HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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11.3.3 Integer Editing

Integer editing is controlled by the I (decimal), B (binary), O (octal), and Z (hexadecimal) data edit descriptors. I Editing

The I edit descriptor transfers decimal integer values. It takes the following form:

  • Iw[.m]

The value of m (the minimum number of digits in the constant) must not exceed the value of w (the field width). The m has no effect on input, only output.

The specified I/O list item must be of type integer or logical.

The G edit descriptor can be used to edit integer data; it follows the same rules as Iw.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the I data edit descriptor transfers w characters from an external field and assigns their integer value to the corresponding I/O list item. The external field data must be an integer constant.

If the value exceeds the range of the corresponding input list item, an error occurs.

The following shows input using the I edit descriptor:
Format Input Value
I4 2788 2788
I3 - 26 - 26
I9 ------312 312

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the I data edit descriptor transfers the value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long.

The field consists of zero or more blanks, followed by a sign (a plus sign is optional for positive values, a minus sign is required for negative values), followed by an unsigned integer constant with no leading zeros.

If m is specified, the unsigned integer constant must have at least m digits. If necessary, it is padded with leading zeros.

If m is zero, and the output list item has the value zero, the external field is filled with blanks.

The following shows output using the I edit descriptor:
Format Value Output
I3 284 284
I4 - 284 - 284
I4 0 ---0
I5 174 --174
I2 3244 **
I3 - 473 ***
I7 29.812 An error; the decimal point is invalid
I4.0 0 ----
I4.2 1 --01
I4.4 1 0001

For More Information: B Editing

The B data edit descriptor transfers binary (base 2) values. It takes the following form:

  • Bw[.m]

The value of m (the minimum number of digits in the constant) must not exceed the value of w (the field width). The m has no effect on input, only output.

The specified I/O list item can be of type integer, real, or logical.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the B data edit descriptor transfers w characters from an external field and assigns their binary value to the corresponding I/O list item. The external field must contain only binary digits (0 or 1) or blanks.

If the value exceeds the range of the corresponding input list item, an error occurs.

The following shows input using the B edit descriptor:
Format Input Value
B4 1001 9
B1 1 1
B2 0 0

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the B data edit descriptor transfers the binary value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long.

The field consists of zero or more blanks, followed by an unsigned integer constant (consisting of binary digits) with no leading zeros. A negative value is transferred in internal form.

If m is specified, the unsigned integer constant must have at least m digits. If necessary, it is padded with leading zeros.

If m is zero, and the output list item has the value zero, the external field is filled with blanks.

The following shows output using the B edit descriptor:
Format Value Output
B4 9 1001
B2 0 -0

For More Information: O Editing

The O data edit descriptor transfers octal (base 8) values. It takes the following form:

  • Ow[.m]

The value of m (the minimum number of digits in the constant) must not exceed the value of w (the field width). The m has no effect on input, only output.

The specified I/O list item can be of type integer, real, or logical.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the O data edit descriptor transfers w characters from an external field and assigns their octal value to the corresponding I/O list item. The external field must contain only octal digits (0 through 7) or blanks.

If the value exceeds the range of the corresponding input list item, an error occurs.

The following shows input using the O edit descriptor:
Format Input Value
O5 32767 32767
O4 16234 1623
O3 97- An error; the 9 is invalid in octal notation

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the O data edit descriptor transfers the octal value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long.

The field consists of zero or more blanks, followed by an unsigned integer constant (consisting of octal digits) with no leading zeros. A negative value is transferred in internal form without a leading minus sign.

If m is specified, the unsigned integer constant must have at least m digits. If necessary, it is padded with leading zeros.

If m is zero, and the output list item has the value zero, the external field is filled with blanks.

The following shows output using the O edit descriptor:
Format Value Output
O6 32767 -77777
O12 --32767 -37777700001
O2 14261 **
O4 27 --33
O5 10.5 41050
O4.2 7 --07
O4.4 7 0007

For More Information: Z Editing

The Z data edit descriptor transfers hexadecimal (base 16) values. It takes the following form:

  • Zw[.m]

The value of m (the minimum number of digits in the constant) must not exceed the value of w (the field width). The m has no effect on input, only output.

The specified I/O list item can be of type integer, real, or logical.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the Z data edit descriptor transfers w characters from an external field and assigns their hexadecimal value to the corresponding I/O list item. The external field must contain only hexadecimal digits (0 though 9 and A (a) through F(f)) or blanks.

If the value exceeds the range of the corresponding input list item, an error occurs.

The following shows input using the Z edit descriptor:
Format Input Value
Z3 A94 A94
Z5 95.AF2 An error; the decimal point is invalid

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the Z data edit descriptor transfers the hexadecimal value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified, to an external field that is w characters long.

The field consists of zero or more blanks, followed by an unsigned integer constant (consisting of hexadecimal digits) with no leading zeros. A negative value is transferred in internal form without a leading minus sign.

If m is specified, the unsigned integer constant must have at least m digits. If necessary, it is padded with leading zeros.

If m is zero, and the output list item has the value zero, the external field is filled with blanks.

The following shows output using the Z edit descriptor:
Format Value Output
Z4 32767 7FFF
Z9 - 32767 -FFFF8001
Z2 16 10
Z4 - 10.5 ****
Z3.3 2708 A94
Z6.4 2708 --0A94

For More Information:

11.3.4 Real and Complex Editing

Real and complex editing is controlled by the F, E, D, EN, ES, and G data edit descriptors.

If no field width (w) is specified for a real data edit descriptor, the system supplies default values.

Real data edit descriptors can be affected by specified scale factors.


Do not use the real data edit descriptors when attempting to parse textual input. These descriptors accept some forms that are purely textual as valid numeric input values. For example, input values T and F are treated as values -1.0 and 0.0, respectively, for .TRUE. and .FALSE..

For More Information: F Editing

The F data edit descriptor transfers real values. It takes the following form:

  • Fw.d

The value of d (the number of places after the decimal point) must not exceed the value of w (the field width).

The specified I/O list item must be of type real, or it must be the real or imaginary part of a complex type.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the F data edit descriptor transfers w characters from an external field and assigns their real value to the corresponding I/O list item. The external field data must be an integer or real constant.

If the input field contains only an exponent letter or decimal point, it is treated as a zero value.

If the input field does not contain a decimal point or an exponent, it is treated as a real number of w digits, with d digits to the right of the decimal point. (Leading zeros are added, if necessary.)

If the input field contains a decimal point, the location of that decimal point overrides the location specified by the F descriptor.

If the field contains an exponent, that exponent is used to establish the magnitude of the value before it is assigned to the list element.

The following shows input using the F edit descriptor:
Format Input Value
F8.5 123456789 123.45678
F8.5 - 1234.567 - 1234.56
F8.5 24.77E+2 2477.0
F5.2 1234567.89 123.45

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the F data edit descriptor transfers the real value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified and rounded to d decimal positions, to an external field that is w characters long.

The w must be greater than or equal to d+3 to allow for the following:

The following shows output using the F edit descriptor:
Format Value Output
F8.5 2.3547188 -2.35472
F9.3 8789.7361 -8789.736
F2.1 51.44 **
F10.4 - 23.24352 ---23.2435
F5.2 325.013 ******
F5.2 - .2 - 0.20

For More Information: E and D Editing

The E and D data edit descriptors transfer real values in exponential form. They take the following form:

  • Ew.d[Ee]
  • Dw.d

For the E edit descriptor, the value of d (the number of places after the decimal point) plus e (the number of digits in the exponent) must not exceed the value of w (the field width).

For the D edit descriptor, the value of d must not exceed the value of w.

The specified I/O list item must be of type real, or it must be the real or imaginary part of a complex type.

Rules for Input Processing

On input, the E and D data edit descriptors transfer w characters from an external field and assigns their real value to the corresponding I/O list item. The E and D descriptors interpret and assign input data in the same way as the F data edit descriptor (see Section

The following shows input using the E and D edit descriptors:

Format Input Value
E9.3 734.432E3 734432.0
E12.4 --1022.43E - 6 1022.43E - 6
E15.3 52.3759663----- 52.3759663
E12.5 210.5271D+10 1 210.5271E10
BZ,D10.2 12345----- 12345000.0D0
D10.2 --123.45-- 123.45D0
D15.3 367.4981763D+04 3.674981763D+06

1If the I/O list item is single-precision real, the E edit descriptor treats the D exponent indicator as an E indicator.

Rules for Output Processing

On output, the E and D data edit descriptors transfer the real value of the corresponding I/O list item, right-justified and rounded to d decimal positions, to an external field that is w characters long.

The w should be greater than or equal to d+7 to allow for the following:

The exponent takes one of the following forms:
Absolute Value
of Exponent
Positive Form
of Exponent
Negative Form
of Exponent
Ew.d |exp| <= 99 E+nn E--nn
  99 < |exp| <= 999 +nnn --nnn
Ew.dEe |exp| <= 10 e - 1 E+n 1n 2...n e E--n 1n 2...n e
Dw.d |exp| <= 99 D+nn or E+nn D--nn or E--nn
  99 < |exp| <= 999 +nnn --nnn

If the exponent value is too large to be converted into one of these forms, an error occurs.

The exponent field width (e) is optional for the E edit descriptor; if omitted, the default value is 2. If e is specified, the w should be greater than or equal to d+e+5.


The w can be as small as d+5 or d+e+3, if the optional fields for the sign and the zero are omitted.

The following shows output using the E and D edit descriptors:
Format Value Output
E11.2 475867.222 ---0.48E+06
E11.5 475867.222 0.47587E+06
E12.3 0.00069 ---0.690E - 03
E10.3 - 0.5555 - 0.556E+00
E5.3 56.12 *****
E14.5E4 - 1.001 - 0.10010E+0001
E13.3E6 0.000123 0.123E-000003
D14.3 0.0363 -----0.363D - 01
D23.12 5413.87625793 -----0.541387625793D+04
D9.6 1.2 *********

For More Information:

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