Network Products

Updated: 15 September 1997

GIGAswitch/IP Version 2.0.1-D Release Notes
Upgrading to Version 2.0.1-D

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading to GIGAswitch/IP software, version 2.0.1-D.

Before You Start

Always back up your configuration files before upgrading to a new version of DIGITAL GIGAswitch/IP software. The backup configuration files are useful if your hard disk is lost or corrupted, or if you wish to duplicate the environment on another machine. Complete instructions are available online--select Manage Configuration Set from the Config Tool menu in clearVISN IP Switch Manager then click on Doc. First enable FTP access, then back up to an FTP server, host machine, or disk.

  • The GIGAswitch/ATM must be running version 2.4 or greater.
  • The Clock Management Module (CMM) in the GIGAswitch/ATM must be running firmware version 1.90 or greater.
  • Your GIGAswitch/IP Controller or Gateway must be running version 1.2 or greater.
  • Download the DIGITAL GIGAswitch/IP software upgrade.

Upgrading the IP Switch Controller or Gateway

Use this procedure to upgrade the software for the IP Switch Controller or Gateway:

    1. Log in to the IP Switch Controller or Gateway.
    2. When prompted for the terminal type, press Return to choose the default, or type in the appropriate terminal type.

      For terminals connected to the serial port, the default is VT100.

      For most terminals connected through Telnet, the correct setting is automatically set up as the default. If the default is not set up correctly, you may override it by entering your terminal type at the prompt.

    3. Start the setup tool.
      # setup

      The DIGITAL GIGAswitch/IP software Setup Utility screen is displayed. There is a slight pause while the existing software is checked to see which previous versions have been installed. When the system completes the software check, the installation menu is displayed, as shown below.
      Please select one of the following: 1. Install/upgrade new software 2. Check existing software installations 3. Restore to previous installation 4. Delete backup files from previous installations 5. Quit (and exit this program) Please enter your choice [ 1 ]:

    4. The default choice is 1, Install/upgrade new software. Press Return to install new software.

    5. The install media type prompt displays. Press 2 to indicate that you are installing from FTP and press Return.
      Please select install media type:
      1. File from local file system
      2. FTP with username and passwd
      3. Anonymous FTP
      4. File from local CDROM
      5. Quit this menu.
      Enter choice [ 1 ] : 

    [Note]NOTE: Your choice from this menu depends on where the installation files are located in your network. In this example, we are assuming that you are installing from an FTP server on your network using FTP with a username and password.

    If you select 3, Anonymous FTP, you do not need to supply a username or password and may skip to step 7.

    6. Log in to your FTP site. Enter the IP address of the FTP server and your username and password.

    7. The install file name prompt is displayed. With each upgrade, you will be supplied with the proper target name to type at this point. Enter it as a relative pathname from your FTP user login directory.
      Enter install file name:

      The target name for the 2.0.1-D upgrade file is as follows:


    8. A summary of your entries is presented, as shown in the following example. If you are satisfied with this information, type Y (yes) or press Return.
      You have entered the following 
      FTP Site:
      username: install
      passwd: ***
      target: ipso-upgrade-2.0.1-D.tar.gz
      Proceed with the above information? [y]

    9. A message similar to the following is displayed. Type Y (yes) to proceed with the upgrade.
      Attempting to FTP the target...succeeded 
      in getting the new image tar file!
      Installation/Upgrade option(s): 
      (this may take some time...)
      Product         Version         Created On
      -------         -------         ----------
      IPSO            2.0.1-D           7/31/97
      Total number of new files: 15
      Would you like to install the new files? 

    10. When the upgrade is complete, you will see messages similar to the following. If you want to save the tar file, type Y (yes) to put the tar file on your local file system.

      If you do not want to save the tar file, type N (no) and press Return.
      Backing up files... done.
      Extracting software from tar file... done.
      Updating setup MANIFEST file...done.
      Would you like to save the install tar 
      file on a local file system? [y] 
    11.The initial installation menu is displayed (the same menu displayed in step 4). Press 5 and Return to exit.
      Please select one of the following:
      1. Install/upgrade new software
      2. Check existing software installations
      3. Restore to previous installation
      4. Delete backup files from previous installations
      5. Quit (and exit this program)
      Please enter your choice [ 5 ]:

    12. Log in to the IP Switch Controllor or Gateway as admin and type
    source ./digital_setup to complete the upgrade.

    13. Reboot the IP Switch Controller or Gateway for the software upgrade to take effect.

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