DECserver 90M

The DECserver 90M including its insides.

Up to: DEChub 90 Modules


Front of the DECserver 90M
Side 1
Side 1 (or top?) showing the 10base2 connector. This would be the right side of the module if installed in a DEChub 90 Ethernet Backplane.
Side 2
Side 2 (or underside?) of the unit. This would be the left side of the module if installed in a DEChub 90 Ethernet Backplane.
The back. The mini-DIN connector is for powering the device in a desktop configuration. The white connector provides power and Ethernet when installed in a DEChub 90.
Screw and Ring
The plastic ring fits around the 10base2 connector on the side. The screw fits into the back to hold the PCB in place.
front plastic
The front bit of plastic
This label was floating around inside the case. What it was originally attached to is unknown. The part number stated on it is "74-46799-02 A01 PPI" - maybe Google will lead someone here who knows what it is off.
Inside Case
The inside of the case. Also visible is the unknown part number label, and the front plastic bit.
Module Installed
The DECserver 90M PCB. The module installed in the upper right corner appears to contain flash memory.
Module Top
A module that appears to contain flash memory. It plugs into the DECserver 90M PCB in the rear right corner. Its numbers are: AS45201712, C02, A1 L4 5022854. A picture of the other side is also available.
Module Back
The back of the module. The chips are AM28F020 - 2 Megabit (256 K x 8-Bit) Flash Memory. The front of the DECserver 90M claims 1MB of Flash Memory and there are 4* 256K Flash Memory chips here - 1MB.
The PCB with the flash memory module removed.
PCB Left
Left Side of the PCB
PCB Right
Right Side of the PCB
PCB Back
Back of the PCB
PCB Front Left
Front Left of the PCB
PCB Front Right
Front Right of the PCB