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第 1 部: 日本語 DECwindows Motif のインストレーション
第 1 章:インストレーションの準備
第 2 章:日本語 DECwindows Motif のインストレーション
第 3 章:インストレーション後の作業
第 4 章:インストレーション/アンインストレーション実行例
第 5 章: エラー発生時の対処
第 2 部:標準版 DECwindows Motif のインストレーション
第 6 章:インストレーションの準備
第 7 章:POLYCENTERソフトウェア・インストレーション・ユーティリティの使用方法
第 8 章:ソフトウェア・インストレーション完了後の作業
第 9 章:DECwindows Motif ソフトウェアの管理
付録 A :POLYCENTERソフトウェア・インストレーション・ユーティリティを使用したインストレーション実行例
付録 B :ソフトウェア・コンポーネントとバージョンの確認
OpenVMS ホーム
日本語 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

日本語 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

目次 索引

付録 A

ここでは, OpenVMS I64 Version 8.3 および OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 オペレーティング・システムにおける DECwindows Motif のインストール実行例を示します。

POLYCENTERソフトウェア・インストレーション(PCSI) ユーティリティを使用して DECwindows Motif ソフトウェアをインストールする方法の詳細は, 第 7 章 を参照してください。

ここに示すインストレーション実行例では,省略時のディレクトリを, DECwindows Motif セーブセットと必要な ECO を含むデバイス名とディレクトリに設定していることを想定しています。

A.1 OpenVMS I64 システムにおける実行例

例 A-1 に示すのは, OpenVMS I64 オペレーティング・システムにおける DECwindows Motif のインストレーション実行例です。

例 A-1 Version 8.3システムにおける DECwindows Motifのインストレーション実行例
Performing product kit validation ...
%PCSI-I-VALPASSED, validation of
The following product has been selected:
    HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6               Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.
HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    (c) Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Hewlett-Packard Company.
This software product is sold by Hewlett-Packard Company.
DECwindows Motif is license-managed using the License Management Facility.
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] N [Return]
 HP I64VMS VMS V8.3 [Installed]
 * Configuration options for this referenced product cannot
 * be changed now because the product is already installed
 *(You can use PRODUCT RECONFIGURE later to change options)
 Install Low Bandwidth X (LBX) Support [YES]
 Install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.6 client software [YES]
 Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] NO [Return]
     Install New Desktop [YES]
      Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop [YES]
      Make the New Desktop the default desktop [YES]
     Install traditional DECwindows Desktop [YES]
     Programming Support for the C Language [YES]
     Programming Support for the Pascal Language [YES]
     Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language [YES]
     Programming Support for the New Desktop [YES]
     Programming examples [YES]
     Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] N [Return]
      Sound example files [YES]
      Programming examples for DECwindows [YES]
      Programming examples for the New Desktop [YES]
     Translated Image Support [YES]
If a Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
Do you want to review the options? [NO] Y [Return]
HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    HP I64VMS VMS V8.3 [Installed]
    Install Low Bandwidth X (LBX) Support: YES
    Install the  DECwindows Motif   Version 1.6  client software: YES
      Install New Desktop: YES
        Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop: YES
        Make the New Desktop the default desktop: YES
      Install traditional DECwindows Desktop: YES
      Programming Support for the C Language: YES
      Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
      Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
      Programming Support for the New Desktop: YES
      Programming examples: YES
        Sound example files: YES
        Programming examples for DECwindows: YES
        Programming examples for the New Desktop: YES
Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]  [Return]
Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be installed to destination:
    HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6                 DISK$IA64SYS:[VMS$COMMON.]
Portion done: 0%
  **** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****
  **** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****
The following product has been installed:
    HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6               Layered Product
HP I64VMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    System reboot is required.
    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.
$ Logout [Return]

A.2 OpenVMS Alpha システムにおける実行例

例 A-2 に示すのは, OpenVMS Alpha オペレーティング・システムにおける DECwindows Motif のインストレーション実行例です。

例 A-2 OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3システムにおける DECwindows Motifのアップグレード実行例
Performing product kit validation ...
%PCSI-I-VALPASSED, validation of
The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF  V1.6               Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    (c) Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Hewlett-Packard Company
This software product is sold by Hewlett-Packard Company.
DECwindows Motif is license-managed using the License Management Facility.
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] N [Return]
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V8.3 [Installed]
    * Configuration options for this referenced product cannot
    * be changed now because the product is already installed
    *(You can use PRODUCT RECONFIGURE later to change options)
    Install Low Bandwidth X (LBX) Support [YES]
    Install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.6 client software [YES]
    Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] N [Return]
        Install New Desktop [YES]
                Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop [YES]
                Make the New Desktop the default desktop [YES]
        Install traditional DECwindows Desktop [YES]
        Programming Support for the C Language [YES]
        Programming Support for the Pascal Language [YES]
        Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language [YES]
        Programming Support for the New Desktop [YES]
        Programming examples [YES]
        Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] N [Return]
       Sound example files [YES]
       Programming examples for DECwindows [YES]
       Programming examples for the New Desktop [YES]
        Translated Image Support [YES]
If a Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
Do you want to review the options? [NO] Y [Return]
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V8.3 [Installed]
    Install Low Bandwidth X (LBX) Support: YES
    Install the DECwindows Motif  Version 1.6  client software: YES
      Install New Desktop: YES
        Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop: YES
        Make the New Desktop the default desktop: YES
      Install traditional DECwindows Desktop: YES
      Programming Support for the C Language: YES
      Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
      Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
      Programming Support for the New Desktop: YES
      Programming examples: YES
        Sound example files: YES
        Programming examples for DECwindows: YES
        Programming examples for the New Desktop: YES
      Translated Image Support: YES
Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]  [Return]
Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be installed to destination:
Portion done: 0%
  **** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****
  **** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****
The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF  V1.6               Layered Product
The following product has been removed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1              Layered Product
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF  V1.6 : DECwindows Motif
    System reboot is required.
    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.
$ Logout [Return]

目次 索引

© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.