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Installation Guide for
OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Systems

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3.6.2 Installing HP C as a Shared Image

If you expect HP C to be used extensively on your system, you can reduce the system overhead and memory requirements by installing it as a shared image. To install HP C as a shared image on a system that is currently running, use the OpenVMS INSTALL utility. It is recommended that you install HP C as shared on a system that has been rebooted recently, because the available space in the global page table is less likely to be fragmented.

To install HP C as a shared image, determine the number of available global pagelets and global sections on your system. You will need to increase them. Section 1.7.2 contains guidelines for showing and setting these parameters.

3.7 Getting Help and Reporting Problems

If you encounter a problem while using HP C, see the release notes. If the problem is unresolved, report it to HP. Depending on the type of support you have and the nature of the problem, take one of the following actions:

  • If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone (in the United States, 1-800-354-9000) or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following:
    • The name and version number of the operating system you are using
    • The product name (HP C) and the version number of HP C you are using
    • The hardware system you are using (such as a model number)
    • A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible)
    • How critical the problem is

    When you submit information electronically or are speaking on the phone to the appropriate HP C support specialist, you can provide more detailed information. The information should include the specific commands used to compile and link the program, the error messages displayed, and relevant detailed information (possibly including source program listings). Please attempt to narrow the cause of the problem to a specific module or lines of code.
    CSC personnel might ask for additional information, such as listings of any command files, INCLUDE and COPY files, relevant data files, and so forth. If the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it electronically or provide machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape).
  • If the problem is related to HP C documentation, you can report the problem to the CSC (if you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement and the problem is severe); otherwise, send your comments about HP C documentation to the following Internet address:
    To obtain information about purchasing a HP Software Product Services Support Agreement or other support services, please contact your local HP sales representative.

Appendix A
Files Added or Updated During Installation

This appendix lists the files that are added to or updated on your OpenVMS system during installation. Note that some files may not be installed depending on selected options or your system's configuration or operating system version.

[SYS$LIBRARY]DECC$CLD.CLD                [new] 
[SYS$HELP]HELPLIB.HLB                    [modified] 
[SYS$SYSTEM]CXX$DEMANGLE.EXE             [new] 
[SYS$LIBRARY]DCLTABLES.EXE               [modified] 
[SYS$HELP.CC$HELP]*.*                    [new] 
[SYS$HELP]CC.RELEASE_NOTES               [new] 
[SYS$HELP]CC_RELEASE_NOTES.PS            [new] 
[SYSTEST]DECC$IVP.COM                    [new] 

Appendix B
Installation Messages

This appendix lists the more common diagnostic messages you might see during product installation. If you encounter a message not shown here, use the HELP/MESSAGE command to display information about it. If you add the /LOG qualifier to the PRODUCT INSTALL command, many additional informational messages will be displayed, which can be ignored.

FAILCONF, failed to resolve conflicting requirements for 'object-type' 
Explanation:  More than one product supplies a managed object of the same 
              name, type, and scope. They cannot coexist because of a 
              conflict in the objects' properties. Files, directories, and 
              library modules are examples of managed objects. 
User Action:  Report the problem to HP.              
INSTALLERR,  error executing DCL INSTALL command               
Explanation:  The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility installs a file 
              as a known image by having the DCL command INSTALL execute in 
              a subprocess. The INSTALL command failed.               
User Action:  Take action based on the accompanying messages. If you specify 
              the /TRACE qualifier when you retry the operation, you can 
              view the command sent to the subprocess.         
IVPFAILURE,  test procedure completed with an error status 
Explanation:  The installation verification test procedure for the product 
              completed with an exit status that indicates a failure. If you 
              were executing a PRODUCT INSTALL command, the product has been 
              completely installed, but its test procedure failed. 
User Action:  Take action based on the accompanying messages. If you specify 
              the /TRACE qualifier when you retry the operation, you can 
              view the commands sent to the subprocess and the output 
              generated when these commands are executed.           
RETAIN,  'object' 'object-name' was not replaced because 'object' 
from kit does not have higher generation number 
Explanation:  During installation of a software product (or a patch to 
              a software product), the specified object (either a file 
              or a library module) was not copied from the kit to the 
              destination disk. The installation utility found an object 
              with the same name already installed on the destination disk 
              and that object's generation (sequencing) number was the same 
              or greater than the generation number of the object from the 
              kit. Therefore, the object with the latest generation number 
              (the previously installed item) was left on your destination 
       This condition typically occurs when you install multiple 
              patches or updates to the same product. The installation 
              utility performs conflict detection and resolution so that 
              your system will always retain the most current files even if 
              updates are not installed in chronological order. 
User Action:  None.                            


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