hp Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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The SHOW RTR command displays the configuration and status of RTR.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/COUNTER[=counter-name] /NOCOUNTER
/NODE[=node-list] /NODE=default-node
/OUTPUT[=filespec] /OUTPUT=stdout


The SHOW RTR command displays the configuration and status of RTR.




Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified, the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


In environments that do not support remote command capability, the /CLUSTER qualifier causes the relevant command to be executed on the local node only. See Section 1.4 for more information.



Specifies that the per-node counters are also to be displayed. Counter-name is the name of the counter to be displayed. If counter-name is omitted, all counters will be displayed. Counter-name may contain wild card characters.



Equivalent to specifying /COUNTER/STATUS.


/NODE=default-node (D)

Specifies that the command is executed on all nodes specified in node-list . If node-list is omitted, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)

Specifies that the resulting information is written to the file filespec . If /OUTPUT or filespec is omitted, the standard or default output is used.



Displays the current status of RTR (started, stopped and so on).



Displays the RTR version.

Related commands


 RTR running on node baby.home.dec.com in group: develpr  (2)

  1. Shows the state and configuration of RTR.
  2. Shows RTR has been started in group mode for group develpr .


The SHOW SEGMENT command displays the type and size of routing key segments.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/FACILITY[=facility-name] /FACILITY="*"
/NODE[=node-list] /NODE=default-node
/OUTPUT[=filespec] /OUTPUT=stdout


The SHOW SEGMENT command displays the routing key segment definitions.

The routing key definition is common to all servers in a facility.

The routing key specifies the data within a message sent from clients used to route the message to a particular key range server.

The position, length and data type of each key segment is displayed.




Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified, the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


In environments that do not support remote command capability, the /CLUSTER qualifier causes the relevant command to be executed on the local node only. See Section 1.4 for more information.



Specifies the facility name for which information should be displayed.

By default, information is displayed for all facilities.


/NODE=default-node (D)

Specifies that the command is executed on all nodes specified in node-list . If node-list is omitted, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)

Specifies that the resulting information is written to the file filespec . If /OUTPUT or filespec is omitted, the standard or default output is used.


 Facility               Data Type           Length      Offset  
 RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY   UNSIGNED            1           0       (2)
 TEST_FAC               SIGNED              4           10    

  1. Shows the routing key segments for all facilities.
  2. Shows the facility name, the routing key data type, key length and offset for each facility.


The SHOW SERVER command displays information about server channels.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/FACILITY[=facility-name] /FACILITY="*"
/NODE[=node-list] /NODE=default-node
/OUTPUT[=filespec] /OUTPUT=stdout


The SHOW SERVER command displays information about server channels.

Information such as PID, key range, state, event mask, event name and partition ID can be displayed.

The State: field of the SHOW SERVER command can display the following values:

Table 8-25 Key-Range States
State Meaning
wt_tr_ok Server is waiting for routers to accept it
wt_quorum Server is waiting for backend to be quorate
lcl_rec Local recovery
lcl_rec_fail Primary server waiting for access to a restart journal
lcl_rec_icpl Getting next journal to recover from
lcl_rec_cpl Processed all journals for local recovery
shd_rec Shadow recovery
shd_rec_fail Shadow server waiting for access to a restart journal
shd_rec_icpl Shadow getting next journal to recover from
shd_rec_cpl Processed all journals for shadow recovery
catchup Secondary is catching up with primary
standby Server is declared as standby
active Server is active
pri_act Server is active as primary shadow
sec_act Server is active as secondary shadow
remember Primary is running without shadow secondary

The Flags: field of the SHOW SERVER command can display the following values:

Table 8-26 Server Flags
FLAG Meaning
BEC Backend callout
EXA Explicit accept
EXP Explicit prepare
NCC No concurrent
NSB No standby
SHD Shadow
SRV Server
TRC Router callout




Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified, the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


In environments that do not support remote command capability, the /CLUSTER qualifier causes the relevant command to be executed on the local node only. See Section 1.4 for more information.



Specifies the PID of the process for which information should be displayed. The default (/NOIDENTIFICATION) displays information for all servers.



Specifies the facility name for which information should be displayed.

By default, information is displayed for all facilities.



Specifies a detailed listing of server information.


/NODE=default-node (D)

Specifies that the command is executed on all nodes specified in node-list . If node-list is omitted, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)

Specifies that the resulting information is written to the file filespec . If /OUTPUT or filespec is omitted, the standard or default output is used.


Process-id   Facility                     Channel   Flags     State 
20828        RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY         589825    SRV       active 
20828        RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY         655362    SRV       active 
Servers on node NODEA in group "groupa" at Tue Jul 18 15:00:17 2000 
Process-id:              27C3EEAE     
Channel:                803667970      Flags:                           SRV 
State:                     active      Low Bound:                         0 
High Bound             4294967295      rcpnam:        "RTR$DEFAULT_CHANNEL" 
User Events:                    0      RTR Events:                        0 
Partition name:                             RTR$DEFAULT_PARTITION_167777217 


The SHOW TRANSACTION command displays information about currently active transactions.


SHOW TRANSACTION [transaction-id]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/BEFORE[=date] today
/FACILITY[=facility-name] /FACILITY="*"
/FULL=keyword /NOFULL
/NODE[=node-list] /NODE=default-node
/OUTPUT[=filespec] /OUTPUT=stdout
/PARTITION=partition_name None
/SINCE[=date] today
/STATE=current_state None
/USER=username All users


The SHOW TRANSACTION command displays transaction information, such as the transaction ID, facility, transaction state, frontend user, start time and router node.



Specifies a particular transaction or transactions whose transaction state you want to display. If no transaction_id is specified, all transactions (*) that satisfy the specifying qualifiers are processed by the command.




Specifies that information should be listed for transactions in a backend node. If neither /BACKEND, /FRONTEND nor /ROUTER are specified, information for all of them is displayed. If either /FRONTEND or /ROUTER is specified, the default (/NOBACKEND) inhibits display of backend transaction information.

The Invocation field of SHOW TRANSACTION /BACKEND /FULL shows the following information:

Table 8-27 Transaction Invocation Types
Type Meaning
ORIGINAL Original transaction
REPLAY Replayed transaction
RECOVERY Shadow recovery transaction
WaitOnExcept Transaction is pending manual intervention


Selects only those transactions whose timestamp is before the specified date. Default is the current date.



Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified, the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


In environments that do not support remote command capability, the /CLUSTER qualifier causes the relevant command to be executed on the local node only. See Section 1.4 for more information.



Specifies the facility name for which information should be displayed.

By default, information is displayed for all facilities.



Specifies that information should be listed for transactions in a frontend node. If neither /BACKEND, /FRONTEND nor /ROUTER are specified, information for all of them is displayed. If either /BACKEND or /ROUTER is specified, the default (/NOFRONTEND) inhibits display of frontend transaction information.



Produces a detailed listing of transaction information. keyword can be either STANDARD or WIDE. STANDARD is the default value and provides the display seen in versions of RTR prior to Version 4.0. WIDE supports display field values of more than 36 character without truncation.



Specifies the PID of the process for which information is displayed. The default (/NOIDENTIFICATION) displays information for all processes.


/NODE=default-node (D)

Specifies that the command is executed on all nodes specified in node-list . If node-list is omitted, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)

Specifies that the resulting information is written to the file filespec . If /OUTPUT or filespec is omitted, the standard or default output is used.



Specifies that information should be listed for the indicated partition. A partition name must be supplied.

Use SHOW PARTITION to view the names of the currently active partitions.



Specifies that information should be listed for transactions in a router node. If neither /BACKEND, /FRONTEND nor /ROUTER are specified, then information for all of them is displayed. If either /BACKEND or /FRONTEND is specified, the default (/NOROUTER) inhibits display of router transaction information.

The Key-Range-State field for SHOW TRANSACTION /ROUTER /FULL shows the following states:

Table 8-28 Key-Range States
State Meaning
locl_rec Local recovery in progress
shad_rec Shadow recovery in progress
active Active non-shadowed
sec_act Secondary active
pri_act Primary active
pri_lone Primary running alone
sec_chup Secondary is catching up


Selects only those transactions whose timestamp is after the specified date. Default is the current date.


Displays a particular transaction or a set of transactions that are in the specified current_state transaction state. This qualifier is required and the current_state value must be specified.

Value of current_state may be one of the following:



/USER=all users (D)

Allows you to display transactions that were initiated by a client process.

If /USER is not specified, transactions for all users are displayed.


Backend transactions on node NODEA in group "user" at Wed Nov 20 11:11:49 2002
Tid:                                       e100b810,0,0,0,0,a85,83290001
Facility:                   DESIGN 
Frontend:                    *tbs*   FE-User:                  user.7780
State:                   RECEIVING   Start-Time:Tue Nov 19 15:53:53 2002
Key-Range_id:             16777219   Router:                      bronze
Invocation:               ORIGINAL   Active-Key-Ranges:                1
Recovering-Key-Ranges:           0   Total-Tx-Enqs:                    1
Server-Pid:                  20828   Server-State:             RECEIVING
Journal-Node:                NODEA   Journal-State:              SENDING
First-Enq:                       1   Nr-Enqs:                          1
Nr-Replies:                      0


The SHOW VERSION command displays the version of RTR running on the node where the command is issued.




The SHOW VERSION command displays the version of RTR running on the node where the command is executed.


The SPAWN command allows you to execute operating system commands without leaving the RTR utility.


This command is not available in the RTR web browser interface.


SPAWN [operating-system-command]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/INPUT=filespec /NOINPUT
/OUTPUT=filespec /OUTPUT=stdout


The SPAWN command allows you to execute operating system commands without leaving the RTR session. If you specify an operating system command as the parameter to SPAWN, the command is executed in the context of a spawned subprocess. For example, the command SPAWN mail invokes the mail utility; when you exit from mail, you return to your RTR session.

If you do not specify a parameter, the SPAWN command enters the operating system command level in the spawned subprocess. You can then enter commands; you can return to your RTR session by exiting the subprocess.



Can be any operating system command.




Specifies an input file containing one or more shell commands to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a command and an input file (with the /INPUT qualifier), the command string is processed before the input file. Once processing of the input file is complete, the subprocess is terminated.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)


Requests that the output from the SPAWN operation is written to the filespec .



Specifies that the "waited" form of the system service be used (default). Use the /NOWAIT qualifier if the unwaited form of the system service is required.

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