Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
Tru64 UNIX and
Linux Alpha Systems

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Appendix C
Compiler Output Listings

This appendix describes the three sections of an output listing produced by the Compaq Fortran compiler:

To request a listing file, use the -v option. For example:

% f90 -V peak.f90

C.1 Source-Code Section of the Output Listing

The source-code section of a compiler output listing displays the source program as it appears in the input file, with the addition of sequential line numbers generated by the compiler. Example C-1 shows a sample of a source-code section of a compiler output listing.

Example C-1 Sample Source Code Listing

RELAX2         Source Listing    14-Nov-2001 09:59:31  Compaq Fortran V5.5-1843 
                                 13-Feb-1998 11:00:18  listing.f90 
       2      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: M=40 
       3      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: N=60 
       4      COMMON X (M,N) 
       5      LOGICAL DONE 
       6  1    DONE = .TRUE. 
       7       DO J=1,N-1 
       8         DO I=1,M-1 
       9           XNEW = (X(I-1,J)+X(I+1,J)+X(I,J-1)+X(I,J+1))/4 
      10           IF (ABS(XNEW-X(I,J)) > EPS) DONE = .FALSE. 
      11           X(I,J) = XNEW 
      12         END DO 
      13       END DO 
      14       IF (.NOT. DONE) GO TO 1 
      15       RETURN 
      16     END SUBROUTINE 

The first heading line contains "Source Listing," the date and time the listing file was created, and the version of Compaq Fortran.

The second line contains the creation date of the source file and its file name.

Compiler-generated line numbers appear in the left margin.

Compile-time error messages that contain line numbers refer to these compiler-generated line numbers. See Section 2.3, Compiler Limits, Diagnostic Messages, and Error Conditions.

C.2 Machine-Code Section of the Output Listing

The machine-code section of a compiler output listing provides a symbolic representation of the compiler-generated object code. The representation of the generated code and data is similar to that of assembler language.

The machine-code section is optional. To create a listing file with a machine-code section, specify both the -v and -show code options. For example:

% f90 -c -V -show code peak.f90

Example C-2 shows a sample of a machine-code section of a compiler output listing for an Alpha system.


The machine code listing is for reference purposes only. Such code is not intended to be assembled and run.

Example C-2 Sample Machine-Code Listing

RELAX2    Machine Code Listing   14-Nov-2001 09:59:31  Compaq Fortran V5.5-1843 
                                 13-Feb-1998 11:00:18  listing.f90 
                                .globl  relax2_ 
                                .ent    relax2_ 
                                .eflag 16 
             0000       relax2_: 
27BB0001     0000               ldah    gp, relax2_         # gp, (r27) 
2FFE0000     0004               unop 
23BD8420     0008               lda     gp, relax2_         # gp, (gp) 
2FFE0000     000C               unop 
             0010       L$1: 
23DEFFD0     0010               lda     sp, -48(sp) 
88100000     0014               lds     f0, (r16)                       # 000010 
B75E0000     0018               stq     r26, (sp) 
A79D8010     001C               ldq     r28, (gp)                       # 000009 
A47D8018     0020               ldq     r3, var$0004        # r3, 8(gp) 
9C5E0008     0024               stt     f2, 8(sp)                       # 000001 
9C7E0010     0028               stt     f3, 16(sp) 
9C9E0018     002C               stt     f4, 24(sp) 
20630000     0030               lda     r3, var$0004        # r3, (r3)  # 000009 
9CBE0020     0034               stt     f5, 32(sp)                      # 000001 
9CDE0028     0038               stt     f6, 40(sp) 
                                .mask 0x04000000,-48 
                                .fmask 0x0000007C,-40 
                                .frame  $sp, 48, $26 
                                .prologue 1 
883C0000     003C               lds     f1, (r28)                       # 000009 
             0040       .1:                                             # 000006 
209FFFFF     0040               mov     -1, DONE            # -1, r4 
47E77405     0044               mov     59, var$0002        # 59, r5    # 000007 
47F41406     0048               mov     160, r6                         # 000011 
2FFE0000     004C               unop 
             0050       lab$0004:                                       # 000007 
40660407     0050               addq    r3, r6, r7                      # 000009 
47E4F408     0054               mov     39, var$0003        # 39, r8    # 000008 
20E7FF5C     0058               lda     r7, -164(r7)                    # 000009 
2FFE0000     005C               unop 
             0060       lab$0008:                                       # 000008 
89470008     0060               lds     f10, 8(r7)                      # 000009 
8987FF64     0064               lds     f12, -156(r7) 
47FF041B     0068               clr     r27                             # 000010 
89670000     006C               lds     f11, (r7)                       # 000009 
Routine Size: 1012 bytes,    Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0000 
00000000     0000               .quad   .literal 
00000000     0008               .quad   _BLNK__ 
3E800000     0000               .long 0x3E800000 # .float 0.2500000 
             0000               ; Procedure descriptor for relax2_ 
                                ; flags :short 
                                ; rsa_offset           : 0 
                                ; imask                : 0x00 
                                ; fmask                : 0x1F 
                                ; frame_size           : 6 
                                ; sp_set               : 4 
                                ; entry_length         : 15 
             0000               ; Code range descriptor for relax2_ 
                                beginaddress     :     0000 
                                rpd_offset     :     0000 
                                flags               : Standard 
                                .comm   _BLNK__ 9600 

C.2.1 How Generated Code and Data are Represented in Machine-Code Listings

Like a source listing, the first heading line contains the name of the program, subroutine, or function; the date and time the listing file was created; and the version of Compaq Fortran.

The second heading line contains "Machine Code Listing," the creation date of the source file, and the name of the source file.

The third heading line contains a .section assembler directive, indicating the attributes of the machine-code program unit. The $CODE$ shown in Example C-2 indicates a code section.

The lines following each data program section provide information such as the contents of storage initialized for FORMAT statements, DATA statements, constants, and subprogram argument call lists.

The lines following $CODE$ show the machine instructions represented in the form of Alpha assembler mnemonics and syntax. Each line contains compiler-generated object code starting at the left margin, followed by the hexadecimal byte offset (four hexadecimal digits), followed by the actual assembler code.

C.2.2 Assembler Code Represented in Machine-Code Listings

General registers (0 through 31) are represented by r0 through r31 and floating-point registers are similarly represented by fn .

Variables and arrays defined in the source program are shown as they were defined in the program. Offsets from variables and arrays are shown in decimal. Optimization frequently places variables in registers, so variable names may be missing.

Fortran source labels referenced in the source program are shown with a period (.) prefix. For example, if the source program refers to label 300, the label appears in the machine-code listing as .300. Labels that appear in the source program, but are not referenced or are deleted during compiler optimization, are ignored. They do not appear in the machine-code listing unless you specified -o0 .

The compiler may generate labels for its own use. These labels appear as L$n or lab$000n , where the value of n is unique for each such label in a program unit.

Integer constants are shown as signed integer values.

Addresses are represented by the program section name plus the hexadecimal offset within that program section. Changes from one program section to another are indicated by lines.

C.3 Compilation Summary of the Output Listing

The final entries on the compiler listing are the compiler options and compiler statistics.

The options shown include the ones specified on the command line, both f90 and fort , and the ones in effect as defaults during the compilation. The compiler statistics are the machine resources used by the compiler.

Example C-3 shows how compiler options and f90 (on Tru64 UNIX systems) command-line options and compilation statistics appear on the listing.

A summary of compilation statistics appears at the end of the listing file.

Example C-3 Sample Compilation Summary on Tru64 UNIX Systems

  no   -align commons                   no   -align dcommons 
       -align records                   no   -align sequence 
  no   -align rec1byte                  no   -align rec2byte 
  no   -align rec4byte                  no   -align rec8byte 
       -altparam                        no   -annotations code 
  no   -annotations detail              no   -annotations feedback 
  no   -annotations inlining            no   -annotations loop_transforms 
  no   -annotations loop_unrolling      no   -annotations prefetching 
  no   -annotations shrinkwrapping      no   -annotations software_pipelining 
  no   -annotations tail_calls          no   -annotations tail_recursion 
       -arch generic                         -assume accuracy_sensitive 
  no   -assume bigarrays                no   -assume buffered_io 
  no   -assume byterecl                 no   -assume cc_omp 
  no   -assume dummy_aliases            no   -assume gfullpath 
  no   -assume minus0                        -assume protect_constants 
  no   -assume pthreads_lock                 -assume source_include 
       -assume underscore               no   -assume 2underscores 
       -assume zsize                    no   -automatic 
  no   -bintext                              -call_shared 
       -ccdefault default               no   -check arg_temp_created 
  no   -check bounds                    no   -check format 
  no   -check omp_bindings              no   -check output_conversion 
  no   -check overflow                       -check power 
  no   -check underflow                      -convert native 
  no   -D                                    -double_size 64 
  no   -d_lines                              -error_limit 30 
  no   -extend_source                   no   -f66 
  no   -f77rtl                          no   -fast 
  no   -fpscomp filesfromcmd            no   -fpscomp general 
  no   -fpscomp ioformat                no   -fpscomp ldio_spacing 
  no   -fpscomp logicals                no   -fpconstant 
       -fpe0                                 -fprm nearest 
       -free                                 -g1 
       -granularity quadword                 -Gt0 
  no   -hpf_matmul                      no   -hpf 
       -iface                           no   -intconstant 
       -integer_size 32                 no   -ladebug 
       -machine_code                         -math_library accurate 
  no   -mixed_str_len_arg               no   -module 
       -names lowercase                      -nearest_neighbor 
  no   -nohpf_main                      no   -non_shared 
  no   -noinclude                            -numnodes 0 
  no   -numa                                 -numa_memories 0 
       -numa_tpm 0                           -O4 
       -inline speed                    no   -transform_loops 
       -pipeline                             -speculate none 
       -tune generic                         -unroll 0 
  no   -pad_source                      no   -pg 
       -real_size 32                    no   -recursive 
       -reentrancy none                      -shadow_width 0 
  no   -shared                          no   -show hpf_all 
  no   -show hpf_comm                   no   -show hpf_default 
  no   -show hpf_dev                    no   -show hpf_indep 
  no   -show hpf_nearest                no   -show hpf_punt 
  no   -show hpf_temps                  no   -show include 
       -show map                        no   -show wsfinfo 
  no   -std                             no   -synchronous_exceptions 
  no   -syntax_only                     no   -vms 
       -warn alignments                 no   -warn argument_checking 
  no   -warn declarations                    -warn general 
       -warn granularity                no   -warn hpf 
  no   -warn ignore_loc                 no   -warn truncated_source 
       -warn uncalled                        -warn uninitialized 
  no   -warn unused                          -warn usage 
       -warning_severity warning        no   -fuse_xref 
       -I    path : /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl/,/usr/include/ 
       -V    filename : listing.l 
       -o    filename : listing.o 
COMPILER: Compaq Fortran V5.5-1843-48BB1 

Example C-4 shows how compiler options and fort (on Linux systems) command-line options and compilation statistics appear on the listing.

A summary of compilation statistics appears at the end of the listing file. Note that some options that are available on Tru64 UNIX systems are not available on Linux Alpha systems.

Example C-4 Sample Compilation Summary on Linux Systems

  no   -align commons                   no   -align dcommons 
       -align records                   no   -align sequence 
  no   -align rec1byte                  no   -align rec2byte 
  no   -align rec4byte                  no   -align rec8byte 
       -altparam                        no   -annotations code 
  no   -annotations detail              no   -annotations feedback 
  no   -annotations inlining            no   -annotations loop_transforms 
  no   -annotations loop_unrolling      no   -annotations prefetching 
  no   -annotations shrinkwrapping      no   -annotations software_pipelining 
  no   -annotations tail_calls          no   -annotations tail_recursion 
       -arch generic                         -assume accuracy_sensitive 
  no   -assume bigarrays                no   -assume buffered_io 
  no   -assume byterecl                 no   -assume cc_omp 
  no   -assume dummy_aliases            no   -assume gfullpath 
  no   -assume minus0                        -assume protect_constants 
  no   -assume pthreads_lock                 -assume source_include 
       -assume underscore                    -assume 2underscores 
       -assume zsize                    no   -automatic 
  no   -bintext                              -call_shared 
       -ccdefault default               no   -check arg_temp_created 
  no   -check bounds                    no   -check format 
  no   -check omp_bindings              no   -check output_conversion 
  no   -check overflow                       -check power 
  no   -check underflow                      -convert native 
  no   -D                                    -double_size 64 
  no   -d_lines                              -error_limit 30 
  no   -extend_source                   no   -f66 
  no   -f77rtl                          no   -fast 
  no   -fpscomp filesfromcmd            no   -fpscomp general 
  no   -fpscomp ioformat                no   -fpscomp ldio_spacing 
  no   -fpscomp logicals                     -fixed 
  no   -fpconstant                           -fpe0 
       -fprm nearest                         -g1 
       -granularity quadword                 -Gt0 
  no   -hpf_matmul                      no   -hpf 
       -iface                           no   -intconstant 
       -integer_size 32                 no   -ladebug 
  no   -machine_code                         -math_library accurate 
  no   -mixed_str_len_arg               no   -module 
       -names lowercase                      -nearest_neighbor 
  no   -nohpf_main                      no   -non_shared 
  no   -noinclude                            -numnodes 0 
  no   -numa                                 -numa_memories 0 
       -numa_tpm 0                           -O4 
       -inline speed                    no   -transform_loops 
       -pipeline                             -speculate none 
       -tune generic                         -unroll 0 
  no   -pad_source                      no   -pg 
       -real_size 32                    no   -recursive 
       -reentrancy none                      -shadow_width 0 
  no   -shared                          no   -show hpf_all 
  no   -show hpf_comm                   no   -show hpf_default 
  no   -show hpf_dev                    no   -show hpf_indep 
  no   -show hpf_nearest                no   -show hpf_punt 
  no   -show hpf_temps                  no   -show include 
       -show map                        no   -show wsfinfo 
  no   -std                             no   -synchronous_exceptions 
  no   -syntax_only                     no   -vms 
       -warn alignments                 no   -warn argument_checking 
  no   -warn declarations                    -warn general 
       -warn granularity                no   -warn hpf 
  no   -warn ignore_loc                 no   -warn truncated_source 
       -warn uncalled                        -warn uninitialized 
  no   -warn unused                          -warn usage 
       -warning_severity warning        no   -fuse_xref 
       -I    path : /usr/include/ 
       -V    filename : end.l 
       -o    filename : /tmp/forlYrc7r.o 
COMPILER: Compaq Fortran V1.2.0-1843-48BB1 

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