Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX
Installation Guide

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3.3 Error Conditions

If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message like the following is displayed:

%VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of Compaq COBOL V5.n 
has failed.

An error during the installation can occur if one or more of the following conditions exist:

For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual, your processor-specific installation or operations guide, or the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action as described in the message. You may need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value.

If the installation fails, you must restart the installation procedure from Step 2. The installation may fail due to an IVP failure. If so, you should first consult the instructions in Section 3.1. If you still need assistance, contact your Compaq field service representative or the Customer Support Center if you have support.

3.4 Special Save Set for COBRTL Only

Within the COBOL057.C save set, there is another save set named COBRTL057.A containing files needed to install only the COBOL Run-Time Library (COBRTL) image. Although most users have no need of this, you may find this save set useful if you are a vendor distributing Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX systems applications to your customers, and have experienced incompatibility problems with the version of the COBRTL on your customers' systems in the past. You can distribute the COBRTL057.A save set with your COBOL application to enable your customers to install the COBRTL on their VAX systems. Note that the COBRTL.EXE image is identical to the COBRTL.EXE image shipped on the main kit.

To extract the COBRTL057.A save set, copy the save set COBOL057.C from your media to your default directory, and do the following:

$ BACKUP COBOL057.C/SAVE/SELECT=COBRTL057.A destination-directory   [Return]

The COBRTL057.A save set can then be distributed to customers with your Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX systems application and installed on their system with the VMSINSTAL utility, as described in Step 5 in Section 2.2. Note that there is no problem with licensing, as the COBRTL.EXE can be copied to any properly licensed OpenVMS VAX system.

3.5 Maintenance Updates

Compaq may periodically issue maintenance updates of Compaq COBOL. Each update consists of an installation kit. Install this kit as described in this document or in any documentation that may accompany the maintenance update.

Each time a maintenance update is released, the version number changes. For example, if the current version is 1.0, the version number of the first maintenance update will be 1.1. The maintenance update also includes new release notes that describe the changes that have been made to Compaq COBOL since the previous release.

The updated release notes are provided on line. You should read the release notes when you first install Compaq COBOL; they are also accessible at any time after the product is installed. For information on reading the release notes at the time that you install Compaq COBOL, follow the installation procedure through Step 4 in Chapter 2. To locate the release notes after Compaq COBOL is installed, display or print the file SYS$HELP:COBOLver.RELEASE_NOTES or type the following:


Appendix A
Sample Installation

This appendix contains a sample listing of a regular installation of Compaq COBOL, followed by PCSI registration. Please note: this is only a sample. The installation procedure may be modified for maintenance updates of this product. Because this guide is not usually revised for maintenance updates, be sure to read the n for OpenVMS VAX Systems letter before you install this product. This letter notes any significant changes in the installation that vary from this sample.

In the sample installation, the generic term "device::[directory]" replaces the actual device and directory names on the user's system.

Username: SYSTEM 
 COBOL Cluster- (VAXstation 4000-96) - VMS V6.2 
    Last interactive login on Monday, 23-OCT-2000 12:04 
    Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 30-AUG-2000 12:23 
$ set def sys$update 
$ Install 
INSTALL> list/global/summary 
 Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 
    679 Global Sections Used,  85944/77456 Global Pages Used/Unused 
INSTALL> exit 
$ run sys$system:sysgen 
Parameter Name            Current    Default     Min.     Max.     Unit  Dynamic 
--------------            -------    -------    -------  -------   ----  ------- 
GBLSECTIONS                  1000        250        60      4095 Sections   
$ @vmsinstal cobol057 device:[directory] options n 
 OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 
It is 23-OCT-2000 at 14:52. 
Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 
%VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: 
* Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y 
* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 
The following products will be processed: 
  COBOL V5.7 
 Beginning installation of COBOL V5.7 at 14:53 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 
    Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. 
    Additional Release Notes Options: 
 1.  Display release notes 
 2.  Print release notes 
 3.  Both 1 and 2 
 4.  None of the above 
* Select option [2]: 2 
* Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? y 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. 
 |                     Installation Command Procedure for                     | 
 |                Compaq COBOL V5.7-63 Compiler for OpenVMS VAX.              | 
 Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
 COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
 Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for 
 possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, 
 Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and 
 Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government 
 under vendor's standard commercial license. 
* Do you want to install only the COBRTL [NO]? 
 Product:      COBOL 
        Producer:     COMPAQ 
        Version:      5.7 
        Release Date: 23-OCT-2000 
* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y 
     The ANSI/Terminal-Format REFORMAT Utility may optionally be installed. 
* Do you want the REFORMAT Utility installed  [YES]? 
* Do you want to save the COBOL message file for modification  [NO]? 
 This installation procedure creates a new version of, or updates 
 some or all of the following files: 
* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 
  The installation procedure may also create a new version of the 
  following file, which is not purged along with the previously 
  listed files: 
  This installation procedure additionally may update the following files 
  (it will not create new versions of them, nor will it purge them): 
  No more questions will be asked during this installation. 
  Installing Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX and running the IVP requires 
  approximately 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your system configuration.  
%COBOL-I-UPDIMG, Installing new COBRTL image 
%PATCH-I-NOLCL, image does not contain local symbols 
%PATCH-I-WRTFIL, updating image file device:[directory]COBRTL.EXE;2 
%COBOL-I-UPDOBJ, Updating system object library 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... 
        The IVP has been moved to directory [SYSTEST.COBOL] 
        To invoke the IVP, enter @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.COBOL]COBOL$IVP.COM 
%VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... 
 The following PCSI-related files have been moved to [SYSUPD] 
%VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 
        Start of Installation Verification Procedure 
 for Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX 
 Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
 COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
 Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for 
 possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, 
 Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and 
 Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government 
 under vendor's standard commercial license. 
        Successful test of Compaq COBOL V5.7-63          
 Installation of COBOL V5.7 completed at 14:55 
 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:55 
The following product has been selected: 
Do you want to continue? [YES] 
The following product will be registered: 
Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...100% 
The following product has been registered: 
The following product has been selected: 
Do you want to continue? [YES] 
The following product will be registered: 
Portion Done: 0%...10%...70%...100% 
The following product has been registered: 
$ product show history cobol 
PRODUCT                        OPERATION       DATE/TIME 
-------                        ---------       --------- 
DEC VAXVMS COBOL V5.7-63       REG. PRODUCT    23-OCT-2000 15:11:55 
1 item found 
$ product show history cobrtl 
PRODUCT                        OPERATION       DATE/TIME 
-------                        ---------       --------- 
DEC VAXVMS COBRTL V5.6-15      REG. PRODUCT    23-OCT-2000 15:12:04 
1 item found 
$ install 
INSTALL> add sys$system:cobol.exe/open/shared 
INSTALL> add sys$message:cobolmsg.exe/open/shared 
INSTALL> exit 
$ @sys$common:[systest.cobol]cobol$ivp 
 Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
 COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
 Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for 
 possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, 
 Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and 
 Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government 
 under vendor's standard commercial license. 
        Successful test of Compaq COBOL V5.7-63 
$ lo 
  SYSTEM      logged out at 23-OCT-2000 14:56:01.34 

Appendix B
Files Installed on Your System

The Compaq COBOL installation procedure installs a number of files on your system. Table B-1 identifies the directories that contain the installed files.

Table B-1 Directories Containing Compaq COBOL Installed Files
Directory File Name File Content Summary
[SYSEXE] COBOL.EXE Compiler image
[SYSUPD] COBOLMSG.MSG Customizable source for message file 1
[SYSHLP] COBOL05 n.RELEASE_NOTES Release notes (ASCII file)
[SYSLIB] COBRTL.EXE Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Run-Time Support Library 2
[SYSLIB] DCLTABLES.EXE Updates to the system DCL tables
[SYSLIB] IMAGELIB.OLB New run-time symbols
[SYSLIB] STARLET.OLB Updated with Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems RTL routines 2
[SYSTEST.COBOL] COBOL$IVP.COM Installation Verification Procedure

1See Section 3.2 for information on customizing the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX systems message file.
2This file is added or updated if an RTL installation is performed.

Appendix C
Recovering from Errors

This appendix provides information to help you with failures or errors that might occur during product installation or product use.

C.1 Failures During Installation of Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems

If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO and press Return. Then correct the problem and restart the installation.

If errors occur during the installation itself or when the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message:

%VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of Compaq COBOL V5.n 
has failed.

If the IVP fails, you see these messages:

The Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX V5.n Installation Verification 
Procedure failed.
V5.n has failed.

Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist:

For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS VAX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS VAX software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. Also see Section 3.1 and Section 3.3.

For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 1.

C.2 Diagnostic Message Table

Table C-1 shows the messages that can occur during your installation and the actions you can take in response:

Table C-1 Installation Messages
Warning-Level Messages
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image RPC$SHARE
Explanation: Solution or Action:
RPC$SHARE image is not available. Consult with your system manager to start up the CDD.
Error-Level Messages
%VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for Compaq COBOL 5. n has failed.
Explanation: Solution or Action:
Compaq COBOL Version 5. n has been installed but the IVP run was unsuccessful. Rerun the IVP separately to determine the source of the failure.
Explanation: Solution or Action:
Attempt to execute RPC$SHARE was unsuccessful. Consult with your system manager to start up the CDD.
%VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of Compaq COBOL V5. n has failed.
Explanation: Solution or Action:
Compaq COBOL Version 5. n has not been successfully installed. Consult with your system manager for system resources required for installation.
Fatal-Level Messages
%CLI-F-SYNTAX, error parsing ...
Explanation: Solution or Action:
The DCL Command Line Interpreter encountered invalid syntax in a command. Make sure you are using the correct .CLD, or log out and log back in again.
Explanation: Solution or Action:
A value of invalid type or a value of invalid range was encountered. Make sure you are using the correct .CLD, or log out and log back in again.
SYSTEM-F-PROTINSTALL, protected images must be installed
Explanation: Solution or Action:
Protected images must be installed. Installation of protected images requires the /PROTECT qualifier. Consult with your system manager.
SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMATCH, ident mismatch with shareable image
Explanation: Solution or Action:
The global section ID in a shareable image does not match its executable image. Consult with your system manager to relink the executable image.

C.3 Problems During Use of Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems

If you encounter a problem while using Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX systems, please report it to Compaq. Depending on the type of support you have and the nature of the problem, take one of the following actions:

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