Assignment Rule

The basis of all correctness proofs is provided by the Assignment Rule, which states that the following Hoare tripple is (totally) correct:

$\displaystyle \langle \alpha[E/x] \rangle \; x := E \; \langle \alpha \rangle $

Here $ E$ is some value, easily computed from the current state variables, either using library functions, or maybe $ E$ is a variable or a constant. $ x$ is a state variable name, and $ \alpha[E/x]$ is the predicate $ \alpha$ with $ x$ replaced by $ E$ where-ever it occurs.

This rule is sound (i.e. does give correct tripples) because if the output to $ x := E$ is to satisfy $ \alpha$ it is enough that $ E$ satisfies the same condition $ x$ had to satisfy according to $ \alpha$.

It is also complete (i.e. the precondition is as weak (= general) as possible), so $ \alpha[E/x]$ is the weakest possible precondition given the piece of code $ x := E$ and postcondition $ \langle \alpha\rangle $.


David Goodwin 2008-09-20