hp Reliable Transaction Router
C Application Programmer's
Reference Manual

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The way to obtain data is to specify the requirement as parameters to rtr_request_info() . RTR then opens a channel on which the requested information can be received by calling rtr_receive_message() on the channel. The channel is automatically closed when the requested data (if any) has been completely delivered (that is, an rtr_mt_closed message is received on the channel.) You may close the channel earlier, if no more information is needed, by calling rtr_close_channel() .

The selection criteria specify an information class, a select item and a value. This is like doing a table lookup, where the class represents the specific table, and the select item and value represent the row and column in the table. For example, the following statement: rtr_request_info/channel=I/infcla=rtr/selitm=""/ selval="*" /getitms=rtr_version_string requests information from the RTR (rtr) information class.

The rtr_request_info() call accesses the RTR tables in memory as follows:

  1. The infcla parameter selects the class to be accessed, for example "rtr".
  2. The selitm parameter names the row of the RTR table in memory to be accessed. This can be a null string, for example selitms="" to retrieve all data for the class.
  3. The selval parameter defines what to search for in the row. For example, in a table containing information about backend transactions, if selitm specifies fac_id indicating that a facility name is the selection criterion, and if selval contains the value "TESTFAC", RTR selects only transactions for the facility TESTFAC.
  4. The getitms parameter specifies the items to be returned from the selected row(s). In the example of a table containing information about backend transactions, rtr_request_info can specify transaction ID and transaction start time. The data for these items are returned for all transactions matching the selection criteria.

The results of the selection are returned as none, one, or more messages of type rtr_mt_request_info , one message being returned for each selected row in the table (in a btx example, one message for each backend transaction).

The contents of these messages are defined by the getitms parameter. For example, if three item names specified for getitms are "item_1,item_2,item_3", then the corresponding rtr_mt_request_info message or messages contain three concatenated and null-terminated strings that are the values of those fields, "value1\0value2\0value3\0".

Return Value A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
RTR_STS_CLASSREQ At least one data-class definition required
RTR_STS_INVCHANNEL Invalid pchannel argument
RTR_STS_INVFLAGS Invalid flags argument
RTR_STS_INVGETITMS Invalid getitms argument
RTR_STS_INVINFCLA Invalid information class
RTR_STS_INVSELITM Invalid selitm argument
RTR_STS_INVSELVAL Invalid selval argument
RTR_STS_OK Normal successful completion


Programming Example:

   This routine retrieves the facility names of all facilities 
   that have been defined. 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include "rtr.h" 
void GetFacilityName() 
  char* itemlist[10];   /* Set the elements in this array to point to 
                        each item in getitembuf for later output. */ 
  char* cp = 0; 
  char getitembuf[1024]; 
  rtr_status_t status; 
  rtr_channel_t channel; 
  char msg[1024];                        /* Receive message buffer. */ 
  unsigned int getitemcnt = 0; 
  char infcla_buf[4] = "fac";  /* Set info class to Facility class.*/ 
   rtr_msgsb_t txsb; 
  getitembuf[0] = '\0'; 
 /* Set up the request's get-item buffer for 
    requesting the facility name. */ 
  itemlist[getitemcnt] = &getitembuf[strlen(getitembuf)]; 
  strcat(getitembuf, "fdb_f_name"); 
 /* Increment counters. */ 
  /* Add second item FE -> TR. ** Code commented out ** */ 
  /* (Demonstrates multi-item request. Uncomment code to use.) 
  strcat(getitembuf, ",");           //Add comma separator. 
  itemlist[getitemcnt] = &getitembuf[strlen(getitembuf)]; 
  strcat(getitembuf, "fdb_trsrch"); 
  /* Call rtr_request_info. */ 
  status = rtr_request_info ( 
                       /* *pchannel    */ &channel, 
                        /* flags                */ RTR_NO_FLAGS, 
                        /* infcla               */ infcla_buf, 
                        /* selitm               */ "", 
                        /* selval               */ "*", 
                        /* getitms              */ getitembuf); 
  if (status != RTR_STS_OK)  return; 
  /* Do a receive message to get the information that RTR returns 
   * in response to this request. 
          status = rtr_receive_message( 
                        /* See 'rtr_receive_message'. */ 
/* Check for bad return status from rtr_receive_message(). */ 
          if (status != RTR_STS_OK)  return; 
/* Caller expects either an rtr_mt_closed 
   or an rtr_mt_request_info message. */ 
          if (txsb.msgtype == rtr_mt_closed) break;   
                         /* End of data, exit loop. 
                            Channel closed by RTR. */ 
          if (txsb.msgtype != rtr_mt_request_info) 
                  printf("Unexpected msgtype returned. \n"); 
                  /* Receive the requested information. 
                     Scan through item list, output item and value. 
            unsigned int i; 
            for (i=0, cp = msg; i < getitemcnt; i++, cp += strlen(cp)+1) 
                      *(itemlist[i+1]-1) = '\0'; /* Overwrite comma. */ 
                          printf("%-8s:%40s\t= '%^s'\n", 
  } while (1 == 1); 
Command Line Example:

RTR> call rtr_request_info/infcla=rtr/selitm="" 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
RTR> call rtr_receive_message/chann=D/tim 
%RTR-S-OK, normal successful completion 
 channel name:  D 
   msgtype:     rtr_mt_request_info 
   msglen:      18 
   offset  bytes                                            text 
000000  52 54 52 20 56 33 2E 32 28 32 33 30 29 20 46 54  RTR V3.2(230) FT             
000010  33 00                                            3. 

See Also



Send a transactional message to a server.


status = rtr_send_to_server (channel, flags, pmsg, msglen, msgfmt)

Argument Data Type Access
status rtr_status_t write
channel rtr_channel_t read
flags rtr_sen_flag_t read
pmsg rtr_msgbuf_t read
msglen rtr_msglen_t read
msgfmt rtr_msgfmt_t read

C Binding

rtr_status_t rtr_send_to_server (

rtr_channel_t channel ,
rtr_sen_flag_t flags ,
rtr_msgbuf_t pmsg ,
rtr_msglen_t msglen ,
rtr_msgfmt_t msgfmt ,



The channel identifier (returned earlier by rtr_open_channel() ).


Table 3-25 shows the flags that specify options for the call.

Table 3-25 Send to Server Flags
Flag name Description
RTR_F_SEN_ACCEPT This is the last message of the transaction, and the tx is accepted. This optimization avoids the need for a separate call to rtr_accept_tx() in those cases where the sender knows this is the last (or only) message in the transaction.
RTR_F_SEN_READONLY Specifies a read-only server operation. Hence no shadowing or journalling is required. (The message is still written to the journal but is not played to a shadow and is purged after the transaction is completed on the primary. The message is still needed in the journal to allow recovery of in-flight transactions.)
RTR_F_SEN_RETURN_TO_SENDER The message is to be returned to the sender if undeliverable.
RTR_F_SEN_EXPENDABLE The whole transaction is not aborted if this send fails.

Specify RTR_NO_FLAGS for this parameter if no flags are required.


Pointer to the message to be sent.


Length in bytes of the message to be sent, up to RTR_MAX_MSGLEN bytes. The value of RTR_MAX_MSGLEN is defined in rtr.h .


Message format description. msgfmt is a null-terminated character string containing the format description of the message. RTR uses this description to convert the contents of the message appropriately when processing the message on different hardware platforms. See Section 2.14, RTR Applications in a Multiplatform Environment, for information on defining a message format description.

This parameter is optional. Specify RTR_NO_MSGFMT if the message content is platform independent, or it is not intended to be used on other hardware platforms.


The rtr_send_to_server() call sends a client's transactional message to a server.

The caller must first open a client channel (using the rtr_open_channel() call), before it can send transactional messages.

If no transaction is currently active on the channel, a new transaction is started.

Return Value A value indicating the status of the routine. Possible status values are:
RTR_STS_CHANOTOPE Channel not opened
RTR_STS_INSVIRMEM Insufficient virtual memory
RTR_STS_INVCHANNEL Invalid channel argument
RTR_STS_INVFLAGS Invalid flags argument
RTR_STS_INVJOINTXID Invalid join transaction argument
RTR_STS_INVMSGFMT Invalid msgfmt argument
RTR_STS_INVMSGLEN Invalid msglen argument
RTR_STS_NOACP No RTRACP process available
RTR_STS_NOXACHAN No XA channel available
RTR_STS_OK Normal successful completion
RTR_STS_REPLYDIFF Reply from new server did not match earlier reply


/* The my_msg structure is defined in the user's 
 * application header file. 
typedef struct { 
                rtr_uns_8_t     routing_key; 
                rtr_uns_32_t    sequence_number; 
                rtr_uns_8_t     my_msg_type; 
                string31        last_name; 
                rtr_uns_32_t    order_total; 
                rtr_uns_32_t    shipping_amt; 
                string16        cc_number; 
                string7         cc_expire; 
        } my_msg; 
        my_msg send_msg; 
        .       Load purchase data into send_msg. 
 * Tell the server to validate the credit card for the 
 * amount of this order. 
my_msg.my_msg_type = VALIDATE_CC; 
status = rtr_send_to_server( 
                RTR_NO_FLAGS , 
                RTR_NO_MSGFMT ); 

See Also



Sets or changes a managed object in the RTR environment.


status = rtr_set_info (*pchannel, flags, verb, object, *select_qualifiers, *set_qualifiers)

Argument Data Type Access
status rtr_status_t write
*pchannel rtr_channel_t write
flags rtr_set_flag_t read
verb rtr_verb_t read
object rtr_managed_object_t read
*select_qualifiers rtr_qualifier_value_t read
*set_qualifiers rtr_qualifier_value_t read

C Binding

rtr_status_t rtr_set_info (

rtr_channel_t *pchannel ,
rtr_set_flag_t flags ,
rtr_verb_t verb ,
rtr_managed_object_t object ,
const rtr_qualifier_value_t *select_qualifiers ,
const rtr_qualifier_value_t *set_qualifiers



Pointer to the channel opened by a successful call to rtr_set_info() .


No flags are currently defined. Specify RTR_NO_FLAGS for this argument.


Always rtr_verb_set .


Establishes the type of object to which the call is directed. Values are:


Pointer to array containing selection qualifiers. Values depend on object type:
For: See the values in:
Set Partition Table 3-26
Set Transaction Table 3-27

For example:

typedef struct rtr_qualifier_value_t { 
    rtr_qualifier_t qv_qualifier ;    /* Which qualifier this is */ 
    void *qv_value ;                  /* What value it has */ 
    } rtr_qualifier_value_t ; 

The last value in the array must be rtr_qualifiers_end (see the example). Specify sufficient descriptors to identify the target object.

Table 3-26 Select Qualifiers for the Set Partition Object
Qualifier Value Type Description Example
rtr_facility_name const char* Facility name string "facility_name"
rtr_partition_name const char* Partition name string "partition_name"

Table 3-27 Select Qualifiers for the Set Transaction Object
Qualifier Value Type Description Example
rtr_facility_name facname Facility name string "facility_name"
rtr_partition_name partname Partition name string "partition_name"
rtr_txn_state rtr_txn_jnl_commit Current transaction state See Table 3-28 for valid changes from one state to another.
rtr_txn_tid tid Transaction ID 63b01d10,0,0,0,0,2e59,43ea2002

When using the Set Transaction Object, the qualifier rtr_txn_state is required. In addition, when using rtr_txn_state without rtr_facility_name or rtr_partition_name , rtr_txn_tid is required. The qualifiers rtr_facility_name and rtr_partition_name must be used together. You must always provide the current state when making a state change.

Table 3-28 Valid Set Transaction State Changes
From (current state): To (new state):      
PRI_DONE (remember)     YES  


Pointer to an array containing values of type rtr_qualifier_value_t (see Select Qualifiers above) that describe the desired change to be effected. Table 3-29 and Table 3-30 list qualifiers and value types for the managed object types.

Table 3-29 Qualifiers for Set Partition
Qualifier Value Type Value Desired Action
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_suspend Suspend transaction presentation.
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_resume Resume transaction presentation.
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_recover (Re)start partition recovery.
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_exitwait Exit partition recovery wait/fail state.
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_shadow Enable shadowing.
rtr_partition_state rtr_partition_state_t rtr_partition_state_noshadow Disable shadowing.
rtr_partition_cmd_timeout_secs rtr_uns_32_t unsigned int Optional partition suspend timeout period (in seconds).
rtr_partition_rcvy_retry_count rtr_uns_32_t unsigned int Limit number of recovery replays for a transaction.
rtr_partition_failover_policy rtr_partition_failover_policy_t rtr_partition_fail_to_standby Set failover policy to standby.
rtr_partition_failover_policy rtr_partition_failover_policy_t rtr_partition_fail_to_shadow Set failover policy to shadow.
rtr_partition_failover_policy rtr_partition_failover_policy_t rtr_partition_pre32_compatible Set failover policy as pre-V3.2 compatible.

For both managed object types, a message of type rtr_mt_closed is returned. See Table 3-30 for the value that can be set for the transaction type.

Completion status is read from message data, which is of type
rtr_status_data_t . In addition, a number (type integer) indicating the number of transactions processed is returned. This number can be read from the message following the rtr_status_data_t data item. The last value in the array must be rtr_qualifiers_end .

Table 3-30 Qualifiers for Set Transaction
Set Qualifier Set Qualifier Value Value Description
rtr_txn_state rtr_transaction_state_t rtr_tx_jnl_commit Set a transaction's state to COMMIT to commit the transaction.
rtr_txn_state rtr_transaction_state_t rtr_tx_jnl_abort Set a transaction state to ABORT to abort the transaction.
rtr_txn_state rtr_transaction_state_t rtr_tx_jnl_exception Mark this as an exception transaction.
rtr_txn_state rtr_transaction_state_t rtr_tx_jnl_done Remove this transaction from the RTR journal; that is, forget this transaction completely.


The rtr_set_info() call requests a change in a characteristic of the RTR environment. If the call is successful, a channel is opened for asynchronous completion notification. Applications should use the rtr_receive_message() call to retrieve informational messages on the opened channel.

The rtr_set_info() call can manipulate two managed object types:

See Table 3-29 for values that can be set for the partition object and Table 3-30 for values that can be set for the transaction object. Completion status is read from message data, which is of type rtr_status_data_t .

Return Value
A value indicating the status of the routine, normally returned as function completion status. Possible status values are:
RTR_STS_ALRDYINSTATE+ Partition is already in the desired state
RTR_STS_BADPRTSTATE+ Disallowed attempt to make an illegal or undefined partition state transition
RTR_STS_FACNAMLON+ Facility name facility_name is larger than 30 characters
RTR_STS_FENAMELONG Frontend name string length greater than permitted maximum
RTR_STS_INSUFPRIV Insufficient privileges to run RTR
RTR_STS_INSVIRMEM Insufficient virtual memory
RTR_STS_INVCHANNEL Invalid channel argument
RTR_STS_INVFLAGS Invalid flags argument
RTR_STS_INVOBJCT Specified object type invalid for managed object request
RTR_STS_INVSTATCHANGE Invalid to change from the current state to the specified state
RTR_STS_IVQUAL Unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement
RTR_STS_IVVERB Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling
RTR_STS_NOACTION No object management action specified - check argument set qualifier
RTR_STS_NODNOTBAC+ Node not defined as a backend
RTR_STS_NOSUCHPRTN+ No such partition in the system
RTR_STS_OK Normal successful completion
RTR_STS_PARTNAMELONG Partition name too long
RTR_STS_PRTBADCMD+ Partition command invalid or not implemented in this version of RTR
RTR_STS_PRTBADFPOL+ Unrecognized partition failover policy code
RTR_STS_PRTLCLRECEXT+ Partition local recovery terminated by operator
RTR_STS_PRTMODRMBR+ Partition must be in remember mode on the active member
RTR_STS_PRTNOSRVRS+ Partition has no servers---please start servers and retry
RTR_STS_PRTNOTBACKEND+ Partition command must be entered on a backend node
RTR_STS_PRTNOTSUSP+ Unable to resume partition that is not suspended
RTR_STS_PRTNOTWAIT+ Partition not in a wait state---no action taken
RTR_STS_PRTRECSTATE+ Partition must be in remember or active (non-recovery) state
RTR_STS_PRTRESUMED+ Partition partition_name resumed by operator operator
RTR_STS_PRTRUNDOWN+ Partition is in a rundown prior to deletion -- no action taken
RTR_STS_PRTSHDRECEXT+ Partition shadow recovery terminated by operator
RTR_STS_SETTRANDONE+ n transaction(s) updated in partition partition_name of facility facility_name
RTR_STS_SETTRANROUTER+ Cannot process this command, coordinator router is still available
RTR_STS_TOOMANCHA Too many channels already opened
RTR_STS_TRNOTALL032+ Not all routers are at the minimum required version of V3.2
RTR_STS_VALREQ Missing qualifier or keyword value---supply all required values
RTR_STS_WTTR Not in contact with sufficient router nodes -- please retry later

+Returned in status field of rtr_status_data_t data returned with the rtr_mt_closed message. Indicates outcome of request.


 * This might follow a call to commit the transaction to the database. 
 * If the SQL commit returns an error that is beyond the control of 
 * this application: for example, database disk full, network to 
 * database not responding, or timeout exceeded, it executes. 
 * Declarations: 
rtr_tid_t             tid; 
rtr_uns_32_t          select_idx; 
rtr_uns_32_t          set_idx; 
rtr_qualifier_value_t select_qualifiers[8]; 
rtr_qualifier_value_t set_qualifiers[3]; 
/* Everyone has voted to accept the transaction, and RTR has told the 
 * server to commit it. The client has moved on to performing the next 
 * transaction. This transaction will be changed from `commit' status 
 * to `exception' status for a later attempt at committing. 
 * Get the transaction id. The channel has previously been 
 * declared in an rtr_open_channel call. 
rtr_get_tid(channel, RTR_F_TID_RTR, &tid); 
/* Load the rtr_qualifier_value_t structures that contain the 
 * selection criteria for the transaction: `the transaction whose tid 
 * is pointed at by `tid', whose facility name is in `facname', whose 
 * partition name is in `partname', and whose transaction state is 
 * `rtr_txn_jnl_commit' (logged to the journal as committed). 
select_idx = 0; 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_qualifier = rtr_txn_tid; 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_value = &tid; 
/* Facility name 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_qualifier = 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_value = facname; 
/* Partition name 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_qualifier = rtr_partition_name; 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_value = partname; 
/* Transaction state in journal 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_qualifier = rtr_txn_state; 
select_qualifiers[select_idx].qv_value = &rtr_txn_jnl_commit; 
/* Last one on array must be `rtr_qualifiers_end' 
select_qualifiers[ select_idx].qv_qualifier = 
select_qualifiers[ select_idx].qv_value  = NULL; 
/* Load the 
 * rtr_qualifier_t structs that we will use to set the 
 * new property for the transaction: in this case, only the 
 * state of the transaction. We will change it to 
 * rtr_txn_jnl_exception, or `exception'. 
set_idx = 0; 
set_qualifiers[set_idx].qv_qualifier = rtr_txn_state; 
set_qualifiers[set_idx].qv_value = &rtr_txn_jnl_exception; 
/* Terminate the array with an rtr_qualifiers_end. 
set_qualifiers[set_idx].qv_qualifier = 
set_qualifiers[set_idx].qv_value = NULL; 
/* Tell RTR to change the transaction's state. 
status = rtr_set_info( &pchannel, 
/* The server should now look for an 
 * from RTR, which confirms that it has changed the status. 

See Also


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