Compaq TP Desktop Connector
Getting Started

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Compiling STDL Applications
Chapter 3 Building a Client Interface
Chapter 4 Preparing ACMS Applications for Client Access
Chapter 5 Using the Client Build Utility
Chapter 6 Writing and Building C and Asynchronous Clients
Chapter 7 Writing Automation Servers and Clients
Chapter 8 Writing Java Clients
Chapter 9 Performing Setup Operations
Chapter 10 Managing the Client Interface
Appendix A TPware Error Logging
Appendix B Guide to Kanji Text Data Code Conversion


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Introduction
     1.1     TPware Products
     1.2     Transaction Processing Through TPware
     1.3     Connecting a Client Application to TP Applications
     1.4     Stub Generation and Adapters
     1.5     Adapter Behavior
         1.5.1         Input Language Adapters
         1.5.2         Output Communications Adapters
     1.6     TP Desktop Connector Interfaces to TP Applications
     1.7     The ACMSADU Extension
Chapter 2
2 Compiling STDL Applications
     2.1     STDL Compiler Environment Setup
     2.2     Using the STDL Compiler
Chapter 3
3 Building a Client Interface
     3.1     General Steps in Building a Client Interface
     3.2     Generating a UUID
     3.3     Specifying Call Attributes and Management Information
         3.3.1         Call Attributes for Calling ACMS Tasks
         3.3.2         Call Attributes for Calling ACMSxp Tasks
         3.3.3         Call Attributes for Calling Tasks Executing Under a Portable TP for Windows NT System
     3.4     Exception Information
         3.4.1         Exception Class
         3.4.2         Exception Code and Exception Code Group
         3.4.3         Exception Level
         3.4.4         Exception Source
         3.4.5         Exception Location
         3.4.6         Examining Exception Information
                TPware Error Codes
                ACMS Client Error Codes
     3.5     Running the Application
Chapter 4
4 Preparing ACMS Applications for Client Access
     4.1     TP Desktop Connector Components for ACMS Systems
     4.2     Running the ACMSADU Extension
         4.2.1         Group_task Translation
         4.2.2         Actions During Group_task Translation
         4.2.3         Application_group Translation
         4.2.4         Actions During Application_group Translation
         4.2.5         Using the Output of Application_group Translation
         4.2.6         ACMSADU Extension Restrictions
         4.2.7         Converting Records
         4.2.8         Translating Data Types from OpenVMS to STDL
         4.2.9         Translation of Another Record and Field Property
Chapter 5
5 Using the Client Build Utility
     5.1     Building Client Programs
         5.1.1         Building an Automation Client
         5.1.2         Building a C Client
     5.2     The Graphical User Interface
Chapter 6
6 Writing and Building C and Asynchronous Clients
     6.1     Steps for Writing and Building the Client
     6.2     C Language Support
         6.2.1         Function Prototypes and Argument Passing
                ACMS Task Call Arguments
         6.2.2         STDL to C Data Type Mapping
                Additional ACMS to C Data Type Support
         6.2.3         Structures for STDL Data Types
         6.2.4         STDL Identifier to C Identifier Conversion
     6.3     Specifying the Call Attributes String
     6.4     Using the Asynchronous C Interface
         6.4.1         Using Asynchronous Call Threads
         6.4.2         Using C Clients with the Asynchronous C Adapter
     6.5     Using the einfo Structure to Check Status
         6.5.1         Exception Information Header File
         6.5.2         Exception Class Header File
         6.5.3         Examining Exception Information in C
     6.6     Next Steps
Chapter 7
7 Writing Automation Servers and Clients
     7.1     Steps for Building an Automation Server
     7.2     Automation Objects and STDL Support
         7.2.1         Standard Objects
         7.2.2         STDL-Generated Automation Objects
         7.2.3         Automation Data Type Support
     7.3     Calling Tasks from Automation Clients
     7.4     Specifying the Call Attributes String
     7.5     Automation Runtime Errors
     7.6     Next Steps
Chapter 8
8 Writing Java Clients
     8.1     Overview of Java Client Development
     8.2     Steps for Building a Java Client
     8.3     Java Classes and STDL Support
         8.3.1         Einfo Java Class and Access Support
         8.3.2         STDL-Generated Java Classes and Methods
                STDL Compiler Name Conversion
                Task Group Class and Methods
                Record Classes and Methods
         8.3.3         Java Data Type Support
     8.4     Calling Tasks from Java Clients
     8.5     Specifying the Call Attributes in Java
     8.6     Java Runtime Errors
     8.7     IDE Interaction with a Java Adapter
     8.8     Next Steps
         8.8.1         Java Client Setup
         8.8.2         Management Environment Setup

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