HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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General directives
    See LRM
General-purpose register
    See Register usage
Global pagefile section
    example use
GOTO statement
    computed or assigned
        maximum labels allowed
    See also LRM
    and unaligned data
    importance of VOLATILE declarations
    qualifier controlling warning messages
    shared memory access
/GRANULARITY qualifier
    BYTE keyword
    LONGWORD keyword
    QUADWORD keyword
G_float data
    See Floating-point data types
/G_FLOATING qualifier (obsolete)
HELP command
    for FORTRAN command
Help (DEBUG)
    HELP command
Help libraries
    displaying linker message explanations
    displaying run-time message explanations
    obtaining text from
        example of
Help (online)
    FORTRAN command qualifiers #1
    FORTRAN command qualifiers #2
    HP Fortran language
    HP Fortran release notes
    HP Fortran run-time messages #1
    HP Fortran run-time messages #2
    operating system messages
Hollerith constants
    maximum size
    See also LRM
HP Fortran
    array temporary creation
    condition symbols
        for run-time errors
    for OpenVMS systems
        extensions not supported
    logical names
        defaults and use
        summary of
    logical unit numbers
    online help #1
    online help #2
    online language help
    online release notes
    sample main and subprogram #1
    sample main and subprogram #2
    software patch kits
        coding restrictions and limits summary
    version number
        obtaining from command line
        obtaining from listing file
        obtaining from object file
    Web page
    advancing and nonadvancing
    block mode I/O
        example of using RMS
    choosing optimal record type
    closing files
    Compaq Fortran 77 and HP Fortran compatibility
    converting unformatted files
    data formats for unformatted files
    device and buffer use for efficient run-time performance
    eliminating bottlenecks
    file operations
    files and file characteristics
    flushing data
    guidelines for efficient run-time performance
    logical units
    obtaining file information
    output record buffering
    preconnected files
        Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    reading data using RMS
        buffer use #1
        buffer use #2
        deleting records from a file (DELETE)
        for internal files
        general description
        indexed file record pointers (current and next)
        record operations on indexed files
        specifying initial position
    record-processing RMS services
        list of
    record types
        comparison with Compaq Fortran 77
        portability considerations
    See also Files; Record I/O; I/O statements
    specifying files
    specifying record length for efficiency
    summary of statements
        accessing devices using SYS$QIOW
    writing data using RMS
I/O statements
    advancing and nonadvancing I/O #1
    advancing and nonadvancing I/O #2
    available for sequential and direct access
    CLOSE statement
    default devices #1
    default devices #2
    file connection
    file operations
    for indexed files
    for relative files
    for sequential files
    forms of
    HP Fortran extensions
    implicit logical I/O unit
    INQUIRE statement
    list of
    OPEN statement
        CONVERT specifier
        See also OPEN statement
    OPEN statement interdependencies
        file specification
    preconnected units #1
    preconnected units #2
        access modes
    See also LRM
    with formatted, unformatted, list-directed, and namelist records
/I4 qualifier (obsolete)
I64 and Alpha differences
    controlling exceptions (/IEEE_MODE)
    exception handling
    exceptional floating-point numbers #1
    exceptional floating-point numbers #2
    floating-point data
        exceptional values
        native #1
        native #2
        nonnative big endian #1
        nonnative big endian #2
        representation of zero
    nonnative big endian data #1
    nonnative big endian data #2
    reporting exceptional values
    rounding modes
        floating-point calculations
    See also Floating-point data types
    selecting memory floating-point format (/FLOAT)
    S_float data #1
    S_float data #2
    T_float data #1
    T_float data #2
    X_float data
IEEE, Alpha
    X_float data
/IEEE_MODE qualifier
    DENORM_RESULTS keyword
    FAST keyword
IF statement
    See LRM
Image files
Image termination
Implicit interface
    types of subprograms
    and /WARNINGS=DECLARATIONS qualifier
    See also LRM
Implied-DO loop
    and I/O performance
    collapsing #1
    collapsing #2
    directory search order
    including in output listing
        /SHOW qualifier
    locating in source libraries
    specifying directory
/INCLUDE qualifier
/INCLUDE qualifier (LINK) #1
/INCLUDE qualifier (LINK) #2
INCLUDE statement
    and modules
    file nesting limit
    forms for include files
    forms for text library modules
    library modules in text library
    See also LRM
    specifying directories to search
    text file library search
    using on OpenVMS systems
Indexed sequential files
    deleting records
    exception conditions
    keyed access
    reading operations
    record access
    record access modes for #1
    record access modes for #2
    record pointers
        next and last
    record types for
    RMS pointers
    See also Keyed access mode
    sequential access
    specifying RECL when creating
    updating records
    writing operations
Indexed sequential (keyed) access
Infinity values
    representation in Alpha floating-point data
Inline expansion
    of statement functions and intrinsics
    subprograms #1
    subprograms #2
    subprograms #3
    subprograms #4
INQUIRE statement #1
INQUIRE statement #2
INQUIRE statement #3
    by file name
    by output item list
    by unit number
    Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    default values returned
    OPENED specifier
    RECL specifier
        qualifier to specify units
    See also LRM
    to an opened file
INSTALL command (VMS)
    use to install shareable images #1
    use to install shareable images #2
Installed common areas
    creation, installation, and use
    synchronizing access
Integer data type
    array out-of-bounds checking
    declarations and qualifiers
        See also LRM
    endian order of native formats
    methods of specifying the format
    nonnative formats
    overflow run-time checking
    ranges #1
    ranges #2
    setting default length
/INTEGER_SIZE qualifier
Interactive program execution
Interface block
    components of
    declaration statements
    for explicit procedure interface
    See also LRM
INTERFACE statement #1
INTERFACE statement #2
INTERFACE statement #3
    See also LRM
Internal file
    I/O forms and statements
    See also LRM
Internal subprograms
Interoperability with translated images
    FORTRAN command #1
    FORTRAN command #2
    LINK command #1
    LINK command #2
    LINK command #3
Interprocess communication
    mechanisms supporting
Interrupt from terminal user
    See Ctrl/C; Ctrl/Y
Intrinsic procedures
    argument passing
        differences between Compaq Fortran 77 and HP Fortran
        to null-terminate a C string
    FOR$RAB #1
    FOR$RAB #2
    for timing program execution
    inline expansion of
    ISNAN #1
    ISNAN #2
    qualifier controlling size returned #1
    qualifier controlling size returned #2
    qualifiers controlling DOUBLE PRECISION size returned
    requesting faster, less accurate versions
    See also LRM
    using array
    using existing HP Fortran
IOSTAT specifier #1
IOSTAT specifier #2
IOSTAT specifier #3
IOSTAT specifier #4
    See also LRM #1
    See also LRM #2
ISHFT intrinsic
    See also LRM
ISNAN intrinsic
    See also LRM
Item List control block

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