Hoare Tripple

A Hoare tripple is a statement $ \langle \alpha \rangle \; P \; \langle \beta \rangle $ where $ \alpha,\beta$ are tests on the state space $ X$ and $ P$ a program (= piece of code) acting on $ X$. We say the tripple is partially correct if, whenever $ \underline{x} \in X$   satisfies$ \alpha$, and $ P$ is applied to $ x$, the result (if it exists) satisfies $ \beta$. It is totally correct if any input $ x$ satisfying $ \alpha$ does give a result when $ P$ is applied ($ P$ terminates on $ x$), and this result satisfies $ \beta$.

Recalling the factorial program $ P$, it appears that $ \langle n \geq 1 \rangle \; P \; \langle P = n! \rangle $ is both partially and totally correct. Note taht neither $ (n \geq 1)$ nor $ (p = n!)$ involves the varible ``i'', so its value is not relevant to the correctness.

We call the $ \alpha,\beta$ in $ \langle \alpha \rangle \; P \; \langle \beta \rangle $ the precondition and postcondition respectively.


David Goodwin 2008-09-20