Notes on Assignment 1 ===================== Setting up your CLASSPATH for assignment 1 on the lab machines: You will need both the junit.jar file and the directory where you unpacked the downloadable.jar file to be in your CLASSPATH in order to get started on assignment1. Assuming I unpacked downloadable.jar in the following directory /home/mhall/241/assignment1 then I would set my CLASSPATH as follows: export CLASSPATH=/home/mhall/241/assignment1:/usr/share/java/junit.jar:$CLASSPATH Example pictures to use when writing tests for the ImageOrganizer reference implementation: There is a pictures.jar file containing some example images included in the downloadable.jar file. Unpack this somewhere in your home account. The ImageOrganizer can handle both jpeg and gif images. Handy hints: Your test cases will need to check the results of operations on FileElements in both memory and on disk (the two should correspond). One very handy class for dealing with files is --- take a look at the javadoc for this class.