BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Siemens H1tm Protocol
Installation and User's Guide

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Chapter 1

This chapter provides an overview of the BASEstar Classic DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol. It also includes a brief description of Siemens devices and the supported functions for the DAS.

1.1 Description

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol allows you to access Siemens devices using the H1 protocol through BASEstar Classic device connection management. Device connection management is a component of BASEstar Classic software, which is an engineered family of software components and services that facilitate the development and integration of manufacturing automation solutions.

Using the DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol, users or applications can perform a variety of device access functions for the Siemens family of devices using the H1 protocol. Examples of functions supported for the Siemens devices include: reading and writing data, uploading and downloading logic programs, and reading the status of a device.

1.2 Device Communications

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol consists of a Protocol Emulator (PE) and a Network Interface (NI). PEs and NIs work together to provide device-specific communications for BASEstar Classic's generic callable services.

The PE translates BASEstar Classic device connection management generic services into device-understandable format. The PE also converts device-specific protocol into BASEstar Classic device connection management format. The NI works directly with an OpenVMS driver to send data to and receive data from plant-floor devices. The NI communicates the requests and data translated by the PE. Figure 1-1 shows how the DAS facilitates communications between device connection management and the device.

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol must be installed on an OpenVMS host that is connected to Siemens programmable controllers using an Ethernet backbone. Optionally, one may introduce an Ethernet bridge to separate the Ethernet traffic in the computer room from the Ethernet traffic on the plant floor. The OpenVMS host and the programmable controller communicate using the first four layers of the ISO/OSI standard. On the OpenVMS side this is done using the OSI Transport Services application programming interface.

Figure 1-1 DAS Communications

1.3 Supported Functions and Devices

You can perform only the BASEstar Classic device connection management functions that are supported by a device's PE. These functions can be accessed through BASEstar Classic library management and BASEstar Classic device connection management menu system, commands, and callable services.

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol supports the following BASEstar Classic device connection management functions:

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol supports Siemens programmable controllers model S115U, S135U, S150U and S155U.

The S135U programmable controllers may be configured with a single type "S" or type "R" CPU. This programmable controller must include at least one CP-535 Ethernet communications card. For model S150U programmable controllers it is recommended that a CP-511 serial communications card is also used.

The DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol supports a variety of devices, as shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Siemens Devices and Supported Functions
Device Upload Download Start Stop Read Data Write Data Read Status
S115U X X X X X X X
S135U X X X X X X X
S150U X X X X X X X
S155U         X X  
COMPATIBLE 1         X X  

1The 'COMPATIBLE' type device is intended to support TI devices with an H1 ethernet interface.

For more information about the supported functions, refer to Chapter 3 of this document.

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