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HP C++

HP C++
User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems

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Chapter 8
8 Using the OpenVMS Debugger
     8.1     Debugging C++ Programs
         8.1.1         Compiling and Linking in Preparation for Debugging
         8.1.2         Debugger Support
         8.1.3         Starting and Ending a Debugging Session
         8.1.4         Features Basic to Debugging C++ Programs
                Determining Language Mode
                Built-In Operators
                Constructs in Language and Address Expressions
                Data Types
     8.2     Using the OpenVMS Debugger with C++ Data
         8.2.1         Nonstatic Data Members
                Noninherited Data Members
                Inherited Data Members
         8.2.2         Reference Objects and Reference Members
         8.2.3         Pointers to Members
         8.2.4         Referencing Entities by Type
     8.3     Using the OpenVMS Debugger with C++ Functions
         8.3.1         Referring to Overloaded Functions
         8.3.2         Referring to Destructors
         8.3.3         Referring to Conversions
         8.3.4         Referring to User-Defined Operators
         8.3.5         Referring to Function Arguments
         8.3.6         Calling C++ Member Functions from the Debugger
Chapter 9
9 Using 64-bit Address Space
     9.1     32-bit Versus 64-bit Development Environment
         9.1.1         Model ANSI (ALPHA ONLY)
         9.1.2         Memory Allocators
         9.1.3         64-bit Pointer Support in the C Run Time Library
     9.2     Qualifiers and Pragmas
         9.2.1         The /MODEL=ANSI Qualifier (ALPHA ONLY)
         9.2.2         The /POINTER_SIZE Qualifier
         9.2.3         The __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE Macro
         9.2.4         Pragmas
     9.3     Determining Pointer Size
         9.3.1         Special Cases
         9.3.2         Mixing Pointer Sizes
     9.4     Header File Considerations
     9.5     Prologue/Epilogue Files
         9.5.1         Rationale
         9.5.2         Using Prologue/Epilogue Files
     9.6     Avoiding Problems
     9.7     Reasons for Not Using Mixed Pointer Sizes
Appendix A
Appendix A Compiler Command Qualifiers
Appendix B
Appendix B Programming Tools
     B.1     DEC Language-Sensitive Editor
         B.1.1         Starting and Terminating an LSE Session
         B.1.2         LSE Placeholders and Tokens
         B.1.3         Compiling and Reviewing Source Code from an LSE Session
         B.1.4         DEC Source Code Analyzer (SCA)
Appendix C
Appendix C Built-In Functions
     C.1     Built-In Functions for Alpha Systems (ALPHA ONLY)
         C.1.1         Translation Macros
         C.1.2         Intrinsic Functions
         C.1.3         Privileged Architecture Library Code Instructions
         C.1.4         Other Builtins
     C.2     Built-In Functions for I64 Systems (I64 ONLY)
         C.2.1         Builtin Differences on I64 Systems
         C.2.2         Built-in Functions Specific to I64 Systems
Appendix D
Appendix D Class Library Restrictions
     D.1     Class Library Restrictions
Appendix E
Appendix E Compiler Compatibility
     E.1     Compatibility with Other C++ Compilers
     E.2     Compatibility with Version 5.6 and Earlier
         E.2.1         Language Differences
         E.2.2         Implementation Differences
         E.2.3         Using Templates
             E.2.3.1             Linking with Version 5.n Instantiations
             E.2.3.2             Linking Version 5.n Applications Against Version 6.n Repositories
         E.2.4         Library Differences
     E.3     Using Classes
         E.3.1         Friend Declarations
         E.3.2         Member Access
         E.3.3         Base Class Initializers
     E.4     Undefined Global Symbols for Static Data Members
     E.5     Functions and Function Declaration Considerations
     E.6     Using Pointers
         E.6.1         Pointer Conversions
         E.6.2         Bound Pointers
         E.6.3         Constants in Function Returns
         E.6.4         Pointers to Constants
     E.7     Using typedefs
     E.8     Initializing References
     E.9     Using the switch and goto Statements
     E.10     Using Volatile Objects
     E.11     Preprocessing
     E.12     Managing Memory
     E.13     Size-of-Array Argument to delete Operator
     E.14     Flushing the Output Buffer
     E.15     Linking
     E.16     Incrementing Enumerations
     E.17     Guidelines for Writing Clean 64-Bit Code

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