Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Version 4.4 Installation Guide

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1.4.3 Requirements for LSE

LSE is an optional layered product for all ACMS kits. If the minimum version (or a higher, allowed version) of LSE as identified in the ACMS SPD is not available when you install ACMS, LSE templates for ACMS Version 4.4 are not provided on your system. If you subsequently install LSE, you can make the ACMS Version 4.4 LSE templates available by reinstalling the ACMS Version 4.4 kit and choosing the LSE update option at the beginning of the installation.

1.4.4 Requirements for TP Desktop Connector

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for OpenVMS is an optional layered product for ACMS. If you are installing TP Desktop Connector on a system with ACMS Version 4.0 or higher, you must have at least the minimum version of the TP Desktop Connector as identified in the ACMS SPD.

If the ACMS installation runs while TP Desktop Connector is running, the results are unpredictable. Use the following command to shut down TP Desktop Connector before you begin an installation of ACMS:


1.4.5 Recommended Order for Installing Software

To ensure problem-free installation of software on your system, install the OpenVMS operating system and layered products in the following order:

  1. OpenVMS
  2. LSE
  3. Oracle Rdb
  4. Oracle Trace
  5. Oracle CDD
  6. Oracle CODASYL DBMS
  7. TDMS (VAX only)
  8. DECforms
  9. ACMS
  10. TP Desktop Connector

1.5 Upgrading Software in a Distributed System

Upgrading software in a distributed transaction processing system is complex because of the dependencies among the software products. The process becomes even more complex when you take into account the dependencies that are created from multiple versions that exist for each of the individual software products.

Because you cannot upgrade all nodes in a distributed environment simultaneously, and because the upgrade process might last several days, a clear methodology is required to ensure smooth and timely introduction of new software versions.

1.5.1 Configuration Issues

A simple, distributed configuration in a TP system consists of an ACMS front-end node and an ACMS back-end node. You can configure ACMS on each node for the processing of specific tasks. Likewise, the roles of the layered products on each node are distinct. For simple configurations, the upgrade process is straightforward:

  1. Upgrade the software on the front-end nodes.
  2. Upgrade the software on the back-end nodes.

Upgrading in this order ensures that the system delivers the same version of software to the front-end node and the back-end node.

However, this simple rule cannot be applied to a configuration in which a node is both a front end and a back end. To successfully upgrade a more complex configuration, apply these two key points:

To upgrade software in a distributed system, follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade all software on the front-end-only nodes.
  2. Upgrade all software on nodes that are both front-end and back-end nodes.
  3. Upgrade all software on back-end-only nodes.


Do not modify by recompilation any application components (unless required by the installation procedure) until you upgrade all the nodes that compose the distributed application.

1.6 Product Dependencies

Keep in mind the following dependencies when upgrading software, especially in a distributed environment:

Chapter 2
Preparing to Install ACMS

This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing ACMS Version 4.4.

ACMS provides online release notes and gives you the option of printing or displaying the release notes during the installation procedure. Compaq strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain some important information regarding the installation procedure.

The sections in this chapter describe requirements that are checked by the ACMS installation procedure. With the exception of optional layered products, your system must meet these requirements before you can install ACMS successfully.

2.1 Backing Up Your System Disk

At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks whether you have backed up your system disk. Compaq recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software.

Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site to do this backup. For details about performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS documentation set.

2.2 Software Versions

As discussed in Section 1.4, ACMS Version 4.4 requires minimum versions of a number of layered products. The installation procedure lists all layered products that do not meet or exceed the required minimum version. The ACMS Software Product Description (SPD) identifies the minimum software versions of required and optional products. If any required products are below minimum version, the installation fails.

2.2.1 Installed Images

In order to use other layered products during the installation of ACMS, certain executable images related to those products must be installed using the DCL command INSTALL. These images are normally installed by executing the startup procedure for the product. These startup procedures should be executed automatically when the system is started. Startup procedures are found in SYS$STARTUP.

To determine whether an image is installed, execute the following DCL command:

$ INSTALL LIST file-specification

If an image is not installed, you must execute the related product startup procedure; also ensure that this startup procedure is executed automatically during system startup.

If you are installing the ACMS development kit, the CDD image SYS$LIBRARY:CDDSHR.EXE must be installed. If you are installing the ACMS run-time kit, this is optional; however, if the image is not installed, CDD-related files will not be made available. The CDD startup procedure is CDDSTRTUP.COM.

To use CDD, Rdb must also be available. Therefore, if you are installing the ACMS development kit, or if you plan to use the CDD-related function of the ACMS run-time kit, the Rdb image SYS$LIBRARY:RDBSHR.EXE must be installed. The Rdb startup procedure is RMONSTART.COM.

If you have Oracle Trace installed on your system and you want the ACMS facility definition updated during the installation, the Oracle Trace image SYS$LIBRARY:EPC$FUNCSHRP.EXE must be installed. The Oracle Trace startup procedure is EPC$STARTUP.COM.

2.3 Privileges

To install ACMS, you must be logged in to the SYSTEM account, or any account with similar privileges. The SYSTEM account has all the privileges required for the installation.

Table 2-1 lists the privileges required to execute various steps of the installation.

Table 2-1 Privilege Requirements
Step Required Privileges
Installation procedure BYPASS
Postinstallation procedure BYPASS, SYSPRV, SYSNAM, CMEXEC, OPER
Installation Verification Procedure OPER, SYSPRV, SYSNAM, CMKRNL

2.4 Disk Space

The following sections describe the approximate disk space requirements for a normal installation, and an option for installing ACMS on a system disk with limited space available.

2.4.1 Disk Space for a Normal Installation

Installing ACMS requires a certain amount of free storage space during the installation. Once ACMS is installed, less storage space is required. Table 2_2 and Table 2-3 summarize the approximate storage requirements for ACMS during and after installation. These tables reflect the installation of full kits, with all options selected.

Table 2-2 Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS Alpha by Kit
Kit Blocks During
Blocks After
Development 70,000 42,000
Run-time 38,000 33,000
Remote-access 27,000 24,000

Table 2-3 Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS VAX by Kit
Kit Blocks During
Blocks After
Development 43,000 30,000
Run-time 28,000 25,000
Remote-access 21,000 18,000

If you are installing only some parts of the ACMS kits, you need less disk space for the installation. Table 2_4 and Table 2-5 list the approximate amount of space required for each optional component of the ACMS kits.

Table 2-4 Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS Alpha by Component
Component Blocks During
Blocks After
Development software 1 35,000 23,000
Run-time software 27,000 16,000
Remote-access software 22,000 14,000
ACMS samples 3,300 1,500
ACMS Request Interface samples 6,000 3,900
CDD-related files 6,000 5,500
LSE-related files 6,200 600

1Includes CDD-related files

Table 2-5 Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS VAX by Component
Component Blocks During
Blocks After
Development software 1 30,000 17,200
Run-time software 21,000 12,600
Remote-access software 18,000 11,000
ACMS samples 1,900 1,300
ACMS Request Interface samples 2,900 2,700
CDD-related files 6,000 3,600
LSE-related files 600 100

1Includes CDD-related files

To determine the number of free disk blocks on your system disk, enter the following command:


2.4.2 Installing on a Disk with Limited Space

If your system disk has less space than indicated in Section 2.4.1, and if you have previously installed ACMS on your system disk, you may be able to install ACMS Version 4.4 by using the VMSINSTAL Alternate Working Device (AWD) option.

The AWD option allows you to specify another disk device on which VMSINSTAL creates its temporary working directory.

For a normal Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS, Version 4.4 development kit installation, VMSINSTAL creates the following temporary working directory:


For an AWD installation of the same kit, the VMSINSTAL temporary working directory is:


The space required during installation indicated in Section 2.4.1 must be available on the alternate working device; this space will be available again after the installation is complete. You must still have at least 5000 blocks available on the system disk to use the AWD option.


The AWD installation assumes that the ACMS Version 4.4 is no more than 5000 blocks larger than the ACMS kit currently installed on your system.

If the AWD installation does not work, you must make the required disk space available for a normal installation before installing ACMS.

To determine the number of free disk blocks on your system disk and alternate working device, execute the following commands:

$ SHOW DEVICE alternate-working-device

2.5 Disk Quotas

If disk quotas are enabled on the system disk, the ACMS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) fails. The ACMS installation procedure normally schedules the IVP to execute automatically after the installation is completed. However, if disk quotas are enabled, the installation procedure cancels the IVP and notifies you. You can choose to stop the installation and address the issue, or continue the installation and execute the IVP manually at a later time.

To determine whether disk quotas are enabled, execute the following DCL command:


2.6 System Parameters

Table 2_6 and Table 2-7 list the minimum required system parameter values for the installation. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings.

Table 2-6 Required System Parameter Values for OpenVMS Alpha
System Parameter Value
GBLPAGES 2 n + 6,000

1The CLISYMTBL dynamic system parameter must be set to a minimum value of 500 during the installation. If the CLISYMTBL setting is set to a value less than 500, you must reset the value to 500 or more before installing ACMS. You can lower the setting to its original value once the installation is finished.
2The n variable refers to the system parameter values that are currently in use. To install ACMS, the allocated system parameter value must be less than the sum of n plus the number indicated. The numbers indicated represent the unused portion of these parameters. (See Section 2.6.2.)
3These dynamic system parameters must be set permanently to values equal to or greater than the values listed. Do not lower these values after the installation.

Table 2-7 Required System Parameter Values for OpenVMS VAX
System Parameter Value
GBLPAGES 2 n + 3,500

1The CLISYMTBL dynamic system parameter must be set to a minimum value of 500 during the installation. If the CLISYMTBL setting is set to a value less than 500, you must reset the value to 500 or more before installing ACMS. You can lower the setting to its original value once the installation is finished.
2The n variable refers to the system parameter values that are currently in use. To install ACMS, the allocated system parameter value must be less than the sum of n plus the number indicated. The numbers indicated represent the unused portion of these parameters. (See Section 2.6.2.)
3These dynamic system parameters must be set permanently to values equal to or greater than the values listed. Do not lower these values after the installation.

The following sections describe how to check system parameter values, calculate values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters, change parameter values with the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure, and set the CLISYMTBL dynamic system parameter with the OpenVMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN).

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