Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Version 4.4 Release Notes

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Chapter 2
Installation Changes

This chapter describes changes to the installation process for ACMS Version 4.4.

2.1 General Installation Information

This kit requires that ACMS be shut down either before or automatically during the installation. (For installation in an OpenVMS Cluster, Compaq recommends that ACMS be stopped on all cluster nodes prior to installation.)

Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging in to the SYSTEM account and typing a command in the following format at the DCL prompt, specifying the name of the kit (kit_name) and the location of the kit saveset (saveset_location):

$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL kit_name saveset_location

Table 2_1 and Table 2-2 list the ACMS Version 4.4 kit names:

Table 2-1 Alpha Kits
Kit Name
Development ACMSDEVA_044
Run-time ACMSRTOA_044
Remote-access ACMSREMA_044

Table 2-2 VAX Kits
Kit Name
Development ACMSDEVV_044
Run-time ACMSRTOV_044
Remote-access ACMSREMV_044

After the installation completes, run SYS$STARTUP:ACMSTART.COM on all nodes prior to restarting ACMS.

This installation does not require a reboot; however, you will need to run the LOGIN.COM procedure after installation to refresh the symbol and logical definitions for this account.

2.2 Installing the ACMS Remote Manager Web Agent

This section contains a summary of the installation process for the ACMS Remote Manager web agent software, which is offered with the ACMS for OpenVMS Alpha Run-time and Development kits. For detailed information on configuring and using the ACMS Remote Manager web agent, see Chapter 3 of the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

This software is intended for installation on an OpenVMS Alpha system local to the Remote Manager Version 4.4 server hosts used to monitor ACMS systems. Once installed, the web agent can be accessed by any system running of the supported web browsers. Refer to the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 25.50.xx) for the current operating system and browser requirements.

To install the ACMS Remote Manager web agent software, do the following:

  1. Run the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Alpha 4.4 installation procedure for either the ACMS Run-time or Development kit, as described in Section 3.2.1 of the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Installation Guide.
  2. A series of product-specific questions are displayed that prompt you to choose the appropriate installation options. Answer the following prompts accordingly:

    * Do you want the full ACMS installation [NO]? N 
    * Do you want to install the ACMS component software [YES]? N 
    * Do you want to install the WBEM-related files for ACMS [YES]? Y 
    * Do you want to update the LSE environment for ACMS [YES]? N 

    The installation procedure then performs a series of checks for prequisite software and adequate disk space.

  3. When prompted to continue the installation, answer YES. The procedure enters the ACMS WBEM Setup phase.
  4. The WBEM setup procedure (SYS$STARTUP:ACMS$WBEM_SETUP.COM) is then invoked, which creates or updates the ACMS$WBEM account and creates the necessary directories and web agent files.
    Do one of the following:
  5. Once the ACMS installation is complete, download and install the Compaq Management Agent for OpenVMS software. You can obtain this software and related installation material from the following web site: 

  6. Follow the associated instructions to copy, unpack, and install the appropriate PCSI kit.
  7. Once the Management Agent for OpenVMS software installation is complete, start the WBEM server process, as follows:


  8. Next, start the ACMS web server, where queue-name is a valid OpenVMS batch queue:


  9. You can now access the Remote Manager web interface by entering the following URL from a client system:

    where host-name represents the address of the Remote Manager server system on which the web agent software is running. This address can be expressed in any of the following forms:

       host-name (node name) (URL) (IP address) 

The Remote Manager web interface and details regarding the Remote Manager system you have specified are displayed in the browser window.


Although no functional differences exist, the physical appearance of the web interface may vary slightly between browsers.


ACMSHR.EXE now links with the shared image ACMS$TRACE_SHR.EXE, which links with DECC$SHR.EXE. ACMSTART.COM has been modified to install both DECC$SHR.EXE and ACMS$TRACE_SHR.EXE. It is necessary to leave both of these images installed.

If the DECC$SHR image is not installed on the system, you get the following error when starting ACMS:

%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image DECC$SHR 
    -CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file 
    -SYSTEM-F-PRIVINSTALL, shareable images must be installed 
     to run privileged image

If ACMS$TRACE_SHR.EXE is not installed on the system, you get the following error when starting ACMS:

%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image ACMS$TRACE_SHR.EXE
-CLI-E-IMGNAME, image file 
    -SYSTEM-F-PRIVINSTALL, shareable images must be installed 
     to run privileged image

If the ACMS Remote Manager was configured (using SYS$STARTUP:ACMS_POST_INSTALL.COM), ACMSTART.COM will execute the procedure ACMS$MGMT_SETUP.COM. This procedure prepares the OpenVMS environment to run the ACMS Remote Manager. ACMS$MGMT_SETUP.COM is executed just before ACMS_SETUP.COM.

2.4 ACMS Version Identification File (ACMS_ECO_LEVEL.DAT)

Starting with the ACMS Version 4.0 ECO Kit 1 release, there is a file distributed with the kit called ACMS_ECO_LEVEL.DAT. This file is placed in the SYS$SYSTEM directory during the installation.

The file ACMS_ECO_LEVEL.DAT contains the version identifier for the ACMS release that is currently installed on the system. This file is distributed for all releases including full releases, which have an ECO level of 0. When reporting any problems with ACMS, refer to this file to determine the current ACMS version that is being used. The version in this file may be more current than the version numbers that appear throughout the ACMS system, especially when running with an ECO release.

2.5 Reinstall ACMS After OpenVMS Upgrades

When upgrading major versions of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, it is necessary to reinstall ACMS. This applies when upgrading the OpenVMS Alpha operating system from Version 6.x to 7.x.

It is not necessary to reinstall ACMS on OpenVMS VAX systems that have been upgraded from OpenVMS VAX Version 6.x to 7.x.

2.6 Programming Examples on ACMS Kit

The Remote Manager programming examples shipped with the ACMS kit require that the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMSMGMT]ACMSMGMT.OLB be copied to SYS$LIBRARY.

To compile and link the Remote Manager programming examples, execute the following command procedure:


In the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMSMGMT]ACMS$MGMT_EXAMPLES.C, remove the following sentence from the section called How to build this program:

In addition, you must have access to object module acms$mgmt_get_creds.obj, which is installed in the ACMS$MGMT_EXAMPLES directory.

In the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMSMGMT]ACMS$MGMT_EXAMPLES.C, item 4, change the following LINK command comment:




Chapter 3
Corrected Problems

This chapter describes the software problems that have been corrected in ACMS Version 4.4.

3.1 Minimum Disk Space Needed for Installation Calculated Correctly

The ACMS installation procedure now correctly calculates the minimum disk space required to install the ACMS Development Kit.

3.2 SWLPROC No Longer Fails When Disk Space is Unavailable

The Software Logger process (SWLPROC) has been enhanced so that it no longer fails when adequate disk space is not available. When disk space becomes low, SWLPROC now does one of the following:

3.3 Starting ACMS Applications With a High MAXPROCESSCNT Value No Longer Result in a Fatal Error

The startup of an ACMS application with a high MAXPROCESSCNT parameter value no longer results in a %SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM error.

3.4 ADU LINK/STDL Command Documented

Information about the LINK/STDL command now appears in ACMS ADU online help.

3.5 Spaces in SET PARAMETER Commands No Longer Trigger an Access Violation

Including spaces to separate parameter values in ACMSCFG and ACMSMGR SET PARAMETER commands no longer result in an access violation. For example, in the following command the spaces surrounding the equal sign (=) now result a series of error messages:

%ACMSMGMT-E-BAD_VALUE, Invalid qualifier, cannot interpret value 
%ACMSMGMT-E-BAD_VALUE, Invalid qualifier, cannot interpret value = 
%ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL, Operation failed 

3.6 New Default QTI State for ACMSMGR START SYSTEM

The default QTI running state for the ACMSMGR START SYSTEM command has been changed to /NOQTI so that it is now consistent with the ACMS /START SYSTEM command.

3.7 ACMSMGR SHOW ERROR and SHOW LOG Accept OpenVMS Date_Time Keywords

In addition to full and partial dates and times, the ACMSMGR SHOW ERROR and SHOW LOG commands now accept the traditional OpenVMS date_time keywords of TODAY, YESTERDAY, and TOMORROW as valid values to the /BEFORE and /SINCE qualifiers.

For example, the following command is now valid:


Chapter 4
Known Problems

This chapter lists the known problems with the ACMS software.

4.1 Problems in ACMS Version 4.4

The following known problems are new in ACMS Version 4.4.

4.1.1 Using the ACMS Task Debugger with the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 Debugger

When running the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 Debugger (provided with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2), the ACMS Task Debugger cannot access workspace contents using the Workspace symbol process (workspace looker). An error is returned when the EXAMINE command is issued.

4.1.2 Remote Manager Unable to Register with TCP/IP RPC Service

In some instances, the Remote Manager is unable to register with the TCP/IP RPC service. This condition is indicated by the following messages in the Remote Manager audit log:

>  rpc: e : Unable to register udp service for version 4.4. Retrying... 
>  rpc: e : Unable to register tcp service for version 4.4. Retrying... 

If this occurs, shut down the Remote Manager and restart the Portmapper process (TCPIP$PORTM), as follows:

  1. Issue the ACMSMGR STOP/ID command to shut down the Remote Manager process.
  2. Enter the following commands to shutdown the Portmapper process and then enable the service:


  3. Issue the ACMSMGR START SYSTEM command to restart the Remote Manager.

The TCPIP$PORTM process should start along with the Remote Manager process.

4.1.3 Remote Manager Does Not Recognize When Rights Identifiers are Removed from Proxy Clients

The Remote Manager does not automatically recognize when rights identifiers have been removed from a proxy account. If a user holds one or more MGMT rights identifiers (ACMS$MGMT_READ, ACMS$MGMT_WRITE, etc.), and those identifiers are revoked (removed from the proxy account), the Remote Manager fails to recognize that the rights identifiers have been removed from the account even when the proxy credentials lifetime has expired.

To revoke the rights of a currently logged-in proxy account, you must restart the Remote Manager.

4.1.4 Remote Manager Error Log and Audit Log Share Filename

The ACMS Remote Manager error log and audit log use the same filename (ACMS$MGMT_LOG.LOG). During installation, directories and logical names for the various Remote Manager files are created. Logicals are defined for the audit log (ACMS$MGMT_LOG) and error log (ACMS$MGMT_ERR_LOG) that, by default, reference separate directories. If you modify these logicals, make sure that they do not point to the same directory.

4.1.5 Accessing an ACMSMGR Online Help Topic from the DCL Command Line May Display Wrong Topic

If you try to access a specific ACMSMGR online help topic from the DCL command line (using either a full or abbreviated command), the incorrect online help topic may be displayed. For example, entering ACMSMGR HELP SAVE at the system prompt displays help for the SHOW FILTER command.

To receive the correct online help topic, first enter the ACMSMGR help facility, then enter the complete command for which you want help, for example:

        Invokes the ACMS Remote Manager Client for ACMS V4.4 
  Additional information available: 
  REPLACE    RESET      SAVE       SET        SHOW       START      STOP 

4.1.6 ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION/BRIEF May Truncate Entity Name and Storage Location

The ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION/BRIEF command truncates the entity name and storage location fields if they exceed the length allocated for display.

To view the full value of these fields, use the ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION/FULL command.

4.1.7 ACMSMGR SHOW TSC, CP, EXC, and QTI Does Not Display All Channel Count Values

When displaying data for the TSC, CP, EXC, and QTI entities (ACMSMGR SHOW command), the Current (percentage used), Max (percentage used), and Limit fields for the Channel Count parameter are blank.

To see the current Channel Count limit for each process, display the runtime data for ACC (with ACMSMGR SHOW ACC/RUNTIME/FULL). You can then calculate the Current and Max percentage used by dividing this limit by the respective Current and Max amount used, (displayed with ACMSMGR SHOW <entity>/RUNTIME/FULL).

4.1.8 ACMSMGR SHOW ACC Does Not Display Runtime Values for Some OpenVMS System Parameters

When displaying data for an ACMS system (ACMSMGR SHOW ACC command), the stored and active values for Global Sections, Global Pages, and Global Page File parameters are listed under the Configuration class. However, no values for these parameters are shown under the Runtime class.

4.1.9 Incomplete ACMSMGR SET Commands Result in Success Message

When the SET ACC, EXC, CP, PARAM, QTI, and TSC commands are specified without qualifiers, a success message is displayed. This message is misleading since no values were actually set. For example, the following command is incomplete because no values have been specified (no qualifiers were provided):

ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility 
%ACMSMGMT-S-SUCCESS, Operation completed 

This message can effectively be ignored.

4.1.10 ACMSMGR START, STOP, and SET Commands May Result in Misleading Error Messages When Issued Without Proper Rights Identifier

In some cases, if you attempt to issue an ACMSMGR START, STOP, or SET PARAMETER command from a user account that lacks the proper rights identifier, ACMSMGR displays error messages similar to the following:

ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility 
%ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL, Operation failed 
Call to start QTI on server SPARKS failed 
%ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL, Operation failed 

These errors are misleading since they do not specify the cause of the problem. To determine why the command failed, consult the Remote Manager audit log.

4.1.11 ACMSMGR Displays Incorrect Error Messages When Updating Global Page File Value without ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD

If you attempt to update the Global Page File (GBLPAGFIL) value from an account without the ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD rights identifier, ACMSMGR displays a series of system messages that are not indicative of the true problem.

Instead of displaying the ACMSMGMT-E-SECCHKFAIL message, ACMSMGR parses the value of the /GBLPAGFIL qualifier as a hexadecimal code and displays one or more system messages (error, warning, or informational) related to that code. If the code does not resolve to an existing message, the SYSTEM-W-NOMSG warning is displayed.

For example, issuing the following command from an account without the ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD identifier results in a warning message since the hexadecimal equivalent of the GBLPAGFIL value of 60000 (0000EA60) does not correspond to an existing system message:

ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility 
Call to modify ACC parameters on server SPARKS failed 
%SYSTEM-W-NOMSG, Message number 0000EA60 
-SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion 
-RMS-W-NOMSG, Message number 000117A0 
%ACMSMGMT-W-WARN, Operation completed with warning, Not all operations 
completed successfully 

4.1.12 ACMSMGR ADD FILTER/FILE Incorrectly Returns an Error Message

The ACMSMGR command ADD FILTER/FILE returns the following error message even when the contents of the filter file are valid:

ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility 
Call to add error filter on server SPARKS failed 
%SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion 
%ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL, Operation failed 

To verify that the error filter records were created successfully, use the SHOW FILTER command.

4.1.13 ACMSMGR SET COLLECTION/ID and /CONFIG Does Not Allow Changes Only to Storage Start or End Time

Attempting to change the only storage start time or storage end time for an ID or CONFIG class collection in ACMSMGR results in failure. For example, the following command results in an ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL error:


To avoid this problem, add the /STORAGE_INTERVAL, /STORAGE_STATE, or /STORAGE_LOCATION qualifier to the command, as follows:


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