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User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems

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5.4.12 #pragma linkage Directive (I64 ONLY)

The #pragma linkage directive behaves much the same on I64 systems as it does on OpenVMS Alpha systems, with some important differences.

On I64 systems, the #pragma linkage directive has the following formats:

#pragma linkage linkage-name = (characteristics)
#pragma linkage_ia64 linkage-name = (characteristics) #pragma linkage Format

On I64 systems, the #pragma linkage format of this directive accepts Alpha register names and conventions and automatically maps them, where possible, to specific I64 registers. So whenever HP C for I64 encounters a #pragma linkage directive, it attempts to map the Alpha registers specified in the linkage to corresponding I64 registers, and emits a SHOWMAPLINKAGE informational message showing the I64 specific form of the directive, #pragma linkage_ia64 , with the I64 register names that replaced the Alpha register names. The SHOWMAPLINKAGE message is suppressed under the #pragma nostandard directive, normally used within system header files.

Code compiled on I64 systems that deliberately relies on the register mapping performed by #pragma linkage should either ignore the SHOWMAPLINKAGE informational, or disable it. Register Mapping

Table 5-2 shows the mapping that HP C applies to the Alpha integer register names used in #pragma linkage directives when they are encountered on an I64 system. Note that the six standard parameter registers on Alpha (R16-R21) are mapped to the first six (of eight) standard parameter registers on I64 systems, which happen to be stacked registers (see Section

Table 5-2 Integer Register Mapping
Alpha -> I64   Alpha -> I64
R0 R8   R16 R32 1
R1 R9   R17 R33 1
R2 R28   R18 R34 1
R3 R3   R19 R35 1
R4 R4   R20 R36 1
R5 R5   R21 R37 1
R6 R6   R22 R22
R7 R7   R23 R23
R8 R26   R24 R24
R9 R27   R25 R25
R10 R10   R26 no mapping
R11 R11   R27 no mapping
R12 R30   R28 no mapping
R13 R31   R29 R29
R14 R20   R30 R12
R15 R21   R31 R0

1In parameters or result; else ignored

Table 5-3 shows the mapping that HP C applies to the Alpha floating-point register names used in #pragma linkage directives when they are encountered on an I64 system:

Table 5-3 Floating-Point Register Mapping
Alpha -> I64   Alpha -> I64
F0 F8   F16 F8
F1 F9   F17 F9
F2 F2   F18 F10
F3 F3   F19 F11
F4 F4   F20 F12
F5 F5   F21 F13
F6 F16   F22 F22
F7 F17   F23 F23
F8 F18   F24 F24
F9 F19   F25 F25
F10 F6   F26 26
F11 F7   F27 27
F12 F20   F28 28
F13 F21   F29 F29
F14 F14   F30 F30
F15 F15 Mapping Diagnostics

In some cases, the HP C compiler on Alpha systems silently ignores linkage registers if, for example, a standard parameter register like R16 is specified in a preserved option. When you compile on an I64 system, this situation emits an MAPREGIGNORED informational message, and the SHOWMAPLINKAGE output might not be correct. If there is no valid mapping to I64 registers, the NOMAPPOSSIBLE error message is output. There are two special situations that can arise when floating-point registers are specified in a linkage:

  • Only IEEE-format values are passed in floating-point registers under the OpenVMS Calling Standard for I64: VAX format values are passed in integer registers. Therefore, a compilation that specifies /FLOAT=D_FLOAT or /FLOAT=G_FLOAT produces an error for any linkage that specifies floating-point registers. Note that this includes use in options that do not involve passing values, such as the preserved and notused options.
  • The mapping of floating-point registers is many-to-one in two cases:
    • Alpha registers F0 and F16 both map to I64 register F8
    • Alpha F1 and F17 both map to I64 register F9.

    A valid Alpha linkage may well specify uses for both F0 and F16, and/or both F1 and F17. Such a linkage cannot be mapped on an I64 system. But because of the way this situation is detected, the MULTILINKREG warning message that is produced can only identify the second occurrence of an Alpha register that got mapped to the same I64 register as some previous Alpha register. The actual pair of Alpha registers in the source is not identified, and so the message can be confusing. For example, an option like preserved(F1,F17) gets a MULTILINKREG diagnostic saying that F17 was specified more than once. #pragma linkage_ia64 Format

The #pragma linkage_ia64 format requires register names to be specified in terms of an I64 system. The register names will never be mapped to a different architecture. This form of the pragma always produces an error if encountered on a different architecture.

For this format of the pragma, valid registers for the preserved , nopreserve , notused , parameters , and result options are:

  • Integer registers R3 through R12 and R19 through R31
  • Floating-point registers F2 through F31

Valid registers for the parameters and result are:

  • Integer registers R3 through R12, and R19 through R31
  • Integer registers R32 through R39 (according to the convention described below)
  • Floating-point registers F2 through F31

The parameters and result options permit integer registers R32 through R39 to be specified according to the following convention: On IA64, the first eight integer input/output slots are allocated to stacked registers, and thus the calling routine refers to them using different names than the called routine. The convention for naming these registers in either the parameters or result option of a #pragma linkage_ia64 directive is always to use the hardware names as they would be used within the called routine: R32 through R39. The compiler automatically compensates for the fact that within the calling routine these same registers are designated using different hardware names.

5.4.13 #pragma [no]member_alignment Directive

By default, HP C for OpenVMS VAX systems does not align structure members on natural boundaries; they are stored on byte boundaries (with the exception of bit-field members).

By default, HP C for OpenVMS Alpha systems does align structure members on natural boundaries.

The #pragma member_alignment preprocessor directive can be used to force natural-boundary alignment of structure members. The #pragma nomember_alignment preprocessor directive restores byte-alignment of structure members.

This pragma has the following formats:

#pragma member_alignment
#pragma member_alignment save
#pragma member_alignment restore
#pragma nomember_alignment [base_alignment]

When #pragma member_alignment is used, the compiler aligns structure members on the next boundary appropriate to the type of the member, rather than on the next byte. For example, a long variable is aligned on the next longword boundary; a short variable is aligned on the next word boundary.

Consider the following example:

#pragma nomember_alignment 
struct x { 
           char c; 
           int b; 
#pragma member_alignment 
struct y { 
          char c;       /*3 bytes of filler follow c */ 
          int b; 
main () 
        printf( "The sizeof y is: %d\n", sizeof (struct y) ); 
        printf( "The sizeof x is: %d\n", sizeof (struct x) ); 

When this example is executed, it shows the difference between #pragma member_alignment and #pragma nomember_alignment .

Once used, the member_alignment pragma remains in effect until the nomember_alignment pragma is encountered; the reverse is also true.

The optional base_alignment parameter can be used to specify the base-alignment of the structure. Use one of the following keywords for the base_alignment:

  • byte (1 byte)
  • word (2 bytes)
  • longword (4 bytes)
  • quadword (8 bytes)
  • octaword (16 bytes)

The #pragma member_alignment save and #pragma member_alignment restore directives can be used to save the current state of the member_alignment and to restore the previous state, respectively. This feature is necessary for writing header files that require member_alignment or nomember_alignment , or that require inclusion in a member_alignment that is already set.

5.4.14 #pragma message Directive

The #pragma message directive controls the issuance of individual diagnostic messages or groups of messages. Use of this pragma overrides any command-line options that may affect the issuance of messages.

The #pragma message directive has the following formats:

#pragma message option1 (message-list)
#pragma message option2
#pragma message (quoted-string) #pragma message option1

The parameter option1 must be one of the following keywords:

  • enable ---Enables issuance of the messages specified in the message-list
  • disable ---Disables issuance of the messages specified in the message-list
  • emit_once ---Emits the specified messages only once per compilation.
    Certain messages are emitted only the first time the compiler encounters the causal condition. When the compiler encounters the same condition later in the program, no message is emitted. Messages about the use of language extensions are an example of this kind of message. To emit one of these messages every time the causal condition is encountered, use the EMIT_ALWAYS option.
    Errors and Fatals are always emitted. You cannot set them to emit_once .
  • emit_always ---Emits the specified messages at every occurrence of the condition.
  • error ---Sets the severity of the specified messages to Error.
    Supplied Error messages and Fatal messages cannot be made less severe. (Exception: A message can be upgraded from Error to Fatal, then later downgraded to Error again, but it can never be downgraded from Error.)
    Warnings and Informationals can be made any severity.)
  • fatal ---Sets the severity of the specified messages to Fatal.
  • informational ---Sets the severity of the specified messages to Informational. Note that Fatal and Error messages cannot be made less severe.
  • warning ---Sets the severity of each message in the message-list to Warning. Note that Fatal and Error messages cannot be made less severe.

The message-list can be any one of the following:

  • A single message identifier (within parentheses, or not). The message identifier is the name following the severity at the start of a line when a message is issued. For example, in the following message, the message identifier is GLOBALEXT:

    %CC-W-GLOBALEXT, a storage class of globaldef, globalref, or globalvalue 
    is a language extension. 

  • The name of a single message group (within parentheses, or not). Message-group names are:
    • ALL---All the messages in the compiler
    • ALIGNMENT---Messages about unusual or inefficient data alignment.
    • C_TO_CXX---Messages reporting the use of C features that would be invalid or have a different meaning if compiled by a C++ compiler.
    • CDD---Messages about CDD (Common Data Dictionary) support.
    • CHECK---Messages reporting code or practices that, although correct and perhaps portable, are sometimes considered ill-advised because they can be confusing or fragile to maintain. For example, assignment as the test expression in an "if" statement.
      The check group gets defined by enabling LEVEL5 messages.
    • DEFUNCT---Messages reporting the use of obsolete features: ones that were commonly accepted by early C compilers but were subsequently removed from the language.
    • NEWC99---Messages reporting the use of the new C99 Standard features.
    • NOANSI---This is a deprecated message group. It is an obsolete synonym for NOC89. Also see message groups NEWC99, NOC89, NOC99.
    • NOC89---Messages reporting the use of non-C89 Standard features.
    • NOC99---Messages reporting the use of non-C99 Standard features.
    • OBSOLESCENT---Messages reporting the use of features that are valid in Standard C, but which were identified in the standard as being obsolescent and likely to be removed from the language in a future version of the standard.
    • OVERFLOW---Messages that report assignments and/or casts that can cause overflow or other loss of data significance.
    • PERFORMANCE---Messages reporting code that might result in poor run-time performance.
    • PORTABLE---Messages reporting the use of language extensions or other constructs that might not be portable to other compilers or platforms.
    • PREPROCESSOR---Messages reporting questionable or non-portable use of preprocessing constructs.
    • QUESTCODE---Messages reporting questionable coding practices. Similar to the CHECK group, but messages in this group are more likely to indicate a programming error rather than just a non-robust style.


      Enabling the QUESTCODE group provides lint-like checking.
    • RETURNCHECKS---Messages related to function return values.
    • UNINIT---Messages related to using uninitialized variables.
    • UNUSED---Messages reporting expressions, declarations, header files, CDD records, static functions, and code paths that are not used.
      Note, however, that unlike any other messages, these messages must be enabled on the command line (/WARNINGS=ENABLE=UNUSED) to be effective.
  • A single message-level name (within parentheses, or not).
    Message-level names are:
    • LEVEL1---Important messages. These are less important than the level 0 core messages, because messages in this group are not displayed if #pragma nostandard is active.
    • LEVEL2---Moderately important messages.
    • LEVEL3---Less important messages.
      LEVEL3 is the default message level for HP C for OpenVMS systems.
    • LEVEL4---Useful check/portable messages.
    • LEVEL5---Not so useful check/portable messages.
    • LEVEL6---Additional "noisy" messages.

    Be aware that there is a core of very important compiler messages that are enabled by default, regardless of what you specify with /WARNINGS or #pragma message . Referred to as message level 0, it includes all messages issued in header files, and comprises what is known as the nostandard group. All other message levels add additional messages to this core of enabled messages.
    You cannot modify level 0 (You cannot disable it, enable it, change its severity, or change its EMIT_ONCE characteristic). However, you can modify individual messages in level 0, provided such modification is allowed by the action. For example, you can disable a Warning or Informational in level 0, or you can change an error in level 0 to a Fatal, and so on. (See restrictions on modifying individual messages.)
    Enabling a level also enables all the messages in the levels lower than it. So enabling LEVEL3 messages also enables messages in LEVEL2 and LEVEL1.
    Disabling a level also disables all the messages in the levels higher than it. So disabling LEVEL4 messages also disables messages in LEVEL5 and LEVEL6.
  • A comma-separated list of message identifiers, group names, and messages levels, freely mixed, enclosed in parentheses. #pragma message option2

The parameter option2 must be one of the following keywords:

  • save ---Saves the current state of which messages are enabled and disabled.
  • restore ---Restores the previous state of which messages are enabled and disabled.

The save and restore options are useful primarily within header files.

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