Dialog routines let you add dialog boxes to Windows, QuickWin, and console applications. To activate a dialog box, add the following statement to the application's relevant program unit:
Table E-4 summarizes the Dialog routines.
Table E-4 Summary of Dialog Routines (WNT, W9*)
Name | Description |
DLGEXIT | Closes an open dialog box. |
DLGFLUSH | Updates the display of a dialog box. |
DLGGET | Returns the value of a control variable. |
DLGGETCHAR | Returns the value of a character control variable. |
DLGGETINT | Returns the value of an integer control variable. |
DLGGETLOG | Returns the value of a logical control variable. |
DLGINIT | Initializes a dialog box. |
DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLE | Initializes a dialog box. |
DLGISDLGMESSAGE | Determines whether a message is intended for a modeless dialog box. |
DLGISDLGMESSAGEWITHDLG | Determines whether a message is intended for a specific modeless dialog box. |
DLGMODAL | Displays a dialog box. |
DLGMODALWITHPARENT | Displays a dialog box and indicates the parent window. |
DLGMODELESS | Displays a modeless dialog box. |
DLGSENDCTRLMESSAGE | Sends a message to a dialog box control. |
DLGSET | Assigns a value to a control variable. |
DLGSETCHAR | Assigns a value to a character control variable. |
DLGSETCTRLEVENTHANDLER | Assigns user-written event handlers to ActiveXTM controls in a dialog box. |
DLGSETINT | Assigns a value to an integer control variable. |
DLGSETLOG | Assigns a value to a logical control variable. |
DLGSETRETURN | Sets the return value for DLGMODAL. |
DLGSETSUB | Assigns a defined callback routine to a control. |
DLGSETTITLE | Sets the title of a dialog box. |
DLGUNINIT | Deallocates memory for an initialized dialog box. |
For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.