This label was floating around inside the case. What it was originally attached to is unknown. The part number stated on it is "74-46799-02 A01 PPI" - maybe Google will lead someone here who knows what it is off.
In album: DECserver 90M
Filename | label.JPG |
Timestamp | 2009-02-23 21:11:00+13:00 |
Dimensions | 2496 x 1664 |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
Size | 2814671 bytes |
Thumbnail linked to this page | <a href="/gallery/image/443"> <img src="/gallery/image/443/deriv/965" alt="label" title="This label was floating around inside the case. What it was originally attached to is unknown. The part number stated on it is "74-46799-02 A01 PPI" - maybe Google will lead someone here who knows what it is off."/> </a> |
Thumbnail linked to full size image | <a href="/gallery/image/443"> <img src="/gallery/image/443/full" alt="label" title="This label was floating around inside the case. What it was originally attached to is unknown. The part number stated on it is "74-46799-02 A01 PPI" - maybe Google will lead someone here who knows what it is off."/> </a> |
Resized linked to full size | <a href="/gallery/image/443/full"> <img src="/gallery/image/443/deriv/966" alt="label" title="This label was floating around inside the case. What it was originally attached to is unknown. The part number stated on it is "74-46799-02 A01 PPI" - maybe Google will lead someone here who knows what it is off."/> </a> |