RZ56 RZ26 RZ58 RZ28 RZ73 RZ55[1] RZ74 Diskettes: RX23 RX26 Tapes: TKZ08 TZ30 TKZ09 TZ85 TLZ04 TZ86 TLZ06 TZ88 TLZ07 TZK10 TSZ07 TKZ60 Network DEFAA (FBUS+ FDDI) Adapters: Asynchronous VT100 VT300 Terminals: VT102 VT320 VT200 VT340 VT220 VT420 VT240 VT510 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Data device only. 62 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Printers: LA36 LG02 LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[2] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[2] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[2] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[2] DEClaser 5100[2] Modems[3]: DF02 DF296 DF03 ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [3]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 63 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_4:_DEC_7000_Models_6xx_and_7xx;_DEC_10000_Models_6xx_and_7xx_ Memory: 1 GB [1] 14 GB[1] CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD43 RRD44 Controller: KDM70, CIXCD-AC[2] I/O Servers: HSC40[3] HSC65[3] HSC90[3] HSC50[3] HSC70[3] HSC95[3] Disks: RA60[4] RA81 RA71 RA82 RA72 RA90 RA73 RA92 Tapes: TA78 TA90 TA79 TA91 Controller: KZMSA[5] Disks: RZ26 RZ28M RZ26L RZ29B RZ28 RZ73 RZ28B RZ74 Tapes: TLZ06 TKZ60 TZ87 TLZ07 TZ85 TZ88 TKZ09 TZ86 TSZ07 RAID Con- HSZ40[6] troller: ___________________________________________________________________ [1]If a KDM70 is configured with either a DEC 7000 or a DEC 10000 machine, the maximum amount of main memory supported is 1 GB. When a KDM70 is not configured, the maximum amount of main memory supported is 14 GB. [2]One CIXCD controller per system. [3]The k.scsi requestor is not supported. [4]Data device only. [5]Up to 16 controllers supported. [6]HSZ40 supported on DEC 7000 and DEC 10000 running KZMSA. 64 Table_4_(Cont.):_DEC_7000_Models_6xx_and_7xx;_DEC_10000_Models_6xx_ _________________and_7xx___________________________________________ Network DEMFA (XMI FDDI) DEMNA (XMI DEFAA Adapters: Ethernet) (FBUS+ FDDI) DGLPB (PCI ATM) Asynchronous VT100 VT240 VT420 Terminals: VT102 VT300 VT510 VT200 VT320 VT220 VT340 Serial Print- LA36 LA210 LJ250 ers: LA50 LA324 LJ252 LA70 LCG01 LN03 LA75 LF01R LN03R LA75 TURBO LG02 DEClaser LA100 LG06 1100 LA120 LG12 /1500[7] DEClaser 2100 /2150[7] DEClaser 2200 /2250[7] DEClaser 3200 /3250[7] Modems[8]: DF02 DF03 DF296 ___________________________________________________________________ [7]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [8]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 65 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_5:_AlphaServer_400_4/166,_4/233______________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD43 RRD44 RRD45 Controller: KZPAA (PCI SCSI 2) KZPSC KZPSM KZPSA Disks: RZ25L RZ26N RZ28D RZ25M RZ28 RZ28M RZ26L RZ28B RZ29B Diskettes: RX23L Tapes: TLZ06 TZK11 TZ85 TLZ07 TZK10 TZ86 TZ87 Network DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE205 (ISA DGLPB (PCI Adapters: DE500 (PCI Fast Ethernet) ATM) Ethernet) DW110 (ISA PBXDI DE434, 435, 450 Token Ring) (PCI Ethernet) PBXNP (PCI Token Ring) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK411 LK471 Mouse: PBXAS-AA/AB PBXWS/AA Tablet: PBXWT-A (CalComp DB III) Graphics Sub- PBXGA-Ax,Bx,Cx PB2GA-FB PB2GA-FA systems: (ZLXp-E/L/M) 66 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Print- LA36 LA210 ers: LA50 LA324 LA70 LCG01 LA75 LF01R LA75 TURBO LG02 LA100 LG06 LA120 LG12 LJ250 Monitors: VRC15-KA/K4 VRC21-PA/P4 VRT17-PA/P4 VRC15-PA/P4 VRC16-PA/P4 Modems[2]: PCXDF ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Modem support only - no FAX available. ___________________________________________________________________ 67 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 6: AlphaServer 1000 4/200, 4/233, 4/266; AlphaServer 1000A _________4/233,_4/266,_5/300_______________________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD43 RRD44 RRD45 Disks: RZ26L RZ28 RZ28M RZ26N RZ28D RZ29B Diskettes: RX23L Tapes: TKZ09 TLZ07 TSZ07 TKZ60 TZ85/86/87 TZK11 TLZ06 TZK10 SCSI Adapters: KZPAA (PCI SCSI) KZESC (EISA KZPDA KZPSA (PCI FWD RAID) KZPSM SCSI) KZPSC (PCI RAID)[1] Network DEFEA (EISA FDDI) DE425 (EISA DGLPB (PCI Adapters: DW300 (EISA Token Tulip Ethernet) ATM) Ring) DEFPA (PCI DE434, 435, DE422 (EISA Lance FDDI) 450 (PCI Ethernet) PBXNP (PCI Ethernet) Token Ring) DE500 (PCI Fast Ether- net) Keyboards: LK471 LK411 PCXAL-XX Graphics Sub- PB2GA-AA PB2GA-FB PBXGA-AX/BX systems: PB2GA-JA ___________________________________________________________________ [1] Only one KZPSC can be used at a time. 68 Table_6_(Cont.):_AlphaServer_1000_4/200,_4/233,_4/266;_AlphaServer_ _________________1000A_4/233,_4/266,_5/300_________________________ Mouse/Tablet: PC7XS-CA (3 but- PBXWT-A (Cal- PBXWS-AA (3 ton) Comp DB III) button) Serial Print- LA36 LA210 LG02 ers: LA50 LA324 LG06 LA70 LCG01 LG12 LA75 LF01R LA75 TURBO LA100 LA120 Monitors: VRC15-KA/K4 VRC21-PA/P4 VRT17-PA/P4 VRC16-PA/P4 Modems: PBXDF-AA/BA PCXBF-AA[3] PCXCF-AA [3] ___________________________________________________________________ [3] AlphaServer 1000 only. ___________________________________________________________________ 69 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 7: AlphaServer 2000 4/200, 4/233, 4/275, 5/250, 5/300, 5 /350; AlphaServer 2100 4/200, 4/233, 4/275, 5/250, 5/300, _________5/350;_AlphaServer_2100A_4/275,_5/250,_5/300,_5/350_______ Memory: Limited to 2 GB CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD45 RRD43 Disks: RZ25L RZ28 RZ29B RZ26 RZ28B EZ31[1] RZ26L RZ28D EZ32[1] RZ26N RZ28M EZ64 EZ69 Diskettes: RX26 RX33 Tapes: TKZ09 TZ86 TLZ07 TZK10 TZ87 TLZ09 TZK11 TZ88 TZK60 TLZ06 TSZ07 Adapters: PB2HA-SA: Adaptec KZPAA (PCI KZPSC (PCI 1742A (EISA)[2] SCSI) RAID) KZESC (EISA RAID) KZPSA (PCI FWD SCSI) RAID Con- HSZ40 troller: Network DEFEA (EISA FDDI) DE425 (EISA DE434, 435, Adapters: DW300 (EISA Token Tulip Ethernet) 450 (PCI Ring) DEFPA (PCI Ethernet) DE422 (EISA Lance FDDI) DE500 (PCI Ethernet)[3] DGLPB (PCI ATM) Fast Ether- net) ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Data device only. [2]G2 minimum firmware requirement; maximum of one. Not supported on AlphaServer 2100A. [3]Not supported on AlphaServer 2100A. 70 Table_7_(Cont.):_AlphaServer_2000_4/200,_4/233,_4/275,_5/250,_5____ /300, 5/350; AlphaServer 2100 4/200, 4/233, 4 /275, 5/250, 5/300, 5/350; AlphaServer 2100A 4 _________________/275,_5/250,_5/300,_5/350_________________________ Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK411 LK471 Mouse/Tablet: PC7XS-CA PBXWT-A (Cal- Comp DB III) Graphics Sub- PB2GA-AA PB2GA-FB PBXGA-AA[5] systems: PB2GA-JB[4] PB2GA-JA[4] PBXGA-BA[5] PBXGA-CA[5] Serial Print- LA36 LA324 LN03 ers: LA50 LCG01 LN03R LA70 LF01R DEClaser LA75 LG02 1100 LA75 TURBO LG06 /1500[6] LA100 LG12 DEClaser LA120 LJ250 2100 LA210 LJ252 /2150[6] DEClaser 2200 /2250[6] DEClaser 3200 /3250[6] DEClaser 5100[6] Monitors: VRC15 VRT17 VRC21 VRC16 Modems[7]: DF02 DF03 DF296 ___________________________________________________________________ [4]Cannot be used in multiscreen configuration. [5]Not supported on AlphaServer 2100A. [6]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [7]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 71 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_8:_AlphaServer_4100_5/300,_5/300E____________________________ Memory: Limited to 4 GB CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD43 RRD45 Disks: RZ25L RZ28 RZ26 RZ28B RZ26L RZ28D RZ26J RZ28L RZ26N RZ28M RZ29B Diskettes: RX26 RX33 Tapes: TKZ09 TZ88 TZK10 TLZ06 TZK11 TLZ07 TZ86 TZK60 TZ87 TSZ07 Adapters: KZESC (EISA RAID) KZPSA (PCI FWD SCSI) KZPAA (PCI SCSI) KZPSC (PCI RAID) RAID Con- HSZ40 troller: Network DW300 (EISA Token Ring) DE434, 435 (PCI Ether- Adapters: DEFPA (PCI FDDI) net) DGLPB (PCI ATM)[2] DE500 (PCI Fast Ether- net) PBXNP-AA (PCI Token Ring) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX Graphics Sub- PB2GA-JB[6] systems: ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. 72 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Print- LA36 LG02 ers: LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[2] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[2] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[2] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[2] DEClaser 5100[2] Monitors: VRC15 VRT17 VRC21 Modems[3]: DF02 DF296 DF03 ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [3]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 73 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_9:_AlphaServer_8200_5/300;_AlphaServer_8400_5/300____________ Memory: 1 GB [1] 14 GB[1] CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD45 RRD43 Controller: KDM70, CIXCD-AC[2] I/O Servers: HSC40[3] HSC65[3] HSC90[3] HSC50[3] HSC70[3] HSC95[3] Disks: RA60[4] RA73 RA90 RA71 RA81 RA92 RA72 RA82 Tapes: TA78 TA79 TA90 TA91 Disks: RZ26 RZ28 RZ29B RZ26L RZ28B RZ73 RZ26N RZ28M RZ74 Tapes: TLZ06 TKZ60 TZ86 TLZ07 TKZ09 TZ87 TKZ09 TZ85 TZ88 TSZ07 RAID Con- HSZ40[5] troller: ___________________________________________________________________ [1]If a KDM70 is configured with either a AlphaServer 8200/8400 machine, the maximum amount of main memory supported is 1 GB. When a KDM70 is not configured, the maximum amount of main memory supported is 14 GB. [2]One CIXCD controller per system. [3]The k.scsi requestor is not supported. [4]Data device only. [5]HSZ40 supported on AlphaServer 8200/8400 running KZMSA or KZPSA. 74 ___________________________________________________________________ Network DEMFA (XMI FDDI) DE425 (EISA Ether- PBXNP Adapters: DEMNA (XMI Ether- net) (PCI net) DW300 (EISA Token Token DEFAA (FBUS+ FDDI) Ring) Ring) DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE434, DGLPB (PCI ATM) 435, 450 (PCI Ether- net) DE500 (PCI Fast Ether- net) Adapters: KZPSA-BB (PCI FWD) KZPSC-BA (PCI KZMSA[7] KZPSC-AA (PCI RAID) RAID)[6] KZPAA (PCI SCSI) KFE70- AA (EISA Bridge) Multifunctional KFTIA (ITIOP) Adapter: Asynchronous VT100 VT240 VT340 Terminals: VT102 VT300 VT420 VT200 VT320 VT510 VT220 ___________________________________________________________________ [6]Check KZPSC documentation for device limitations. [7]Up to 16 controllers supported. 75 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Print- LA36 LA210 LJ250 ers: LA50 LA324 LJ252 LA70 LCG01 LN03 LA75 LF01R LN03R LA75 TURBO LG02 DEClaser LA100 LG06 1100 LA120 LG12 /1500[8] DEClaser 2100 /2150[8] DEClaser 2200 /2250[8] DEClaser 3200 /3250[8] Modems[9]: DF02 DF03 DF296 ___________________________________________________________________ [8]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [9]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 76 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 10: AlphaStation 200 4/100, 4/166, 4/233; AlphaStation 250 __________4/266;_AlphaStation_400_4/233____________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD43 RRD44 RRD45 Controller: KZPAA (PCI SCSI 2) Disks: RZ25F RZ26F RZ28D RZ25L RZ26N RZ28M RZ25M RZ28 RZ29B RZ26L RZ28B Diskettes: RX23 Tapes: TLZ06 TSZ07 TZ87 TLZ07 TZK11 Network DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE500 (PCI Fast DE205 (ISA Adapters: DE434, 435, 450 Ethernet) Ethernet) (PCI Ethernet) PBXNP (PCI DW110 (ISA Token Ring) Token Ring) DGLPB (PCI ATM) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK471 LK411 Tablet: PBXWT-A (CalComp DB III) Mouse: PBXWS-AA Graphics Sub- PBXGA-Ax/Bx/Cx PB2GA-JB[2] PB2GA-FA systems: PB2GA-JA[2] (ATI Mach 64 CX)[1] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Supported on 100 Model only. [2]Cannot be used in a multiscreen configuration. 77 Table_10_(Cont.):_AlphaStation_200_4/100,_4/166,_4/233;_AlphaSta-__ __________________tion_250_4/266;_AlphaStation_400_4/233___________ Serial Print- LA36 LA324 LJ252 ers: LA50 LCG01 LN03 LA70 LF01R LN03R LA75 LG02 DEClaser LA75 TURBO LG06 1100 LA100 LG12 /1500[3] LA120 LJ250 DEClaser LA210 2100 /2150[3] DEClaser 2200 /2250[3] DEClaser 3200 /3250[3] DEClaser 5100[3] Monitors: VRC21-LA/L4 VRT17-PA/P4 Modems[4]: PCXDF-AA PCXDF-BA ___________________________________________________________________ [3]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [4]Modem support only - no FAX available. ___________________________________________________________________ 78 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_11:_AlphaStation_255_5/233,_5/300____________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD45 Controller: KZPAA (PCI SCSI 2) Disks: RZ25F RZ28 RZ25L RZ28B RZ25M RZ28D RZ26L RZ28M RZ26N RZ29B Diskettes: RX23L Tapes: TLZ07 TZ87 TZK11 Network DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE205-AC (ISA Ether- Adapters: DE434, 435, 450 (PCI net) Ethernet) DE500 (PCI Fast Ether- net) Keyboards: LK461-XX LK471-XX PCXAL-XX Tablet: PBXWT-A (CalComp DB III) Mouse: PBXWS-WA Graphics Sub- PB2GA-JA[1] PBXGB-AA/CA systems: PB2GA-JB[1] PBXGA-AA/BA/CA ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Cannot be used in multiscreen configuration. 79 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Print- LA36 LG02 ers: LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[2] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[2] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[2] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[2] DEClaser 5100[2] Monitors: VRC15-WA/W3/W4 VRC21-WA/W3/W4 VRC17-WA/W3/W4 Modems[3]: PBXDF-AA PCXCF-AA PCX8F-AA ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [3]Modem support only - no FAX available. ___________________________________________________________________ 80 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 12: AlphaStation 500, 5/266, 5/333, 5/400; AlphaStation 600 __________5/266,_5/300,_5/333______________________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD43 RRD44 RRD45 Controller: KZPAA (PCI SCSI 2) Disks: RZ25L RZ26N RZ28D RZ25M RZ28 RZ28M RZ26L RZ28B RZ29B[1] Diskettes: RX23L RX26 Tapes: TLZ06 TZK11 TLZ09 TLZ07 TZ87 Network DEFEA (EISA DEFPA (PCI PBXNP (PCI Adapters: FDDI)[2] FDDI) Token Ring) DW300 (EISA Token DGLPB (PCI ATM) DE500 (PCI Ring)[2] Fast Ether- DE425 (EISA Ether- net) net)[2] DE434, 435[2], 450 (PCI Ethernet) SCSI Adapters: KZPAA P2SE (2 QLogic 1 Tulip)[2] \KZPSA[3] K2PSC[2]) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK461 LK411 LK471 \LK46W[4] LK47W[4]) 81 Table_12_(Cont.):_AlphaStation_500,_5/266,_5/333,_5/400;_AlphaSta-_ __________________tion_600_5/266,_5/300,_5/333_____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ [1]0014 is the minimum firmware required. [2]Only supported on AlphaStation 600. [3]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. 82 Table_12_(Cont.):_AlphaStation_500,_5/266,_5/333,_5/400;_AlphaSta-_ __________________tion_600_5/266,_5/300,_5/333_____________________ Mouse: PBXWS-AA[2] PBXWS-WA[4] Tablet: PBXWT-A (CalComp DB III) Graphics Sub- PBXGA-Ax/Bx/Cx[2] PBXGB-Ax/Cx ZLXp-L,M systems: Serial Print- LA36 LA324 LG02 ers: LA50 LCG01 LG06 LA70 LF01R LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LA120 LA210 Monitors: VRC21-Lx[2]/Wx[4] VRT17-Px[2] /Wx[4] Modems[5]: PBXDF-BA[5] ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Only supported on AlphaStation 600. [4]Support on AlphaStation 500. [5]Modem support only - no FAX available. ___________________________________________________________________ 83 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 13: Embedded & Realtime Boards: AXPpci 33; AXPpci 33S, Digi- __________tal_Modular_Computing_Components_EBM43-AZ,_EBM44-AZ[1]___ CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD43 RRD45 Controller: KZPAA (PCI SCSI 2) Disks: RZ24L[2] RZ28 RZ25 RZ28B RZ25L RZ28D RZ25M RZ28L RZ26 RZ29B RZ26L RZ55[2] RZ26J RZ56 RZ26N RZ58 Diskettes: RX23 RX26 Tapes: TZK10 TKZ08 TZK11 TKZ09 TZK60 TLZ06 TSZ07 Network DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE203, 204, 205 (ISA Adapters: DE434 (PCI Tulip Ether- Ethernet) net) DW110 (ISA Token Ring) DE435, 450 (PCI Tulip PBXNP (PCI Token Ring) Ethernet) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX Mouse: PCXAS-AA ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Data device only. ____________________ Refer to Embedded and Realtime Boards information in the SUP- PORTED HARDWARE section of this SPD. 84 Table_13_(Cont.):_Embedded_&_Realtime_Boards:_AXPpci_33;_AXPpci____ 33S, Digital Modular Computing Components EBM43- __________________AZ,_EBM44-AZ[1]__________________________________ Graphics Sub- PBXGA (ZLXp-E) PB2GA-FA (ATI PCI mach systems: 64 CX) PB2GA-JA (TRIO 64 PCI Card)[6] Serial Print- LA36 LG02 ers: LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[3] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[3] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[3] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[3] DEClaser 5100[3] Monitors: VRC16-HA PCXBV-PC VRC16-H4 Modems[4]: DF02 DF296 DF03 PCXDF[5] ___________________________________________________________________ [3]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [4]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). [5]Modem support only - no FAX available. [6]Supported only in the secondary PCI slots on Digital Modular Computing Components EBM43-AZ and EBM44-AZ. ___________________________________________________________________ 85 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 14: Embedded & Realtime Boards: AXPvme 64, 100, 160, and __________230;_ALPHAvme_4/224,_4/288[1]____________________________ CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD43 RRD45 Disks: RZ24L[2] RZ28 RZ25 RZ28B RZ25L RZ28D RZ25M RZ28L RZ26 RZ28M RZ26L RZ29B RZ26J RZ55[2] RZ26N RZ56 RZ58 Diskettes: RX23 RX26 RX33 Tapes: TKZ08 TZK10 TKZ09 TZK11 TLZ06 TKZ60 TLZ07 TSZ07 Network DEFPZ (PMC FDDI) DE520 (PMC Fast Ether- Adapters: net) Graphics TGA8M[5] Subsystems: Asynchronous VT100 VT300 Terminals: VT102 VT320 VT200 VT340 VT220 VT420 VT240 VT510 ___________________________________________________________________ [2]Data device only. [5]ALPHAvme 4/224 and 4/288 only. ____________________ Refer to Embedded and Realtime Boards information in the SUP- PORTED HARDWARE section of this SPD. 86 Table_14_(Cont.):_Embedded_&_Realtime_Boards:_AXPvme_64,_100,_160,_ __________________and_230;_ALPHAvme_4/224,_4/288[1]________________ Serial Print- LA36 LG02 ers: LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[3] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[3] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[3] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[3] DEClaser 5100[3] Modems[4]: DF02 DF296 DF03 ___________________________________________________________________ [3]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [4]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 87 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_15:_Alpha_VME_2100_(190_MHz,_275_MHz)________________________ Memory: Limited to 1 GB CD-ROM Drive: RRD42 RRD44 RRD43 Disks: RZ25L RZ28 RZ26 RZ28B RZ26L RZ29B Diskettes: RX26 RX33 Tapes: TZK10 TLZ06 TZK11 TLZ07 TZ86 TZK60 TZ87 TSZ07 Adapters: KZPAA (PCI SCSI) KZPSA (PCI FWD SCSI) RAID Con- HSZ40 troller: Network DEFPA (PCI FDDI) DE434, 435, 450 (PCI Adapters: DGLPB (PCI ATM) Tulip Ethernet) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX Graphics Subsystems: 88 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial Print- LA36 LG02 ers: LA50 LG06 LA70 LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LN03 LA120 LN03R LA210 DEClaser 1100/1500[1] LA324 DEClaser 2100/2150[1] LCG01 DEClaser 2200/2250[1] LF01R DEClaser 3200/3250[1] DEClaser 5100[1] Monitors: VRC15 VRT17 VRC16 VRC21 Modems[2]: DF02 DF296 DF03 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. [2]Digital UNIX will support any Digital modem that understands Digital Modem Command Language (DMCL). ___________________________________________________________________ 89 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_16:_EB66+,_EB64+,_EB164,_AlphaPC_64,_AlphaPC_164_____________ SCSI KZPAA (PCI Adapter: SCSI 2) CD-ROM RRD42 RRD44 Drive: RRD43 RRD45 Disks: RZ26L RZ28 RZ28D RZ26N RZ28B RZ29B Diskettes: RX23 RX26 RX33 Tapes: TLZ06 TLZ07 TZK11 Network DE434, DE500 (PCI DE203, 205, 205 (ISA Adapters: 435, 450 Fast Ether- Ethernet) (PCI Tulip net) Ethernet) Keyboards: PCXAL-XX LK411-xx LK461-xx LK471-xx Graphics PBXGA (ZLXp- PB2GA-JA/JB Subsystems: E) Mouse: PCXAS-AA PCXWS-AA 90 ___________________________________________________________________ Serial LA36 LA324 LG02 Printers: LA50 LCG01 LG06 LA70 LF01R LG12 LA75 LJ250 LA75 TURBO LJ252 LA100 LA120 LA210 Monitors: VRC16-HA PCXBV-PC VRC17-W VRC21-H4 VRC15-W VRC21-W Modems[1]: DF02 DF296 PBXDF-AA DF03 PCXDF[1] PCXCF-AA PCXBF-AA ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Support for these printers is at DEC ANSI level 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 91 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 17: Local Language Variant Optional Hardware The following devices support input and output of local language data. ___________________________________________________________________ Printers, Language____Terminals_____Keyboards_____Printers__________Cont.____ Czech (C)/ VT42D-PV LK401-BV LA70-CC LA600-CB Slovak (C) LK401-CZ LA65-CC LG06-DB (S): VT42D-PZ LK411-BV LA75S-CB + LG12-DA (S) (C) LA75Y-CF LN06 + VT510-DX PCXAL-HV LA310-CB + LNXX-FE VT510-EX (C) LA31X-CA LN07 + VT510-FX LK411-CZ LA424-CC + LNXX-FE VT510-KX (S) LA24X-CL and PCXAL-JZ LA24X-CS (S) Traditional VT382-D* LK401-D* CP382-D* Chinese: Simplified VT382-C* LK401-C* LA88-C* LA380-C* Chinese: Greek: VT420-NH/PH LK401-BH LA70-CC LA424-** VT510-*X LK411-BH LA310-CB + LA24X- LA75S-CB CJ LA600-CB Hebrew: VT420-AT LK401-AT LA70-AT LA424-AT LA600-AT Hungarian: VT42D-PQ LK401-BQ LA70-CC LG01-** VT510-*X LK411-BQ LA75S-CB LG02-** PCXAL-HQ LA310-CB LG06-** LA424-CC + LA24X-CL 92 ___________________________________________________________________ Printers, Language____Terminals_____Keyboards_____Printers__________Cont.____ Japanese: VT282-F* LK401-*J LA84-B* LA280-A* VT286-F* LK421-*J LA86-A* LA380 VT382-F* LA88-A* LN03S-JA VT383-F* LA90-A* LN05S-AJ LN10 (DEClaser LN82R 2400) Korean: VT382-K* LA401-K* LA380-K* DLP5100 Polish: VT42D-PP LK401-BQ LA70-CC LG06-CB VT42D-QP LK411-BP LA75S-CB + LN07 VT42D-RP PCXAL-HP LA75Y-CF LN08 VT510-*X LA310-CB + DECLaser LA31X-CA 1152 LA424-CB + DECLaser LA24X-CL 3250 LPS20 LPS32 Russian: VT42D-PT LK401-BT LA70-CC LA424-CC VT510-*X LK411-BT LG01-** + LA24X- PCXAL-HT LG02-** CL LG06-** LA75S-CB + LA75Y- CF LA310- CB + LA31X-CA Thai: VT382-T* LA401-T* As recommended by local office 93 ___________________________________________________________________ Printers, Language____Terminals_____Keyboards_____Printers__________Cont.____ Turkish: VT420-UU/XU LK401-BU LA70-CC VT420-PU/YU LK401-BW LA310-CB VT420-WU/VU LK402-BW LA75S-CB VT420-QU/ZU LK411-BU LA424-** + VT510-*X LK411-BW LA24X-CK LK412-BW LA424-** + ________________________________________LA24X-CM___________________ 94 [R] Adobe and PostScript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. [R] HP and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. [R] Motif, OSF, OSF/Motif, and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] POSIX is a registered trademark of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. [R] SilentWriter is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. [R] Sun and NFS are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM]Display PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. [TM]Open Software Foundation is a trademark of Open Software Foun- dation, Inc. [TM]X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. [TM]X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Bookreader, CDA, DEC, DEC Fortran, DEC Open3D, DEClaser, DECsafe, DECterm, DECthreads, DECwindows, Digital, HSC, KDM, LA, LA50, LA324, LAT, LinkWorks, LN03, POLY- CENTER, RA, RRD42, RZ, RZ, TA, TURBOchannel, ULTRIX, VT100, VT220, VT300, VT340, VT420, VT510, and XUI are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM]Netscape Navigator is a trademark of Netscape Communications. 95 ) 1996Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Note: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 96