Network Products Public Web site; Trace Facility (Version V3.0)
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Digital Trace Facility (DTF)

DTF is a utility which traces packets as they traverse through the protocol layers within a router. It is a superset of Digital's CTF, supporting multiple platforms and TCP/IP networks.

A Brief Overview of DTF

The Digital/DECNIS Trace Facility (DTF) is an enhancement to CTF (Common Trace Facility) provided in DECnet/OSI. DTF provides support for TCP (in addition to DECnet) as the transport protocol over which the trace records are collected, and it runs on multiple host platforms, namely VMS, Digital Unix, and Windows NT/95. DTF traces packets as they pass through the protocol layers of the router and displays the decoded packet on the host or records the trace data in a file for later analysis. DTF includes facilities for, filtering certain packet types at the source, filtering the output using regular expressions, performing validity check on packets, and displaying the output in full, brief or raw formats.

Tracing occurs through tracepoints which are, usually positioned in the transmit and receive routines of the protocol modules in the Router. Each tracepoint has a name and state, when a packet (IORB) passes through a tracepoint and that tracepoint is in the ON state then it is copied and queued to the DTF module in the router which will, some time later, transmit it over the TCP connection to the host. The host specifies the name(s) of the tracepoints it wants to activate in the initial connection request, these tracepoints then remain active until the connection is closed.

Kits (current kit is V3.1, released April 1998) 
Alpha/VMS Kit (Self Extracting EXE)
VAX/VMS Kit (Self Extracting EXE)
Alpha/Linux Kit
Intel/Linux Kit
Digital Unix Kit
clearVISN WinDTF (for NT/95) V2.0 
Release Notes
User Guide (PDF Format)

Revised 3 April 1998
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