Example One

let $ X_1 = X_2 = X_3 = \{0,1\}*$ (all binary strings (*)). Let P = `` $ h := a; a := b; b := h$''. The state vector generally is $ (h,a,b) \in X = x_1\;$x$ \;x_2\;$x$ \;x_3$ Supose input vector is $ x = (110,01,1001)$.

before: code: after:
$ (110,01,1001)$ $ h:=a$ $ (01,01,1001)$
$ (01,01,1001)$ $ a:=b$ $ (01,1001,1001)$
$ (01,1001,1001)$ $ b:=h$ $ (01,1001,01)$
Generally, if the input vector is $ (p,q,r)$, then the output is determined via: $ (p,q,r) \mapsto (q,q,r) \mapsto (q,r,r) \mapsto (q,r,q)$ so the second and third positions are swapped, and the value originally in the first position is lost.

David Goodwin 2008-09-20