HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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QIO services
    example use
    See also SYS$QIOW
Qualifier names
    See also Compiler options
Quotation mark character
    See also LRM
    See Record access block
$RABDEF library module
RAN function (compatibility)
    See also LRM
Random number generation (Compaq Extended Math Library)
    for complex constants
    for integer constants
    for logical constants
    for real constants
Read operations
    See I/O operations
READ statement
    ADVANCE specifier
    See also LRM
READONLY specifier
    See also LRM
Real data types #1
Real data types #2
Real data types #3
    declarations and qualifiers
    native representation
    ranges #1
    ranges #2
    See also LRM
    VAX representation
REAL declarations
    option to control size of
Real exponentiation (/CHECK)
REAL intrinsic function
    See LRM
/REAL_SIZE qualifier
REC specifier
    See also LRM
RECL specifier
    for fixed-length records
    for variable-length records
    INQUIRE statement
        /ASSUME=BYTERECL qualifier
    obtaining value for unformatted files
    OPEN statement
        /ASSUME=BYTERECL qualifier
    qualifier to specify units
    See also LRM
    units for formatted files
    units for unformatted files
        INQUIRE statement
        See also RECL specifier
    memory diagrams of
Record Access Block (RAB)
    fields for use by USEROPEN
    general description of use
    obtaining address of
Record access mode #1
Record access mode #2
    available for file organizations
    direct #1
    direct #2
    direct access to sequential files
    for indexed sequential files
    keyed #1
    keyed #2
    limitations by file organizations and record types
    OPEN statement specifiers #1
    OPEN statement specifiers #2
Record arrays
    output listing information
    See also Array
Record I/O
    ADVANCE specifier
    amount of data transferred by I/O statements
    available I/O statements and forms
    buffers and disk I/O #1
    buffers and disk I/O #2
    buffers and disk I/O #3
    buffers and disk I/O #4
    data transfer
    deleting records from a file (DELETE)
    END branch specifier
    EOR branch specifier
    flushing buffers
    in internal files
    indexed file record pointers (current and next)
        effect on performance
        obtaining using INQUIRE (unformatted)
        See also LRM
    record operations on indexed files
    record types
    See also I/O; LRM
    SIZE branch specifier
    statement specifiers
Record length value
        byte record length value assumption
Record locking
    RMS facility
Record Management Services (RMS)
    data structures
        constructed by RTL
        field use by USEROPEN
        list of
        steps to using
        use by USEROPEN
    error signaling
    example of calling
    file sharing capability
    output record buffering
    overview of how to use RMS services
    pointers into indexed files
    record locking facility #1
    record locking facility #2
RECORD statement
    causes of misalignment
    data alignment #1
    data alignment #2
    See also LRM
Record structures
    accessing variables in debugger
    alignment of
    order of data in
    qualifiers controlling alignment #1
    qualifiers controlling alignment #2
    See also LRM
    storage of
Record type
    available file organizations
    choosing for optimal run-time performance
    converting nonnative data
        OPEN statement defaults
        See also LRM
        RECORDTYPE specifier
        See also LRM
        INQUIRE statement
    portability considerations
    stored in file header
    output listing information
    record types
    See also Record type; RECORD statement
    structured data items
        data alignment
RECORDTYPE specifier
    See also LRM
Recovery unit control block
    qualifier controlling
    See also LRM
/RECURSIVE qualifier
        RTL behavior
    RTL calls
        qualifier controlling
        RTL behavior
/REENTRANCY qualifier
Reentrant program
    threaded execution
%REF function
    See also Argument passing
    See also LRM
    unresolved (Linker)
Register usage
    array index
    effect of optimization
    effect of VOLATILE statement
    holding variables
    loops that exhaust available registers #1
    loops that exhaust available registers #2
    loops that exhaust available registers #3
    on OpenVMS Alpha systems
Relational operators
    See also LRM
Relative file
    general description
    record access modes for
    record types for
    See also Direct access mode
    See also LRM
    specifying RECL when creating
Remote file access
Remote processes
    sharing and exchanging data
Removal optimizations #1
Removal optimizations #2
RESHAPE intrinsic procedure
Resultant String Area (RSA)
    RMS control structure #1
    RMS control structure #2
RETURN statement
    when not to use
Return values, function
Returning completion status values
    to a command procedure
Revision date and time control block
REWIND statement #1
REWIND statement #2
    See also LRM
REWRITE statement
    See also LRM
    See Record Management Services (RMS)
$RMSDEF library module
Rounding modes
    IEEE floating-point calculations
/ROUNDING_MODE qualifier
    See Resultant string area (RSA)
    See Run-Time Library (RTL)
RUN command (DCL) #1
RUN command (DCL) #2
    effect of /DEBUG #1
    effect of /DEBUG #2
Run-time call stack
    See Call stack
Run-time checking
    of argument list
    of FPSR
Run-Time Library (RTL)
    and implied-DO loop collapsing #1
    and implied-DO loop collapsing #2
    error processing performed by
    Fortran I/O support routines
        used as result of USEROPEN
    general calling considerations
    OpenVMS data types
    overview of library routines
    requesting threaded execution
    See also LIB$name
    using latest version for run-time efficiency
Run-time messages
    description of each
    displaying secondary system errors
    format mismatches
    format truncation
    list, number sequence
    severity levels
    using online help
Run-time procedures

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