hp Reliable Transaction Router
C Application Programmer's
Reference Manual

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Example 2-3 shows the data type that is returned in the user buffer with message types rtr_mt_accepted, rtr_mt_rejected, rtr_mt_opened and rtr_mt_closed. You can find the meaning of rtr_status_t using the call rtr_error_text .

Example 2-3 Type rtr_status_data_t

                                    /*  Type returned with rtr_mt_rejected,*/ 
    typedef struct                  /*  rtr_mt_accepted, rtr_mt_opened     */ 
    {                               /*  and rtr_mt_closed messages.        */ 
        rtr_status_t    status;     /*  RTR status                         */ 
        rtr_reason_t    reason;     /*  User-supplied reason               */ 
    } rtr_status_data_t; 

2.12 RTR Events

What are events?

An event in RTR is a trigger that causes a notification (also called a "broadcast") to be sent to the application that subscribed to the event. RTR Events are created only by RTR and are used internally by RTR to help manage activities such as site failover. Application developers may subscribe to RTR Events to activate certain processing in their application. User Events are also available to enable application developers to send event notification or broadcast messages to other RTR applications. RTR provides the call rtr_broadcast_event to enable an application developer to trigger a User Event.

Events have special characteristics and restrictions:

The list below shows the RTR Events that are available for subscription. These events can be grouped in four basic categories:

2.12.1 RTR Event Names and Numbers

RTR sends events to the server either inside or outside a transactional boundary. A transaction is considered to start on receipt of an rtr_mt_msg1 or rtr_mt_msg1_uncertain message, and to end when the transaction is accepted or rejected (receipt of an rtr_mt_accepted or rtr_mt_rejected message). Events containing information about primary, secondary, or standby servers could arrive outside a transactional boundary. Gain and loss events arrive inside transactional boundaries.

Table 2-5 lists the RTR events that can be received on a channel (associated with the rtr_mt_rtr_event message type). Events are listed in order of event number. See the description for rtr_open_channel in Chapter 3, RTR Call Reference, for further information.

Table 2-5 RTR Event Names and Numbers
Event Name Event Number Description
RTR_EVTNUM_FACREADY 96 The facility has become operational.
RTR_EVTNUM_FACDEAD 97 The facility is no longer operational.
RTR_EVTNUM_FERTRGAIN 98 Frontend link to current router established.
RTR_EVTNUM_FERTRLOSS 99 Frontend link to current router lost.
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRBEGAIN 100 Current router established link to a backend.
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRBELOSS 101 Current router lost link to a backend.
RTR_EVTNUM_KEYRANGEGAIN 102 Server(s) for new routing key range are now available.
RTR_EVTNUM_KEYRANGELOSS 103 No more servers remain for a particular routing key range.
RTR_EVTNUM_BERTRGAIN 104 Backend established link to a router.
RTR_EVTNUM_BERTRLOSS 105 Backend lost link to a router.
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRFEGAIN 106 Router established link to a frontend.
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRFELOSS 107 Router lost link to a frontend.
RTR_EVTNUM_SRPRIMARY 108 Server has become primary. 1
RTR_EVTNUM_SRSTANDBY 109 Server has become standby.
RTR_EVTNUM_SRSECONDARY 110 Server in a shadow pair has become secondary. 1
RTR_EVTNUM_SRSHADOWLOST 111 Server in a shadow pair lost its shadow partner. 2
RTR_EVTNUM_SRSHADOWGAIN 112 Server in a shadow pair acquired a shadow partner.
RTR_EVTNUM_SRRECOVERCMPL 113 Server completed recovery processing.

1 RTR will generate this event between transactional boundaries. This event can be useful to signal the application to begin activities that should only be performed by the primary system, such as processing credit card debits.
2 This event signals that this system is entering remember mode for future catchup of the shadow partner.

2.12.2 Developing Applications to Use Events

Subscribing to Events

RTR Events can be used for triggering special application processing based on a change in RTR system status, or for sending notification to the system operator after certain application or RTR conditions that require intervention.

User Events can be used for actions such as broadcasting stock prices to update a price table, or triggering special application processing such as handling a failed transaction. User events can be used to send a message in a one-to-one or a one-to-many method.

Event subscription is established when the rtr_open_channel call is executed. See the RTR rtr_open_channel call description for details on this call. The rtr_open_channel call is as follows:

rtr_open_channel (channel, 

Two parameters on the call are used to establish event subscription: rcpnam and pevtnum.

rcpnam is a pointer to an optional channel name for receiving event messages. If a User Event is sent to a particular channel name, only those subscribers that match both name AND event number are notified. For example, a client channel named "New York" and a client channel named "Hong Kong" could both subscribe to receive User Event number 999. If event 999 was triggered by the server using the channel named "Hong Kong," the event would be received only by the "Hong Kong" client. Specify RTR_NO_RCPNAM for this parameter if a name is not used. This parameter is case sensitive.

pevtnum is a pointer to lists of RTR and User event numbers to which the channel wants to subscribe. These lists use the numeric values of the events shown in Table 2-5. Use the special symbols in Table 2-6 to construct the event list.

Table 2-6 Symbols for Event Lists
Symbol Description
RTR_NO_PEVTNUM No events selected.
RTR_EVTNUM_USERDEF Begin User Event list.
RTR_EVTNUM_ENDLIST End of entire list.
RTR_EVTNUM_UP_TO Specifies an event range in the form x RTR_EVTNUM_UP_TO y.
RTR_EVTNUM_USERBASE Smallest User Event number (0).
RTR_EVTNUM_USERMAX Largest User Event number (250).
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRBASE Smallest RTR Event number.
RTR_EVTNUM_RTRMAX Largest RTR Event number.

Example 2-4 illustrates how to set up a list of all User Event numbers for the rtr_open_channel call.

Example 2-4 User Event Example

rtr_evtnum_t all_user_events[]={ 
   } ; 

Example 2-5 illustrates how to set up a list of all RTR and User Event numbers for the rtr_open_channel call.

Example 2-5 RTR and User Event Example

rtr_evtnum_t all_events[]={ 
   } ; 

Sending Events

A broadcast event is triggered when the rtr_broadcast_event call is executed. See the rtr_broadcast_event call description for details on this call. The rtr_broadcast_event call syntax is as follows:

rtr_broadcast_event (channel, 

The significant parameters on this call are:

channel is the channel identifier returned from the rtr_open_channel call.
pmsg is a pointer to the message to be broadcast.
msglen is the length in bytes of the message.
evtnum is the User Event number that the application developer has assigned to this event.
rcpspc is the optional recipient channel name that can be specified with the rcpnam parameter on the rtr_open_channel call.

Example 2-6 shows an example of an rtr_broadcast_event call.

Example 2-6 Broadcast Event Example

if ( bServerShutdown ) 
sts = rtr_broadcast_event ( 
    /* channel */ BY_CHAN_CLIENT(cCurrentChannel,client)->chan, 
    /* flags   */ RTR_NO_FLAGS, 
    /* pmsg    */ &msgbuf, 
    /* msglen  */ cbTotalSize, 
    /* evtnum  */ USER_EVT_SHUTDOWN, 
    /* rcpnam  */ "*", 
    /* msgfmt  */ szMsgFmt); 
exit_if_error ( "rtr_broadcast_event", sts ); 

Receiving Events

Any RTR transaction, RTR Event, or User Event can be received when the application executes the rtr_receive_message call. See the RTR rtr_receive_message call description for details on this call. The rtr_receive_message call syntax is as follows:

rtr_receive_message (channel, 

The significant parameters on this call are:

channel is the channel on which the message is received.
pmsg is a pointer to an application buffer where the message is written.
maxlen is the maximum length of the application buffer in bytes.
pmsgsb is a pointer to a message status block describing the received message.

Notification of Events

If the application has subscribed to events, any call to rtr_receive_message can return an event notification, either an RTR Event notification or a User Event notification. The results are described in Table 2-7.

Table 2-7 Event Notifications
If this notification is delivered: the rtr_receive_message call returns a message of type: and the user/application buffer contains the associated:
RTR Event rtr_mt_rtr_event event message
User Event rtr_mt_user_event user broadcast message

When RTR receives a role-gain or role-loss event, it provides both the facility name and the nodename of the node (FE, TR, or BE) that sent the event notification. Only events for roles (FE, TR, BE) provide this additional information. For a definition of roles in RTR, see the Reliable Transaction Router Getting Started manual and the RTR Glossary. In RTR, only facilities have roles. Example 2-7 shows the results of a frontend gain event (FEGAIN, event 106) and a frontend loss event (FELOSS, event 107).

Example 2-7 Frontend Gain and Loss Examples

RTR> call rece 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  RTR$DEFAULT_CHANNEL 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_rtr_event 
   msglen:      34 
   evtnum:      106     (RTR_EVTNUM_RTRFEGAIN) 
   facility:    RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY 
       link:    nodename
RTR> call rece 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  RTR$DEFAULT_CHANNEL 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_rtr_event 
   msglen:      34 
   evtnum:      107     (RTR_EVTNUM_RTRFELOSS) 
   facility:    RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY 
       link:    nodename

Returned Event Data

Two RTR Events return key range data to the application:

Table 2-8 Events that Return Key Range Data
Event Name Event Number

The key range data are received in the message returned to the application, with the length of the message specified in the message status block ( msgsb ). For example, the following illustrates rtr_receive_message usage.

rtr_receive_message ( 
  rtr_channel_t      *pchannel, 
  rtr_rcv_flag_t     flags, 
  rtr_channel_t      *p_rcvchan, 
  rtr_msgbuf_t       pmsg, 
  rtr_msglen_t       maxlen, 
  rtr_timout_t       timoutms, 
  rtr_msgsb_t        *p_msgsb 

The message status block pointed to by *p_msgsb has the following structure:

   typedef struct { 
     rtr_msg_type_t   msgtype; 
     rtr_usrhdl_t     usrhdl; 
     rtr_msglen_t     msglen; 
     rtr_tid_t        tid; 
     rtr_evtnum_t     evtnum; 

When an event number is 102 or 103, RTR returns key range data (the low and high bounds) in the message, padded as required for data marshalling and interoperability. The key range data can be examined by the application. For more detail on data marshalling and formatting, see Section 2.14.

Bounds data are treated as if defined as a structure. For example, if there are two key segments defined as rtr_uns_8_t and rtr_uns_32_t , then the bounds data are copied to outbuf as if they were contained in the structure; that is, the 32-bit ints are correctly aligned in the structure and the structure size is a multiple of four. For example,

         rtr_uns_8_t  low_bound_1; 
         rtr_uns_32_t low_bound_2; 
         rtr_uns_8_t  hi_bound_1; 
         rtr_uns_32_t hi_bound_2; 

The "four-byte-alignment-fits-all" requirement is enforced for interoperability; no padding is allowed.

Example 2-8, which can be run manually from the RTR CLI, illustrates the return of key range data with the RTR Event RTR_EVTNUM_KEYRANGELOSS . The RTR CLI interprets the format of this message as appropriate. In Example 2-8, the format is string or ASCII data, the default.

Example 2-8 Returned Event Key Range Data Example

RTR> crea fac jws/all=sucre 
%RTR-S-FACCREATED, facility jws created 
RTR> crea part ab/fac=jws/noshadow/nostandby- 
%RTR-I-PRTCREATE, partition created 
RTR> rtr_open/chan=s/server/noshadow/nostandby/part=ab/fac=jws 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
RTR> rtr_rec/chan=s/time=10 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  S 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_opened 
   msglen:      8 
   status:      normal successful completion 
   reason:      0x00000000 
RTR> rtr_open/chan=c/client/event=(102,103)/fac=jws 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
RTR> rtr_rec/chan=c/time=10 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  C 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_opened 
   msglen:      8 
   status:      normal successful completion 
   reason:      0x00000000 
RTR> rtr_close/chan=s 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
RTR> rtr_rec/chan=c/time=10 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  C 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_rtr_event 
   msglen:      4 
   evtnum:      103     (RTR_EVTNUM_KEYRANGELOSS) 
   ks_lo_bound: 0x4241 
   ks_hi_bound: 0x4443 
RTR> reca 
RTR> rtr_rec/chan=c/time=10 
%RTR-E-TIMOUT, call to rtr_receive_message timed out 

Design consideration: When an RTR application executes an rtr_receive_message call, the programmer could incorrectly anticipate that a particular message type may be received and only write instructions to respond to the expected message. However, an RTR or User Event could be received on any instance of the rtr_receive_message call (as could other unanticipated RTR messages). Therefore, as a general application design guideline, the application developer should always program the application so that it can properly handle any type of message that could be received by the rtr_receive_message call.

Events are delivered in the order in which they are broadcast; therefore event serialization will be preserved for a particular user. However, RTR does not enforce any particular serialization across different subscribers, so different subscribers could receive event notifications in any order.

Example 2-9 shows an rtr_receive_message call in use.

Example 2-9 Receive Message Example

status = rtr_receive_message( &channel, 
check_status( "rtr_receive_message", status ); 

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