HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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Intrinsic REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 (same as DOUBLE PRECISION) G_float data occupies eight contiguous bytes. The bits are labeled from the right, 0 through 63, as shown in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9 VAX G_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation

The form of REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 G_float data is sign magnitude, where:

The value of data is in the approximate range: 0.5562684646268004D--308 to 0.89884656743115785407D308.

The precision of G_float data is approximately one part in 2**52, typically 15 decimal digits. VAX D_float Representation

Intrinsic REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 (same as DOUBLE PRECISION) D_float data occupies eight contiguous bytes. Bits are labeled from the right, 0 through 63, as shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10 VAX D_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation

The form of REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 D_float data is identical to an F_float real number, except for an additional 32 low-significance fraction bits. The exponent conventions and approximate range of values are the similar to those for F_float.

The value of data is in the approximate range: 0.2938735877055719D--38 to 1.70141183460469229D38.

The precision is approximately one part in 2**55, typically 16 decimal digits. Calculations with D_float data on Alpha systems use G_float precision (53-bit instead of 56-bit fraction).

For information about how D_float and G_float calculations are done on I64 systems, see Appendix A.

8.4.4 REAL (KIND=16) or REAL*16 X_float Representation

REAL*16 data occupies 16 contiguous bytes stored in X_float format. Bits are labeled from the right, 0 through 127, as shown in Figure 8-11.

Figure 8-11 X_float REAL (KIND =16) Floating-Point Data Representation

The form of REAL (KIND=16) data is sign magnitude, with:

The value of data is in the approximate range: 6.4751751194380251109244389582276465524996Q-4966 to 1.189731495357231765085759326628007016196477Q4932. The smallest normalized number is 3.362103143112093506262677817321753Q-4932.

In contrast to other floating-point formats, there is little if any performance penalty from using denormalized extended-precision numbers. This is because accessing denormalized REAL (KIND=16) numbers does not result in an arithmetic trap (the extended-precision format is emulated in software).

The precision is approximately one part in 2**112 or typically 33 decimal digits.

8.4.5 COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 Representations

COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*4 data can be in IEEE S_float or VAX F_float formats. This is the default data size for COMPLEX declarations.

Intrinsic COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 (single-precision COMPLEX) data is eight contiguous bytes containing a pair of REAL (KIND=4) or REAL*4 values stored in IEEE S_float format or VAX F_float format.

The low-order four bytes contain REAL (KIND=4) data that represents the real part of the complex number. The high-order four bytes contain REAL (KIND=4) data that represents the imaginary part of the complex number,

The limits (and underflow characteristics for S_float numbers) for REAL (KIND=4) or REAL*4 apply to the two separate real and imaginary parts of a COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 number. Like REAL (KIND=4) numbers, the sign bit representation is 0 (zero) for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.

Figure 8-12 shows the IEEE S_float representation of COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 numbers.

Figure 8-12 IEEE S_float COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation

Figure 8-13 shows the VAX F_float representation of COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 numbers.

Figure 8-13 VAX F_float COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation

8.4.6 COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 Representations

COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 data can be in IEEE T_float, VAX G_float, or VAX D_float formats.

Intrinsic COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 (same as DOUBLE COMPLEX) data is 16 contiguous bytes containing a pair of REAL*8 values stored in IEEE T_float format, VAX G_float, or VAX D_float formats.

The low-order eight bytes contain REAL (KIND=8) data that represents the real part of the complex data. The high-order eight bytes contain REAL (KIND=8) data that represents the imaginary part of the complex data.

Like REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 numbers, the sign bit representation is 0 (zero) for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers. The limits (and underflow characteristics for T_float numbers) apply to the two separate real and imaginary parts of a COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 number.

Figure 8-14 shows the IEEE T_float COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 representation.

Figure 8-14 IEEE T_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation

Figure 8-15 (G_float) and Figure 8-16 (D_float) show the representation of the VAX COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 numbers.

Figure 8-15 VAX G_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation

Figure 8-16 VAX D_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation

8.4.7 COMPLEX (KIND=16) or COMPLEX*32 Representation

Intrinsic COMPLEX (KIND=16) or COMPLEX*32 (extended precision) data is 32 contiguous bytes containing a pair of REAL*16 values stored in IEEE-style X_float.

The low-order 16 bytes contain REAL (KIND=16) data that represents the real part of the complex data. The high-order 16 bytes contain REAL (KIND=16) data that represents the imaginary part of the complex data, as shown in Figure 8-17.

Figure 8-17 COMPLEX (KIND =16) or COMPLEX*32 Representation

The limits and underflow characteristics for REAL (KIND=16) apply to the two separate real and imaginary parts of a COMPLEX (KIND=16) or COMPLEX*32 number. Like REAL (KIND=16) numbers, the sign bit representation is 0 (zero) for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.

For More Information:

8.4.8 Exceptional IEEE Floating-Point Representations

Exceptional values usually result from a computation and include plus infinity, minus infinity, NaN, and denormalized numbers. Exceptional values and the representation of zero are associated only with IEEE S_float, T_float, and X_float formats (/FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT qualifier), not with VAX floating-point formats. (VAX floating-point representation of minus (--) zero causes a reserved operand fault on VAX systems.)

Floating-point numbers can be one of the following:

A NaN or infinity value might result from a calculation that contains a divide by zero, overflow, or invalid data.

A denormalized number occurs when the result of a calculation falls within the denormalized range for that data type (subnormal value).

To control floating-point exception handling at run time for the main program, use the appropriate /IEEE_MODE qualifier keyword. For example, if an exceptional value is used in a calculation, an unrecoverable exception can occur unless you specify the appropriate /IEEE_MODE qualifier keyword. Denormalized numbers can be processed as is, set equal to zero with program continuation or a program stop, and generate warning messages (see Section 2.3.24).

Table 8-2 lists the hexadecimal (hex) values of the IEEE exceptional floating-point numbers for S_float (single precision), T_float (double precision), and X_float (extended precision) formats:

Table 8-2 IEEE Exceptional Floating-Point Numbers
Exceptional Number Hex Value
S_float Representation  
Infinity (+) Z ' 7F800000 '
Infinity (-) Z ' FF800000 '
Zero (+0) Z ' 00000000 '
Zero (-0) Z ' 80000000 '
Quiet NaN (+) From Z ' 7FC00000 ' to Z ' 7FFFFFFF '
Signaling NaN (+) From Z ' 7F800001 ' to Z ' 7FBFFFFF '
T_float Representation  
Infinity (+) Z ' 7FF0000000000000 '
Infinity (-) Z ' FFF0000000000000 '
Zero (+0) Z ' 0000000000000000 '
Zero (-0) Z ' 8000000000000000 '
Quiet NaN (+) From Z ' 7FF8000000000000 ' to Z ' 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF '
Signaling NaN (+) From Z ' 7FF0000000000001 ' to Z ' 7FF7FFFFFFFFFFFF '
X_float Representation  
Infinity (+) Z ' 7FFF0000000000000000000000000000 '
Infinity (-) Z ' FFFF0000000000000000000000000000 '
Zero (+0) Z ' 000000000000000000000000000000000 '
Zero (-0) Z ' 800000000000000000000000000000000 '
Quiet NaN (+) From Z ' 7FFF80000000000000000000000000000 ' to Z ' 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF '
Signaling NaN (+) From Z ' 7FFF00000000000000000000000000001 ' to Z ' 7FFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF '

HP Fortran supports IEEE exception handling, allowing you to test for infinity by using a comparison of floating-point data (such as generating positive infinity by using a calculation such as x=1.0/0 and comparing x to the calculated number).

The appropriate FORTRAN command /IEEE_MODE qualifier keyword allows program continuation when a calculation results in a divide by zero, overflow, or invalid data arithmetic exception, generating an exceptional value (a NaN or Infinity (+ or --)).

To test for a NaN when HP Fortran allows continuation for arithmetic exception, you can use the ISNAN intrinsic function. Example 8-1 shows how to use the ISNAN intrinsic function to test whether a REAL*8 (DOUBLE PRECISION) value contains a NaN.

Example 8-1 Testing for a NaN Value

      A = 0. 
      B = 0. 
!     Perform calculations with variables A and B 
!     f contains the value to check against a particular NaN 
      F = A / B 
      IF (ISNAN(F)) THEN 
        WRITE (6,*) '--> Variable F contains a NaN value <--' 
!     Inform user that f has the hardware quiet NaN value 
!     Perform calculations with variable F (or stop program early) 

To allow continuation when a NaN (or other exceptional value) is encountered in a calculation, this program might be compiled with /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT and /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO (or /IEEE_MODE=DENORM_RESULTS) qualifiers:

--> Variable F contains a NaN value <-- 

To enable additional run-time message reporting with traceback information (source line correlation), use the FORTRAN command qualifier /CHECK=FP_EXCEPTIONS.

The FP_CLASS intrinsic function is also available to check for exceptional values (see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual).

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8.5 Character Representation

A character string is a contiguous sequence of bytes in memory, as shown in Figure 8-18.

Figure 8-18 CHARACTER Data Representation

A character string is specified by two attributes: the address A of the first byte of the string, and the length L of the string in bytes. The length L of a string is in the range 1 through 65,535.

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8.6 Hollerith Representation

Hollerith constants are stored internally, one character per byte. When Hollerith constants contain the ASCII representation of characters, they resemble the storage of character data (see Figure 8-18).

When Hollerith constants store numeric data, they usually have a length of one, two, four, or eight bytes and resemble the corresponding numeric data type.

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