BASEstartm Classic DAS
for OMNItm Software
Installation and User's Guide

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3.2.8 Read Status Function

The read status function issues a diagnostic status request to the device, interprets the device response, and returns the interpretation as a character buffer. An error message is displayed if a device definition does not match the device in the device response. If this occurs, you must correct the device definition before you can perform an upload function or download function for the device.

The BASEstar Classic Command Line Interface User's Guide gives detailed information about the READ STATUS command. To display the returned values for device status, enter the following at the BASEstar Classic prompt:

DCM> READ STATUS device-name/FULL 

Example 3-11 shows an example of the information displayed after issuing the READ STATUS command.

Example 3-11 Read Status Screen

Status of device  GEF_PLC  at 17-MAY-1991 09:29:04.70 
Vendor:                GE_Fanuc 
Model:                 SERIES_SIX_PC 
Revision:              0120_0311_0312 
Physical status:       0 (Operational) 
Logical status:        0 (State Changes Allowed) 
Local detail:          00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 
DCM> Logical Status Meaning

The logical status of an MMS device tells a remote user, the DAS for OMNI software, the MMS services that it is capable of supporting. A user of the DAS for OMNI software, may check this status to determine why a particular service, his request, is returning an error condition. The logical status code values and their meaning are described in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Logical Status Meaning
Logical Status Value MMS Meaning
0 state changes allowed, all MMS services
1 no state changes allowed, Read Only services
2 limited services permitted, connect and status
3 supported services allowed, no PI services Physical Status Meaning

The physical status of an MMS device tells a remote user, the DAS for OMNI software, the generic capabilities and operational state of the hardware. Further meaning is outside the scope of the MMS specification and may be determined from the vendors local status details. The physical status code values and their meaning are described in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Physical Status Meaning
Physical Status Value MMS Meaning
0 Operational, ie. able to perform all tasks
1 Partially Operational, ie. not all tasks can be performed
2 Inoperable, ie. not operational
3 Needs Commisioning, ie. maintenance

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