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OpenVMS ドキュメント

第 1 章:Advanced Serverソフトウェアをインストールする前に
第 2 章:Advanced Server ソフトウェアのインストレーション
第 3 章:Advanced Serverの構成
第 4 章:スタンドアロンLicense Serverの構成と起動
第 5 章:Advanced Serverのインストール後の処理
第 6 章:ワイド・エリア・ネットワークの実装
第 7 章:Advanced Serverソフトウェアの削除
付録 A :インストレーションおよびアップグレードのチェックリスト
付録 B :Advanced Server のインストレーションおよび構成の例
付録 C :スタンドアロンLicense Serverのインストレーションと構成の例
付録 D :外部認証ソフトウェアのインストレーションの例
付録 E :Advanced Server ファイルおよびオンディスク構造
付録 F :Advanced Server 論理名
OpenVMS ホーム
日本語 Advanced Server for OpenVMS

日本語 Advanced Server for OpenVMS

目次 索引

付録 B
Advanced Server のインストレーションおよび構成の例

この付録では, Advanced Server がシステムに初めてインストールされる場合のインストレーションおよび構成プロシージャの例を示します。

B.1 Advanced Server のインストレーション・プロシージャの例

次に, Advanced Server のインストレーション・ダイアログの例を示します。システムの環境により,インストレーション・ダイアログが少し異なります。

The following product has been selected: 
    CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVERJA V7.3-B         Layered Product 
Configuration phase starting ... 
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for 
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. 
  Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
    Advanced Server is sold by Hewlett-Packard Development Company 
    Advanced Server requires PAK PWLMXXXCA07.03 for each client. 
    This installation procedure requires that all the following 
    conditions are satisfied: 
        1.  This procedure is running on an Alpha processor. 
        2.  The system is running OpenVMS 7.3-2 or later. 
        3.  All required privileges are currently enabled. 
        4.  No PATHWORKS or Advanced Server images are running 
            on this node or anywhere in the cluster. 
        5.  No files from a PATHWORKS (NetWare) kit are present 
            on this system disk. 
        6.  No files from any Pathworks or Advanced Server kit 
            are in SYS$SPECIFIC on this system disk. 
        This procedure checks if the conditions are satisfied. 
        If they are satisfied, the procedure continues. If not, 
        the procedure stops. 
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
        Select one of the numbered options: 
        1  Install the complete Advanced Server         [default] 
        2  Install only the License Server 
        3  Install only the external authentication images 
        4  Install both the License Server and the 
           external authentication images 
Option: [1] [Return]
A PCFS driver from a previous kit is currently loaded in memory on 
this node. 
A PCI driver from a previous kit is currently loaded in memory on 
this node. 
You must reboot this node before starting the product on this node. 
Select an option: 
    1. Delay reboot as long as possible on all nodes. [default] 
    2. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on any node using this system 
       disk until after reboot. 
    3. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on all nodes until after reboot. 
    4. Prevent startup on any node using this system disk until 
       after reboot. 
    5. Prevent startup on all nodes until after reboot. 
Option: [1] [Return]
   User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs) 
    The Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS installation creates two 
    OpenVMS accounts:  a default account, PWRK$DEFAULT, and a guest 
    account, PWRK$GUEST.  The default UIC group number for both 
    these new accounts depends on the following: 
    o If you are installing the server for the first time, the 
      default is the first unused UIC group number, starting 
      with 360. 
    o If a PCFS$ACCOUNT already exists, the default is 
      the UIC group number associated with PCFS$ACCOUNT. 
    o If a PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST account already exists, 
      the default is the UIC group number associated with 
      PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, in preference to PCFS$ACCOUNT. 
      However, the default UIC group number will not be used to 
      change the UIC of any existing accounts. 
For more information about UIC group numbers, see the 
OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. 
Enter default UIC group number for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST 
Group: [360] [Return]
Creating OpenVMS accounts for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST 
* This product does not have any configuration options. 
Execution phase starting ... 
The following product will be installed to destination: 
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...70%...90% 
To automatically start Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS at 
system startup, you should add the following line to the 
Note: Add this line after the lines that start all the network 
transports, such as TCP/IP. 
To automatically stop Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS at system shutdown, 
you should add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM file. 
Note: Add this line before the lines that stop any of the network transports, 
such as TCP/IP. 
Before starting Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS on this node, 
be sure to configure the product (@SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG) on each node in the 
cluster where the product will run....100% 
The following product has been installed: 
V7.3B ... 
  Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 
Starting Installation Verification Procedure 
for Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS 
%PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully 
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully 

B.2 Advanced Server 構成プロシージャの例

次に, Advanced Server の構成ダイアログの例を示します。

Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS Configuration Procedure 
    The Advanced Server stores and accesses the following 
    types of data files: 
    o Configuration parameter files 
    o License Server data files 
    o Log files 
    o Printer spool files 
    o Virtual memory section files 
    You can specify any existing OpenVMS disk device that has at 
    least 150000 free blocks of disk space to store these data files. 
    Note: The server frequently accesses the data files stored on 
    the disk.  If these files are stored on the system disk, it can 
    degrade the performance of both the OpenVMS system and the 
    server.  Therefore, HP recommends that you specify a disk 
    other than the system disk. 
    Enter disk device name where the Advanced Server data files 
    will be stored [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: [return]
    Creating Advanced Server directory tree on SYS$SYSDEVICE:... 
    Checking to see if OpenVMS Registry Services are available... 
    The OpenVMS Registry server is already started on this node. 
    Populating OpenVMS Registry with required Advanced Server & NT 
    parameters. Please wait. This may take one to two minutes... 
    Required OpenVMS Registry file keys and values have been created. 
    Creating Advanced Server directory tree... 
    Processing optional client files... 
    Do you want to install Windows client utilities, such as 
    User Manager for Domains and Server Manager, which can be 
    used to manage Advanced Server from a Windows client [N]? [return]
    If necessary, the Windows client utilities and PWUTIL share may be 
    installed at any time by executing the command procedure: 
    The Advanced Server includes a copy of the Windows client 
    software necessary to implement client-based licensing. 
    If you have or plan to implement server-based licensing only, 
    this software is not required on the Windows clients. 
    Do you want this server to share the client-based license software  [N]? [return]    
    If necessary, the client-based license software can be shared 
    from this server at any time by executing the command procedure: 
    Do you have PATHWORKS client license components installed on any client in 
    your network. If not, do you wish to disable client-based license checks 
    (enter ? for more information)? [Y] [return]
    Creating the Monitor user authorization file PWRK$COMMON:PWMONUAF.DAT ... 
    Changing the server configuration parameters will allow you to modify 
    this server's client capacity and select the transports to be used. 
    GRUNT is currently configured to 
       + support 50 PC clients 
       + use the following transport(s): TCP/IP 
   If you want this server to be the primary domain controller, you should 
   configure it to use all the transports used by the backup domain 
   controllers and member servers in the domain. 
   If you want this server to be a backup domain controller or member server, 
   you should configure it to have at least one transport in common with the 
   domain's primary domain controller, otherwise this configuration will fail. 
   If you do not change the configuration parameters now, you may do so 
   later by typing ADMIN/CONFIG. 
   Do you want to change the server configuration parameters now? [YES]: [return]
   ******** Advanced Server Configuration for node GRUNT ******** 
   * Options  Help                                              * 
   *                                                            * 
   * *Server's Client Capacity********************************* * 
   * *                                                        * * 
   * * ( ) Maximize Client Capacity Using AUTOGEN/Reboot      * * 
   * * ( ) Maximize Client Capacity Without AUTOGEN or Reboot * * 
   * * (*) User Supplied Client Capacity                      * * 
   * *                                                        * * 
   * *  Client Capacity: 50                                   * * 
   * ********************************************************** * 
   *                                                            * 
   *   Percent of Physical Memory Used: 80                      * 
   *   Data Cache Size (Kbytes): 8192                           * 
   *                                                            * 
   *   Maximum Concurrent Signons: 10                           * 
   *   OpenVMS Process Priority: 9                              * 
   *                                                            * 
   *  **********  ********  ***************  *****************  * 
   *  * Verify *  * Quit *  * Advanced... *  * Transports... *  * 
   *  **********  ********  ***************  *****************  * 
   *                                                            * 
   * Test for supportable configuration ************************* 
  The OpenVMS Registry server is already started on this node. 
  Reading current configuration parameters ... 
  Your Advanced Server for OpenVMS is presently configured to 
  run as follows: 
   1.  Run the License Server:                   NO 
   2.  Enable Timesource service:                NO 
   3.  Enable Alerter service:                   YES 
   3a. Alert user names:                         Administrator 
   4.  Enable Netlogon service:                  YES 
   5.  Advanced Server domain:                   LANGROUP 
   6.  Advanced Server role:                     PRIMARY 
   7.  Advanced Server computer name:            GRUNT 
   7a. Advanced Server OpenVMS cluster alias:    GRUNT-ALIAS 
   8.  Server announce comment:                  Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS 
   9.  Advanced Server language:                 English (USA) 
   10. Enable NT style printing:                 NO 
  Enter item number, or RETURN to use these values [DONE]: 5 [return]
  An Advanced Server domain is a collection of computers that share 
  a common security database and policy.  Each domain has a unique 
  name.  A network can have many domains. 
  The Advanced Server domain name can be up to 15 characters 
  long.  The domain name must be different than the computer name. 
  Enter Advanced Server domain name for this system [LANGROUP]: GRUNTDOM 
  Your Advanced Server for OpenVMS is presently configured to 
  run as follows: 
   1.  Run the License Server:                NO 
   2.  Enable Timesource service:             NO 
   3.  Enable Alerter service:                YES 
   3a. Alert user names:                      Administrator 
   4.  Enable Netlogon service:               YES 
   5.  Advanced Server domain:                GRUNTDOM 
   6.  Advanced Server role:                  PRIMARY 
   7.  Advanced Server computer name:         GRUNT 
   7a. Advanced Server OpenVMS cluster alias: GRUNT-ALIAS 
   8.  Server announce comment:               Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS 
   9.  Advanced Server language:              English (USA) 
   10. Enable NT style printing:              NO 
  Enter item number, or RETURN to use these values [DONE]: [return]
  Saving parameters to the OpenVMS Registry... 
  Creating SAM datafiles... 
  New sharefile has been created. 
  ADMIN$ added 
  IPC$ added 
  The Advanced Server Administrator account is used to 
  administer the server.  The Administrator account 
  is mapped by default to the OpenVMS SYSTEM account. 
  The Administrator account password can be up to 14 characters 
  long and the case of the characters used will be preserved. 
  Enter Administrator account password: 
  Re-enter to verify password: 
  Changing password for Administrator account... 
  Setting character set information in databases as needed ... 
  Setting share database character set information ... 
  Setting ACL database character set information ... 
  Checking system resources... 
  The current system configuration for GRUNT will support 50 PC clients. 
  The Advanced Server is configured to use DECnet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP. 
  To automatically start the Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS 
  at system startup, you should add the following line to the 
  Note: Add this line below the lines that start all network transports 
  (such as TCP/IP). 
 Do you want to start the Advanced Server V7.3B on node GRUNT now [YES]: [return]
 The file server will use DECnet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP. 
 Advanced Server mail notification will use DECnet. 
 Process NETBIOS created with identification 00000248 
 Process PWRK$NBDAEMON created with identification 0000024A 
 Process PWRK$KNBDAEMON created with identification 0000024C 
 Process PWRK$LICENSE_R created with identification 0000024E 
 Checking to see if the OpenVMS Registry Services are available... 
 The Advanced Server is configured to support 20 PC clients. 
 Process PWRK$MASTER created with identification 00000251 
 The master process will now start all other Advanced 
 Server processes. 

目次 索引

© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.