Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Suspends your current TELNET or TN3270 session and returns you to the local DCL prompt.

To resume your session, log out at the DCL prompt.

DCL Format


UNIX Format



% date 
Fri Sep 11 14:16:39 EDT 2002
% [Ctrl/]] (characters not echoed)
        11-Sep-2002 14:16:41 
Process GROUP_1 logged out at 11-Sep-2002 14:27:18.63

The user returns to the TELNET prompt from the active session with a remote UNIX host. The user then enters the SPAWN command and, at the DCL prompt, displays the time and several other commands (not shown) before logging out and returning to the TELNET prompt to resume the active session.


Starts a TELNET session and does one of the following:

DCL Format

TELNET [ host ] qualifier(s) [ port ] [unit ]
[ /BIND_SESSION network_device /PROTOCOL=protocol ]
[ /PROTOCOL=option]
[ /LOG_FILE=file ]
[ /PORT=n ]

UNIX Format

telnet [ host ]



Required with the /CREATE_SESSION qualifier; optional in all other cases. Default: None.

Remote host to which you want to connect. Specify one of the following:


Required with the /CREATE_SESSION qualifier; ignored in all other cases. Default: None.

Specifies the remote port to which you want to connect the pseudodevice.


Required with the /DELETE_SESSION qualifier; optional with the /CREATE_SESSION qualifier; ignored in all other cases. Default: 0.

With the /CREATE_SESSION qualifier, specifies the unit number you want associated with the network terminal. The default of 0 allows the TELNET software to select the next available unit number.

With the /DELETE_SESSION qualifier, specifies the unit number of the network terminal you want to delete.


/BIND_SESSION network_device

Optional. Default: None.

Binds a TELNET terminal device to an existing network device. If the bind is successful, the DCL symbol $TELNET_DEVICE contains the TNA device name.


Optional. Default: None.

Specifies that TELNET should create a pseudodevice (network terminal) and connect it to the specified remote port. For additional information, see the CREATE_SESSION command. You can use the following qualifiers with CREATE_SESSION:


Options include:
Specifies the delta time interval to wait with no activity before closing the connection. The general delta time format is hh:mm:ss:cc.

Specifies the delta time interval to wait before retrying a connect request. The general delta time format is hh:mm:ss:cc.

Optional. Default: NONE.
Options include:


Optional. Default: None.

Specifies that TELNET should delete the specified pseudodevice (network terminal). For additional information, see the DELETE_SESSION command.


Optional. Default: No logging.

An optional log file that contains all session output. Using this option does not affect your terminal output. You cannot use this option for TN3270 sessions.


Optional. Default: TELNET command mode.

Disables the capability of using the escape character to leave a session and return to the TELNET prompt. This option is useful when the TELNET command is referenced in a command procedure in a captive account.


Optional. Default: 23.

Remote port to which you want your TELNET process to connect. Use this qualifier only if you are connecting to a host that does not use the standard TELNET port.


Optional. Default: None.

The IBM or Compaq terminal to emulate. Enter the full specification for one of these terminals:

/UNBIND_SESSION network_device terminal_device


Unbinds a network device (BGx:) from a TELNET terminal device (TNAx:) that was initially bound by a BIND_SESSION command or qualifier.



Terminal type is set to VT300

In this example, the TELNET command performs the following actions:



Establishes a TELNET connection to remote host MYCOM and runs TN3270.



Establishes a TELNET connection to the host at IP address



Establishes a TELNET connection to remote host ucom at port 31.


Starts a TELNET session that runs TN3270 and does one of the following:


TN3270 [ host ]
[ /PORT=n ]
[ /PRINTER=file ]
[ /STATUS=state ]




Remote host to which you want to connect. Specify one of the following:



Optional. Default: ORIGINAL.

File with the EBCDIC-to-DMCS (Compaq Multinational Character Set) and the DMCS-to-EBCDIC translation tables.

If you omit this qualifier, TN3270 does the following:


Optional. Default: default keyboard layout.

Keyboard definition file you created to redefine how the TN3270 key functions correspond to your keyboard layout. This file holds the definitions for alternative keyboard mapping.


Optional. Defaults: For 8-bit terminals: MULTINATIONAL
For 7-bit terminals: US_ASCII.

National Replacement Character Set (NRCS) for which your Compaq terminal is configured. Specify one of the following:
Dutch Norwegian
Finnish Spanish
French Swedish
German Swiss
Italian UK_ASCII
Japanese US_ASCII


Optional. Default: TELNET command mode.

Disables the capability of using the escape character to leave a session and return to the TN3270 prompt. This option is useful when the TN3270 command is referenced in a command procedure in a captive account.


Optional. Default: 23.

Remote port to which you want your TELNET/TN3270 process to connect. Use this qualifier only if you are connecting to a host that does not use the standard TELNET port.


Optional. Default: TN3270PRINT.LIS.

File that records your screen's contents when you use the PRINT function.

Directs printer output to either a file or a spooled printer (not a physical printer or terminal).


Optional. Default: AUTOMATIC.

Determines how the status line operates during your session. Specify one of the following:
AUTOMATIC Status line is displayed.

The status line is disabled automatically if the remote host writes data to the area under the status line, or if you type in that space.

The status line is restored automatically when the data is erased.

ON Status line is always displayed.
OFF Status line is not displayed.

To toggle between ON and OFF, invoke the STATUS function.


Optional. Default: IBM-3278-2.

IBM terminal to emulate. Enter the full specification for one of the following:



$ TN3270 MYCOM 

Establishes a TELNET connection to remote host MYCOM. By default, the physical terminal functions as an IBM-3278-2 model terminal.


$ TN3270 /TERMINAL_TYPE=IBM-3278-3 - 

Establishes a TELNET connection to the host at IP address The terminal functions as if it were an IBM-3278-3 model terminal, and it uses the customized keyboard definition file MY_NUMPAD.FIL.



Establishes a TELNET connection to remote host ucom :


Unbinds a network device (BGx:) from a TELNET terminal device (TNAx:) that was previously bound with a BIND_SESSION command or qualifier.

DCL Format

UNBIND_SESSION network_device terminal_device




Network device (BGx:) to unbind.



Associated terminal device (TNAx:).


TNA458:  BG2032:  Temporary condor:4009          angel:23 
TNA460:  BG4739:  Temporary condor:23   
TNA463:           Temporary 

This example displays the devices and unbinds one of them.

Chapter 5
Sending and Receiving Mail Using SMTP

For exchanging electronic mail (e-mail) with users working on internet hosts, the TCP/IP Services product includes Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Post Office Protocol (POP) software.

The following table lists the SMTP electronic mail services you can perform and the sections that explain how to use them.
Capability Section
Send mail to users on other internet hosts. 5.2
Specify an SMTP outbound alias. 5.3
Send mail to multiple users, with and without distribution lists. 5.4
Read mail. 5.5
Set a "personal" name. 5.6
Create a carbon copy of your messages. 5.7
Forward messages to other users. 5.8
Use the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) to send mail. 5.9
Get status information about SMTP mail. 5.10.1
Remove holding-state mail messages from SMTP queues. 5.10.2
Requeue holding-state mail messages for delivery. 5.10.3
Use your PC mail software to receive and send messages. 5.11

To use TCP/IP mail services, you need the following:

5.1 Obtaining Online Help

You can obtain online help for TCP/IP Services electronic mail by entering the following command:


5.2 Sending Mail

To send mail to another internet host also running SMTP, simply invoke the OpenVMS Mail utility at the DCL prompt, type SEND at the MAIL> prompt, and enter the destination. A remote destination consists of the destination user name followed by an at sign (@) and the destination host (such as user_name@host). If the user is on your local host, omit the at sign and host name.

Specify the destination host as either a host name or an IP address. The following example sends mail to user MALCOLM at host PHILOS.BU.EDU:

Subj:   Final Exams 

The following example sends mail to user MALCOLM at a host with IP address Note that the IP address can be enclosed within brackets.

To:   malcolm@ 
Subj:   Final Exams 

The OpenVMS Mail utility automatically detects destination addresses that include fully qualified host names (one in which the node component includes a period [.], such as MALCOLM@PHILOS.BU.EDU) and sends the mail using the SMTP protocol, unless your system has been set up to use a different Internet protocol (by defining an alternate protocol with the MAIL$INTERNET_TRANSPORT logical name).

However, if you use a destination address that is not fully qualified --- that is, one in which the node component does not include a period (.) --- the Mail utility by default assumes the address is a DECnet address. For example, if you specified MALCOLM@PHILOS as the destination address, the Mail utility converts it to DECnet format (PHILOS::MALCOLM).

You can force the OpenVMS Mail utility to use a specific protocol by defining the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name. This is useful in cases where a mail address, such as MALCOLM@PHILOS, can be valid for either SMTP or DECnet.

You can assign one of the following values to the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name:

Define the logical name in your LOGIN.COM file. For example, the following definition causes the Mail utility to interpret any address that does not include a period in the node component of the specification as an Internet address:


Another way to force the OpenVMS Mail utility to use SMTP is to include the SMTP% prefix immediately before the destination or IP address. Enclose the destination in quotation marks, as in the following example:

To:   SMTP%"malcolm@philos" 

To prevent the OpenVMS Mail utility from automatically converting an unqualified Internet host name address to a DECnet format, you can do one of the following:

For more information about the OpenVMS Mail utility and how it interprets addresses, see the appropriate OpenVMS documentation.

5.3 Specifying the SMTP Outbound Alias

SMTP allows you to specify an outbound alias that is applied to mail as it is sent and also specifies the network address to which a reply is sent.

5.3.1 Defining the Outbound Alias

To specify an outbound alias, define the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical to the text you want your From : header to be.

For example, you might define the logical as follows:


This command sets the outbound alias to the following:


Define the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical before invoking OpenVMS Mail.

If you always want the header to be sent with the outbound alias, define the logical in your login command procedure (LOGIN.COM).

The outbound alias must be a valid address to which recipients can reply. If it is not valid, recipients cannot reply to you, and bounced mail messages are not returned to you.

If you do not define the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical, the From : address on your mail messages is the same one that you have always had.

Use only simple 7-bit ASCII characters in the value you assign to the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical. Do not use control characters.

The address you use to define TCPIP$SMTP_FROM must be an RFC 822 legal SMTP address; that is, user@domain. If the address is not interpreted correctly, the SMTP mailer ignores it and uses the From : address that it has constructed for you.

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