SPL Q105 DU CD-ROM Kit Contents
Product Info
Version: '1.0'
KitType: 'SSB'
DirName: 'sctp10'
Product Name: 'Compaq SCTP'
Status: 'No Change'
Flags: Installable = 'Y' SpecialNotes = 'N' ExceptionProcedure = 'N'
File Class Format Size Gen Checksum Ifid Inserted On File Id
-------------- ------ ----- --- -------- ---------- ----------- --------------------------
SUPERTAR BINARY 5680 1 ABF7C9D3 18782400 05-SEP-2001 SCTPKIT100.TAR
SPD TEXT 18 1 0F5803B4 8938200 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_spd.txt
SPD POST 140 1 F617FD8D 8342700 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_spd.ps
INSTALLATION_G TEXT 120 1 5BBBD6C1 5365400 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_iguide.txt
INSTALLATION_G POST 1223 1 F1B66823 4174400 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_iguide.ps
COVER_LETTER TEXT 6 1 90430F03 5960800 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_cover.txt
COVER_LETTER POST 2043 1 18796D35 16400500 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_cover.ps
RELEASE_NOTES TEXT 31 1 5E5D924C 6556300 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_relnotes.txt
RELEASE_NOTES POST 245 1 9CB6A3C9 16996000 05-SEP-2001 sctp10_relnotes.ps
total 9506, 9 (blocks,files)
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