日本HPホーム 製品 & サービス OpenVMS製品情報
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OpenVMS ドキュメント

第 1 章:Advanced Serverソフトウェアをインストールする前に
第 2 章:Advanced Server ソフトウェアのインストレーション
第 3 章:Advanced Serverの構成
第 4 章:スタンドアロンLicense Serverの構成と起動
第 5 章:Advanced Serverのインストール後の処理
第 6 章:ワイド・エリア・ネットワークの実装
第 7 章:Advanced Serverソフトウェアの削除
付録 A :インストレーションおよびアップグレードのチェックリスト
付録 B :Advanced Server のインストレーションおよび構成の例
付録 C :スタンドアロンLicense Serverのインストレーションと構成の例
付録 D :外部認証ソフトウェアのインストレーションの例
付録 E :Advanced Server ファイルおよびオンディスク構造
付録 F :Advanced Server 論理名
OpenVMS ホーム
日本語 Advanced Server for OpenVMS

日本語 Advanced Server for OpenVMS

目次 索引

付録 C
スタンドアロンLicense Serverのインストレーションと構成の例

この付録では,OpenVMS ClusterにおけるスタンドアロンLicense Server のインストレーションおよび構成プロシージャの例を示します。

C.1 スタンドアロンLicense Serverのインストレーション・プロシージャの例

次に,スタンドアロンLicense Serverのインストレーション・ダイアログの例を示します。

The following product has been selected: 
    CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVERJA V7.3-B         Layered Product 
Do you want to continue? [YES] [RETURN]
Configuration phase starting ... 
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for 
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. 
  Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
  Advanced Server is sold by Hewlett-Packard Development Company 
  Advanced Server requires PAK PWLMXXXCA07.03 for each client. 
 This installation procedure requires that all the following 
 conditions are satisfied: 
 1.  This procedure is running on an Alpha processor. 
 2.  The system is running OpenVMS 7.3-2 or later. 
 3.  All required privileges are currently enabled. 
 4.  No PATHWORKS or Advanced Server images are running 
     on this node or anywhere in the cluster. 
 5.  No files from a PATHWORKS (NetWare) kit are present 
     on this system disk. 
 6.  No files from any PATHWORKS or Advanced Server kit 
     are in SYS$SPECIFIC on this system disk. 
 This procedure checks if the conditions are satisfied. 
 If they are satisfied, the procedure continues. 
 If not, the procedure stops. 
Do you want to continue? [YES] [RETURN]
 Select one of the numbered options: 
 1.  Install the complete Advanced Server         [default] 
 2.  Install only the License Server 
 3.  Install only the external authentication images 
 4.  Install both the License Server and the 
  external authentication images 
Option: [1] 2 [RETURN]
This node does not have to be rebooted before starting this product. 
Select an option: 
1. Delay reboot as long as possible on all nodes. [default] 
2. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on any node using this system 
   disk until after reboot. 
3. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on all nodes until after reboot. 
4. Prevent startup on any node using this system disk until 
   after reboot. 
5. Prevent startup on all nodes until after reboot. 
Option: [1] 1 [RETURN]
* This product does not have any configuration options. 
Execution phase starting ... 
The following product will be installed to destination: 
 Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90% 
The following product has been installed: 
CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVERJA V7.3-B         Layered Product 
%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVERJA V7.3-B ... 
  Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
        Starting Installation Verification Procedure 
 for Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS 
%PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully 
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully 

C.2 スタンドアロンLicense Serverの構成ダイアログの例

次に,スタンドアロンLicense Serverの構成ダイアログの例を示します。

Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS Configuration Procedure 
  The Advanced Server stores and accesses the following 
  types of data files: 
  o Configuration parameter files 
  o License Server data files 
  o Log files 
  o Printer spool files 
  o Virtual memory section files 
  You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at least 
  5000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. 
  Note: The server frequently accesses the data files stored on the 
  disk.  If these files are stored on the system disk, it can degrade 
  the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the server.  Therefore, 
  HP recommends that you specify a disk other than the system disk. 
  Press RETURN to continue: [Return]
  If this OpenVMS Cluster has multiple system disks, make sure that all 
  nodes on which you plan to run the Advanced Server: 
  o Use the same disk device to store and access Advanced Server 
    data files. 
  o Share the same SYSUAF.DAT file. In each system disk's startup file, 
    define a system logical name that points all nodes to the shared 
    SYSUAF.DAT file. For example: 
    $ define/system/exec sysuaf pencil$dka300:[sys0.sysexe]sysuaf.dat 
    The startup file is called SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM 
Enter disk device name where the Advanced Server data files will be 
Creating Advanced Server directory tree on SYS$SYSDEVICE:... 
%CREATE-I-EXISTS, PWRK$COMMONROOT:[000000] already exists 
  The License Server can serve client-based licenses for 
  Advanced Server clients over DECnet, NetBEUI, and TCP/IP. 
  The Advanced Server need not be running for the License 
  Server to operate. 
Do you want to serve client-based licenses over DECnet [YES]: [Return]
Do you want to serve client-based licenses over NetBEUI [NO]: Y [Return]
Do you want to serve client-based licenses over TCP/IP [NO]: Y [Return]
Do you want to start the Advanced Server License Server now [YES]: [Return]
The License Server will use DECnet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP. 
Process NETBIOS created with identification 2960012B 
Process PWRK$NBDAEMON created with identification 2960012D 
Process PWRK$KNBDAEMON created with identification 2960012F 
Process PWRK$LICENSE_S created with identification 29600131 
 To automatically start the License Server at system startup, you 
 should add the following line to the 
  Note: Add this line below the lines that start all network 
  transports (such as TCP/IP). 

目次 索引

© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.