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This appendix describes:
HP Fortran recognizes certain logical names at compile time and run time.
A logical name specified must not contain brackets, semicolons, or periods. The system treats any name containing these punctuation marks as a file specification, not as a logical name.
To view the previously set logical names, use the SHOW LOGICAL command (see HELP SHOW LOGICAL):
$ SHOW LOGICAL PROJ_DIR %SHOW-S-NOTRAN, no translation for logical name PROJ_DIR |
Use a DEFINE command to set (define) a logical name:
$ DEFINE logical-name equivalence-value |
For example, to associate the process logical name PROJ_DIR with the directory DISK2:[PROJ], type a DEFINE command:
To use logical name tables other than the process table, specify qualifiers to the DEFINE (or ASSIGN) command. A system manager can define logical names system-wide, perhaps in a system startup procedure.
To remove the association of a logical name and its value, use the DEASSIGN command:
$ DEASSIGN logical-name |
Table D-1 describes the logical names that HP Fortran recognizes at compile time.
Logical Name | Description |
Specifies a default text library to be searched for included library
modules (INCLUDE statements that specify library modules) that are not
explicitly specified.
FORT$LIBRARY is recognized by both Compaq Fortran 77 and HP Fortran. For more information, see Section 2.2.4. |
FORT$INCLUDE | Specifies an additional directory to be searched for included source files (INCLUDE statements that specify files). For more information, see Section 2.3.25. |
Table D-2 describes the logical names HP Fortran recognizes at run time.
Logical Name | Description |
FOR nnn | Allows the user to specify the directory and file name at run time for a logical unit ( nnn) for which the OPEN statement does not specify a file name (leading zeros are required). If the appropriate logical name is not set and the OPEN statement does not specify a file name for that logical unit, a default file name of FOR nnn.DAT is used. For more information, see Section 6.6.1. |
FOR$READ | Specifies the name of a file to receive input from a READ statement instead of SYS$INPUT. For more information, see Section 6.6.1. |
FOR$ACCEPT | Specifies the name of a file instead of SYS$INPUT to receive input from an ACCEPT statement. For more information, see Section 6.6.1. |
FOR$PRINT | Specifies the name of a file instead of SYS$OUTPUT to receive output from a PRINT statement. For more information, see Section 6.6.1. |
FOR$TYPE | Specifies the name of a file instead of SYS$OUTPUT to receive output from a TYPE statement. For more information, see Section 6.6.1. |
FOR$CONVERT nnn | For an unformatted file, specifies the nonnative numeric format of the data at run time for a logical unit ( nnn). Otherwise, the nonnative numeric format of the unformatted data must be specified at compile time by using the FORTRAN command /CONVERT qualifier. For more information, see Chapter 9. |
and FOR$CONVERT_ ext |
For an unformatted file, specifies the nonnative numeric format of the data at run time for a file whose suffix is ext. Otherwise, the nonnative numeric format of the unformatted data must be specified at compile time by using the FORTRAN command /CONVERT qualifier. For more information, see Chapter 9. |
Table E-1 lists the library modules contained in the HP Fortran system library FORSYSDEF.TLB, a text library.
The library modules consist of definitions, in Fortran source code, of related groups of system symbols that can be used in calling OpenVMS system services. FORSYSDEF also contains library modules that define the condition symbols and the entry points for Run-Time Library procedures.
Each new version of the operating system may add new FORSYSDEF library modules to the text library FORSYSDEF. To determine whether a particular library module is installed on your system, use the LIBRARY/LIST command.
For example, the following command sequence searches for the library module named $SMGDEF:
Module Name | Description |
$ACCDEF | Accounting manager request type codes |
$ACEDEF | Access control list entry structure definitions |
$ACLDEF | Access control list interface definitions |
$ACRDEF | Accounting record definitions |
$AFRDEF | Alignment fault reporting |
$AGNDEF | $ASSIGN flags bit definitions |
$ALPHADEF | Alpha system hardware model identification |
$ARGDEF | Argument descriptor for object language procedure records |
$ARMDEF | Access rights mask longword definitions |
$ATRDEF | File attribute list description---used to read and write file attributes |
$BRKDEF | Breakthru ($BRKTHRU) system service input definitions |
$CHFDEF | Condition handling argument list offsets |
$CHKPNTDEF | Create checkpointable processes flag definitions |
$CHPDEF | Check protection ($CHKPRO) system service definitions |
$CLIDEF | Command language interface definitions---define the offset values for structures used to communicate information to CLI |
$CLIMSGDEF | Command language interface message definitions |
$CLISERVDEF | CLI service request code definitions |
$CLIVERBDEF | CLI generic verb codes definitions |
$CLSDEF | Security classification mask block---contains security and integrity level categories for nondiscretionary access controls |
$CLUEVTDEF | Cluster Event Notification Services definitions |
$CMBDEF | $CREMBX flags bit definitions |
$CQUALDEF | Common qualifier package definitions |
$CRDEF | Card reader status bits |
$CREDEF | Create options table definitions for library facility |
$CRFDEF | CRF$_INSRTREF argument list |
$CRFMSG | Return status codes for cross reference program |
$CVTDEF | RTL floating-point conversion routines |
$CVTMSG | RTL floating-point conversion routines messages |
$DCDEF | Device adapter, class, and type definitions |
$DDTMDEF | DECdtm transaction manager services structure definitions |
$DEVDEF | I/O device characteristics |
$DIBDEF | Device information block definitions |
$DMTDEF | Flag bits for the Dismount ($DISMOU) system service |
$DSCDEF | Descriptor type definitions |
$DSTDEF | Debug symbol table definitions |
$DTIDEF | Distributed Transaction Information flag definitions |
$DTKDEF | Definitions for RTL DECtalk management facility |
$DTKMSG | Return status codes for RTL DECtalk management facility |
$DVIDEF | Device and volume information data identifier definitions |
$DVSDEF | Device scan data identifier definitions |
$EEOMDEF | End of module record |
$EGPSDEF | Global section descriptor entry - program section definition |
$EGSDEF | Global symbol definition record |
$EGSTDEF | Universal symbol definition (used by Linker) |
$EGSYDEF | Global symbol definition entry |
$EIDCDEF | Random entity ident consistency check |
$EMHDEF | Module header record |
$ENVDEF | Environment definitions in object file |
$EOBJRECDEF | Object file record formats |
$EOMDEF | End of module record in object/image files |
$EOMWDEF | End of module record in object/image with word of psect value |
$EPMDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---entry point definitions |
$EPMMDEF | Global section string descriptor entry point definition, version mask symbols |
$EPMVDEF | Global section string descriptor entry point definition, vectored symbols |
$EPMWDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---entry point definitions with word of psect value |
$ERADEF | Erase type code definitions |
$ESDFDEF | Universal symbol definition (used by linker) |
$ESDFMDEF | Symbol definition for version mask symbols |
$ESDFVDEF | Symbol definition for vectored symbols |
$ESGPSDEF | Global section descriptor entry - program section definition in shareable image |
$ESRFDEF | Symbol reference |
$ETIRDEF | Text, information, and relocation record |
$EVAX_INSTRDEF | Instruction class definition |
$EVX_OPCODES | Alpha instruction format definitions |
$FABDEF | RMS File access block definitions |
$FALDEF | Messages for the FAL (File Access Listener) facility |
$FDLDEF | File Definition Language call interface control flags |
$FIBDEF | File identification block definitions |
$FIDDEF | File ID structure |
$FLTDEF | Flag bits for $SETFLT system service |
$FMLDEF | Formal argument definitions appended to procedure definitions in global symbol definition record in object file |
$FOR_FP_CLASS | Return values for HP Fortran FP_CLASS intrinsic procedure |
$FORDEF | Condition symbols for HP Fortran Run-Time Library |
$FORIOSDEF | HP Fortran IOSTAT error numbers |
$FSCNDEF | Descriptor codes for SYS$FILESCAN |
$GPSDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---psect definitions |
$GSDEF | Global symbol definition (GSD) record in object file |
$GSYDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---symbol definitions |
$HLPDEF | Data structures for help processing |
$HWDEF | Architecture identification |
$IACDEF | Image activation control flags |
$IDCDEF | Object file IDENT consistency check structures |
$IEEEDEF | IEEE floating-point control register definitions |
$IMPDEF | $PERSONA_xxx service definitions |
$INITDEF | Values for INIT$_DENSITY item code (media format) |
$IODEF | I/O function codes |
$JBCMSGDEF | Job controller message definition |
$JPIDEF | Job/process information request type codes |
$KGBDEF | Key grant block definitions---formats of records in rights database file |
$LADEF | Laboratory peripheral accelerator device types |
$LATDEF | LAT facility definitions |
$LATMSGDEF | Error messages for LAT facility |
$LBRCTLTBL | Librarian control table definitions |
$LBRDEF | Library type definitions |
$LCKDEF | Lock manager definitions |
$LEPMDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---module local entry point definitions |
$LHIDEF | Library header information array offsets |
$LIBCLIDEF | Definitions for LIB$ CLI callback procedures |
$LIBDCFDEF | Definitions for LIB$DECODE_FAULT procedure |
$LIBDEF | Condition symbols for the general utility library |
$LIBDTDEF | Interface definitions for LIB$DT (date/time) package |
$LIBVMDEF | Interface definitions for LIB$VM (virtual memory) package |
$LICENSEDEF | License Management Facility definitions |
$LKIDEF | Get lock information data identifier definitions |
$LMFDEF | License Management Facility definitions |
$LNKDEF | Linker option record definition in object file |
$LNMDEF | Logical name flag definitions |
$LPDEF | Line printer characteristic codes |
$LPRODEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---module local procedure definition in object file |
$LSDFDEF | Module local symbol definition in object file |
$LSRFDEF | Module local symbol reference in object file |
$LSYDEF | Module local symbol definition |
$MAILDEF | Callable mail definitions |
$MHDDEF | Main header record definitions |
$MHDEF | Module header record definition in object file |
$MMEDEF | Media management extensions definitions |
$MMEMSGDEF | Media management extensions messages |
$MMIDEF | Media management interface definitions |
$MNTDEF | Flag bits and function codes for the MOUNT system service |
$MSGDEF | Symbolic names to identify mailbox message senders |
$MSGHLPDEF | Message help values |
$MT2DEF | Extended magnetic tape characteristic bit definition |
$MTADEF | Magnetic tape accessibility routine codes |
$MTDEF | Magnetic tape characteristic codes |
$MTHDEF | Condition symbols from the mathematical procedures library |
$NAMDEF | RMS name block field definitions |
$NCSDEF | Interface definitions for National Character set package |
$NETDEF | DECnet-VAX identification definitions |
$NSADEF | Security auditing packet header and record type definitions |
$NSARECDEF | Security auditing record definitions |
$OBJRECDEF | Object language record definition |
$OPCDEF | Operator communication manager request type codes--return status codes |
$OPCMSG | OPCOM message definitions |
$OPRDEF | Operator communications message types and values |
$OSSDEF | Object security service definitions |
$OTSDEF | Language-independent support procedure (OTS$) return status codes |
$PAGEDEF | Page size and limit definitions |
$PQLDEF | Quota types for process creation quota list |
$PRCDEF | Create process ($CREPRC) system service status flags and item codes |
$PRDEF | Processor register definitions |
$PRODEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---procedure definition |
$PROMDEF | Global section string descriptor entry: procedure definition, version mask symbols |
$PROVDEF | Global section string descriptor entry: procedure definition, vectored symbols |
$PROWDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---procedure definition with word of psect value |
$PRTDEF | Protection field definitions |
$PRVDEF | Privilege bit definitions |
$PSCANDEF | Process scan item code definitions |
$PSIGDEF | Signature block offset definitions for calling standard |
$PSLDEF | Processor status longword (PSL) mask and symbolic names for access modes |
$PSMMSGDEF | Print symbiont message definitions |
$PTDDEF | Processor status word mask and field definitions |
$QUIDEF | Get queue information service definitions |
$RABDEF | RMS record access block definitions |
$RMEDEF | RMS escape definitions |
$RMSDEF | RMS return status codes |
$RNHBLKDEF | Get Queue Information Service ($GETQUI) definitions, item codes |
$SBKDEF | Open file statistics block |
$SCRDEF | Screen package interface definitions |
$SDFDEF | Symbol record in object file |
$SDFMDEF | Symbol definitions |
$SDFVDEF | Symbol definitions for vectored symbols |
$SDFWDEF | Symbol record in object file with word of psect value |
$SECDEF | Attribute flags for private/global section creation and mapping |
$SGPSDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---P-section definition in shareable image |
$SHRDEF | Definitions for shared messages |
$SJCDEF | Send to job controller service definitions |
$SMBMSGDEF | Symbiont manager message definitions |
$SMGDEF | Definitions for RTL screen management |
$SMGMSG | Messages for the Screen Management facility |
$SMGTRMPTR | Terminal capability pointers for RTL SMG$ facility |
$SMRDEF | Define symbiont manager request codes |
$SNAPEVTDEF | System snapshot/reboot status definitions |
$SORDEF | Messages for the Sort/Merge facility |
$SRFDEF | Global symbol definition record in object file---symbol reference definitions |
$SRMDEF | SRM hardware symbol definitions |
$SSDEF | System service failure and status codes |
$STENVDEF | Assign symbiont manager print job/record option codes |
$STRDEF | String manipulation procedures (STR$) return status codes |
$STSDEF | Status codes and error codes |
$SYIDEF | Get system information data identifier definitions |
$SYSSRVNAM | System service entry point descriptions |
$TIRDEF | Text information and relocation record in object file |
$TPADEF | TPARSE control block |
$TPUDEF | TPU callable interface definitions |
$TRMDEF | Define symbols to the item list QIO format |
$TT2DEF | Terminal special symbols |
$TT3DEF | Terminal special symbols |
$TTCDEF | Character code format |
$TTDEF | Terminal device characteristic codes |
$UAIDEF | User Authorization Information data identifier definitions |
$UICDEF | Format of user identification code (UIC) |
$UIDDEF | Universal identifier definitions |
$USGDEF | Disk usage accounting file produced by ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE |
$USRIDEF | User image bit definitions |
$VAXDEF | VAX model definitions |
$XABALLDEF | Allocation XAB definitions |
$XABCXFDEF | RMS context XAB associated with FAB |
$XABCXRDEF | RMS context XAB associated with RAB |
$XABDATDEF | Date/time XAB definitions |
$XABDEF | Definitions for all XABs |
$XABFHCDEF | File header characteristics XAB definitions |
$XABITMDEF | Item list XAB |
$XABJNLDEF | Journal XAB definitions |
$XABKEYDEF | Key definitions XAB field definitions |
$XABPRODEF | Protection XAB field definitions |
$XABRDTDEF | Revision date/time XAB definitions |
$XABRUDEF | Recovery unit XAB |
$XABSUMDEF | Summary XAB field definitions |
$XABTRMDEF | Terminal control XAB field definitions |
$XADEF | DR11-W definitions for device specific characteristics |
$XKDEVDEF | 3271 device status block |
$XKSTSDEF | Definitions for 3271 line status block (returned by IO$_RDSTATS) |
$XMDEF | DMC-11 device characteristic codes |
$XWDEF | System definition for software DDCMP |
CMA$DEF | DECthreads definitions |
CVT$ROUTINES | Floating-point conversion routines |
DTK$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for DECtalk facility |
LIB$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for general purpose run-time library procedures |
MTH$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for mathematics run-time library procedures |
NCS$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for National Character set procedure |
OTS$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for language-independent support procedures |
PPL$DEF | Definitions for Parallel Processing library facility |
PPL$MSG | Message definitions for Parallel Processing library facility |
PPL$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for Parallel Processing library facility |
SMG$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for Screen Management procedures |
SOR$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for Sort/Merge procedures |
STR$ROUTINES | Routine definitions for string manipulation procedures |
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